Foreigness in Vietnam
----- Original Message -----
From: "Karen Turner" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 9:53 AM
Subject: [Vsg] Foreigness in Vietnam
This discussion reminds me of the "old" days in China in the late 70s
and early 80s when I was a student and then a researcher. Every now
and again there would be an "incident" and we students would always be
nervous about it because we often did not know the whole story or
because we were living closer than other foreigners to "real" life
and understood better how marginal we were. When I lived in China as a
researcher, with a bit more status, I felt less vulnerable and more
isolated from what was going on on the ground. So some of these
responses depend I bet on one's position. I find Vietnam the
Vietnamese people I know to be far more pragmatic and at ease with outsiders
than Chinese people were at at similar stage, but I also admit that I know
less about it. But I think it impossible to sort out motives for
hostile behaviour and maybe more productive to think of responses. In any
case, just some thoughts from a comparative point of view.