Minutes of the VSG Meeting 2009

Vietnam Studies Group Annual Meeting

7pm, 27 March 2009 at AAS in Chicago

1. Self-introduction of the Chair and Board Members

Chair: C. Michele Thompson, SCSU

Executive Committee:

Judith Henchy, University of Washington

Ken MacLean (Secretary), Clark University

Lien Hang Nguyen, University of Kentucky

Christina Schwenkel, U.C. Riverside

Christopher Goscha, U Quebec at Montreal

Shaun McHale, George Washington University

David Biggs (Treasurer), U.C. Riverside

Wynn Wilcox (Chair of Grad Prize Committee) Western Connecticut State Univ.

2. Attendees

See Appendix A

3. Minutes from the VSG General Meeting of 2008

Unanimously approved

4. Chair’s Report on SEAC Meeting – Michele Thompson

  • Area Studies Library

Urge home institutions to provide financial support to libraries

Special curators for SEA are at risk (as are other area studies programs)

Consult with libraries and seek possible solutions to problems

  • Book reviews in Journal of Asian Studies sought

Dr. Susan Rogers (College of the Holy Cross) encourages “border crossing” reviews (cross discipline and/or country).

Please contact her to propose books to be reviewed and then write them if requested. Email: srodgers@holycross.edu

  • AAS supports innovative panel formats (engagement within panel and audience)

Such panels will receive favorable treatment

5) Treasurer’s Report (David Biggs)

  • Report

Overall numbers are good (see 8(b) below)

  • Initial call for contributions

The following earmarked funds were collected from those present:

Dues: $600

Student Prize: $220

Student Travel: $175

Senior Scholar Panel Fund: $75

Total: $1070

> An email request to current and prospective VSG members will be sent shortly

  • Discretionary Funds Update (Michele Thompson)

6) Report on the List Serve and Website (Judith Henchy)

Sufficient funds for next 2.5 years to cover costs

Approximately 700 listserv members at present

Call to register and/or update record in the directory of scholars

Approved: Vote to provide annual subsidy $500 (unanimous)

7) Report on the Texas Tech Conference (Ed Miller)

Theme: Role of Thailand, Cambodia and Laos in the Vietnam War.

Papers by academics and non-academics (excellent presentations)

Panel on 6 recent declassified CIA document sets

Next Conference March 2010: War Post-Tet (1968-1975)

> The deadline for papers will be in the fall and there will be call for papers put out on the VSG list.

8) AAS, 2010 (Philadelphia)

a) Call for sponsored panels (1 month prior to AAS deadline, approx. 7 July)

Erik Harms (suggested panel on Hanoi’s 1,000 th anniversary)

Steve O’Harrow (suggested panel on VN film)

b) Long-term project and funding (Michele Thompson)

Current funds for core activities for next 2.5-3 years

Estimated $3,000 in addition to earmarked funds plus $400 from SEAC

Proposal: Use portion of funds to bring 1 or more (senior) scholars from abroad

Ideas for matching funds:

AAS often provides some support / Corporate support (e.g. Amex)?

Use AAS meeting to set up regional speaking tours

Agreed: Executive Committee is authorized to spend up to $3,400 to cover costs of visitor with expectation to spend less through matching funds if possible (17 yes, 7 no)

To Do: Form subcommittee to solicit nominations and review possible visitor(s).

9) New business, old business, discussion and votes

Old Business

a) VSG Graduate Student Prize ($500 level)

Thanks to donors for their support including voluntary contributions

Funds sufficient for next two years

Request subsidy from membership dues $100 (approved unanimously)

b) VSG Graduate Student Travel Award

Not utilized for the past two years (discussion how encourage more graduate student participation)

  • Agreed: Proposal to separate VSG Travel Award from Paper Prize

If winner of Paper Prize can attend, he/she will receive it

If winner of Paper Prize cannot attend, other graduate students eligible

  • Agreed: Travel Award Subsidy

$100 to be earmarked from membership dues

Keep standard level for AAS 2010 (Philadelphia)

Request additional funds for AAS 2011 (Honolulu)

  • Agreed: VSG Graduate Student Travel Award Subsidy

To do: form subcommittee to discuss appropriate amount and criteria for selection

To do: circulate proposal(s) to dues-paying members for adoption

  • SEAC TPG Translation Project (Judith Henchy)

Volunteers from country groups sought to join committee for TPG activities

George Dutton

10) Announcements and News

a) Graduate Student Prize

Committee: Wynn Wilcox, Joe Hannah, and Christina Schwenkel

Richard Quang (Ph.D. Candidate UC Berkeley, Department of Rhetoric), “The Epistemology of Homosexuality Morphology in Renovation and Post-Renovation Vietnam (1986-2005)”

b) Notable Awards and Nominations for Awards

Michele Thompson, CT State University Trustees Research Award

Heonik Kwon, George Keenan Prize for Ghosts of War

Judith Henchy Labor Prize from Government of Vietnam for Microforms Project

John Balaban received Prize from Government of Vietnam for Han-Nom Microform Projects

c) Seattle Workshop on Vietnam Report (Judith Henchy)

Beyond Dichotomies Conference (May 2008)

d) 3 rd International Hanoi Conference Report (December 2008)

Peter Zinoman

International Association of Vietnamese Studies proposed (Phan Huy Le)

d) Upcoming Conferences

Property Rights in Vietnam at Harvard (May 2009)

Agent Orange: Landscape, Body, Image at UC-Riverside (May 2009)

Beyond Borders Conference at UW-Seattle (May 2010?)

e) Journal of Vietnamese Studies (Peter Zinoman)

Reminder to renew subscriptions and to encourage institutional ones to provide financial support as this is crucial to JVS’ survival

Thanked Julie Pham for her hard work and contributions to the growth of JVS.

11) Other announcements

  • VASI (Vietnamese Advance Summer Institute)

UC-Berkeley will administer it (20-25 applicants)

Primarily graduate students will participate

Simplify organizational structure (in HCMC only with one resident director)

Focus on language boot-camp and less on extra-curricular activities/trips

  • GUAVA meeting (Group Universities for the Advancement of Vietnamese Association)

To be held in UW-Seattle

  • VN Literature Project (Dan Duffy)

Maintain separate Wiki (200+ references)

Site cleaned and updated with interviews with authors

Will solicit further entries for VSG members and authors

d) Publication Announcements (Books and Articles)

12) Moment of Silence for Huỳnh Sanh Thông

Details on memorial service

Appendix A (name and affiliation)

  1. Anne Marie Leshkowich, Holy Cross

  2. Allison Truitt, Tulane

  3. Melissa Pashigian, Bryn Mawr

  4. Stephen O’Harrow, U Hawaii

  5. George Dutton, UCLA

  6. Liam Kelley, U Hawaii

  7. Tracy Barrett, North Dakota State University

  8. Lorraine Paterson, Cornell

  9. Trang Cao, UC Berkeley

  10. Chan Phan, Harvard

  11. Tony Do, Columbia

  12. Erica Peters, Independent Scholar

  13. Dan Duffy, VN Literature Project

  14. Van Tran, SSRC

  15. Azunhui Tseng, UW-Seattle

  16. Nicolas Lainzes, Ecole des Hautes Studies en Sciences Sociales

  17. Kate Baldanza, U Penn

  18. Harriet Phinney, Seattle University

  19. Larry Ashmun, U Wisconsin-Madison

  20. Nhung Tuyet Tran, U Toronto

  21. Charles Keith, Michigan State University

  22. Richard Ruth, US Naval Academy

  23. Ed Miller, Dartmouth

  24. Huong Nguyen, Ohio University

  25. Harry Aveling, Ohio University

  26. Danille Belanger, U Western Ontario

  27. Sarah Grant, UC Riverside

  28. Erik Harms, Yale

  29. Emily Siemer, U Michigan-An Arbor

  30. Hue-Tam Ho Tai, Harvard

  31. Hien Thu Luong, Temple

  32. Sophie Quinn-Judge, Temple

  33. Jamie Anderson, UNC-Greensboro

  34. John Whitmore, U Michigan-Ann Arbor

  35. Heonik Kwon, U Edinborough

  36. Peter Zinoman, UC Berkeley

  37. Martina Nguyen, UC Berkeley

Appendix B.

Chair's Supplemental Report


C. Michele Thompson

As of the start of the annual VSG meeting at AAS in Chicago Friday March 27th our holdings in our AAS account were, according to the AAS comptroller Alicia Williams, $7,537.24. We took in at the meeting funds for dues, funds earmarked for the graduate prize, funds earmarked for the graduate student travel prize and funds earmarked for the project to bring senior scholars to VSG at AAS in 2010 to a total of $1,070. Our financial situation with regards to our major annual expenditures is as follows.

We have $2,990. earmarked for web and list support. At an annual expenditure rate of around $700 this gives us over 4 years worth of support for the web and the list serve in the bank.

We have $1,425. earmarked for the graduate prize. With the prize at the $500. level we have almost enough already earmarked and in the bank to support this prize for 3 years. We anticipate more contributions to come in following our treasurer's call for dues recently.

We have $675. earmarked for the graduate travel prize and at the $150. level we have enough earmarked and in the bank for this prize for the next 3 years. We may also get some contributions to this in response to our treasurer's call for dues.

This leaves $3, 517.24 plus we will have $400 from SEAC for the Senior Scholar Project for a total of $3,900.24.

Therefore, even if the Ex Comm spends all of the $3,400. that we were authorized to spend on the Senior Scholar Project we would still have $500.24 as an unearmarked rainy day fund.

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