Internet dating in Vietnam

From: Hoang Ngo <>

Date: Apr 21, 2006 11:35 AM

Subject: [Vsg] Internet dating in Vietnam

Dear group,

I'm looking for sources on Internet dating in Vietnam that deal with issues such as whether Internet dating expand the window of marriage of Vietnamese women in Vietnam, and Internet dating connect the Vietnamese dating pool with the Vietnamese American dating pool and vice versa. Thank you.

From: Christine Pothier <>

Date: Apr 21, 2006 1:03 PM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Internet dating in Vietnam


The news service, VietnamNet Bridge, ran a few stories

on this a few months ago.

This Website doesn't seem to have an online version of

archived articles but if you contact the editor, she

might be able to provide you with these pieces.


Christine Pothier

From: Hung Thai <>

Date: Apr 24, 2006 9:42 AM

Subject: RE: [Vsg] Internet dating in Vietnam


There is no reseach on internet dating in Vietnam--but a great book by Nicole Constable Romance on the Global Stage examines women from China and the Phillipines who use internet dating for international marriages; another book by Karen Kelsky Women on the Verge explores the situation of women in Japan. Internet dating, in general, of course has expanded the pool of marriage partners and of marriageability! You should check, the ultimate internet dating site for the Vietnamese diaspora (where the clients are mostly Viet Kieu men and women in Vietnam). It's a fantastically humerous and informative site for the information you want to seek.

Hung Thai

From: Lisa Nguyen <>

Date: Apr 24, 2006 10:28 AM

Subject: RE: [Vsg] Internet dating in Vietnam

Dear Hoang-

In the November 2005 issue of the South East Asia Research journal (volume 13, number 3, pp. 385-415), you will find an article by Phuong An Nguyen titled, "Courtship and Marriage Among University Graduates in Hanoi: Changing Values in a Time of Economic Liberalization." There are several references listed at the end of the article, too.

Hope you will find this article useful,


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