Permission for research in Hanoi

From: "Michael Churchman" <>

To: "Judith A. N. Henchy" <>; "Vietnam Studies

Group" <>

Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 4:50 PM

Subject: Permission for research in Hanoi

> Dear VSGers,


> Does anyone know how to contact the international relations department of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences in Hanoi? I'm trying to get permission to do research in the Vien Han Nom and other libraries in the academy. I've been given the name Mr. Hai and the e-mail, but this doesn't seem to work any more. If anyone knows who the current co-ordinator for international relations is, and how to contact him/her I would be very grateful.


> Michael Churchman

From: Tai VanTa <>

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Permission for research in Hanoi

Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 17:20:10 -0700 (PDT)

To: Vietnam Studies Group <>

Dear Professor Michael Churchman,

For your need, how about emailing Mr. Nguyen Nam at

Harvard Yenching Institute at Harvard University to

explore contact at Vien Han Nom ? because he told me

about his relationship with Vien Han Hom. His email:

I was at a conference at Australian National

University in 1998 and in University of Melbourne (I

gave talks to at Asialink Center and to Vietnamese

lawyers in training at Asia Law center ). I love easy

going Australia, where I have a brother-in-law's


Tai Van Ta

From: Rob Hurle <>

Date: Sep 7, 2006 6:26 PM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Permission for research in Hanoi

Hi Michael,

In 2002 I contacted Dr Nguyen Giang Hai at the Institute for Social

Sciences, International section. At that time, I used the e-mail


Ban HTQT <>

He has a number of helpers, including Binh and Hanh (I think Binh was

trained in Tasmania) and they are, indeed, very helpful. Good luck.


Rob Hurle

Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 21:24:16 -0700 (PDT)

From: "ng phuongcham" <>

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Permission for research in Hanoi

Dear Mr.Michel Churchman,

The International relations Department of the

Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences in Hanoi have a

new leader, Mr.Tuan. I think that if you want to do

research in Vien Han Nom, you should not contact to

Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences by yourself, you

should contact to Vien Han Nom directly. Vien Han Nom

will do all procedures to get permission for you.

You should contact to Mrs. Chu Tuyet Lan, Library

Director or Mr. Trinh Khac Manh, Institute Director

following these email addresses:



Best for you!

Nguyen Thi Phuong Cham

Institute of Cultural Studies

Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences

Visiting Scholar in Harvard-Yenching Institute

From: Van Tran <>

Date: Sep 8, 2006 6:25 AM

Subject: RE: [Vsg] Permission for research in Hanoi

Dear Michael,

SSRC's local partner is the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences and we

work very closely with the international cooperation department. Dr. Hai

is no longer with the international cooperation department. The person

to contact is Ms. Tran Thi Lan Anh (, the

Vice-Director, who is fluent in English and French. Feel free to tell

her that I gave you her email. She can probably put you in contact with

the Director of the Institute of Han-Nom studies.



From: sophie qj <>

Date: Sep 8, 2006 1:34 PM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Permission for research in Hanoi

Hi Michael,

Dr. Hai is no longer in charge of International Relations for VASS, but if you e-mail, attention Van Thi Thanh Binh, you will get a reply. (I forget the name of Nguyen Giang Hai's successor.)

Good luck.

Sophie Quinn-Judge

Center for Vietnamese Philosophy, Culture and Society

Temple University

Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 22:21:09 -0700 (PDT)

From: "Nguyen Cong Thao" <>

Subject: [Vsg] Get permission to research in Vietnam

Dear Prof. Michael Churchman,

There are some options for your contact but the best way i think is that you need to have an official letter of recommendation (or something like that) from your instituttion. The letter should address your name, the name of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and the phylosophy of your visit. This letter will be then passed down to the Institute of Sino-Vietnamese Studies or any other institutes that you wish to visit. Allow me to remind you that unless you get an official introduction from the Academy, you will have to overcome many constraints (sometimes time consuming) to have free access to various libraries. Especially when you are researching about Cao Dai. I believe when you have an official approval from the academy, you could be ready for the departure.

I hope you will have good time. And many people on this list are working at the Academy including me. Let us know if we could help you anything else.



From: Trinh Thi Kim Ngoc <>

Date: Sep 10, 2006 7:12 AM

Subject: Re: [Vsg] Permission for research in Hanoi

Dear Pro. Michael Churchman,

I 'm Kim Ngoc, Senior researcher of Institute of Human studies, Vietnam Academy of Social sciences. If You need to contact with international relations department of

the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences in Hanoi and with the Vien Han Nom and other libraries you can contact with Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Tuan - Director of international relations department of VASS by e-amail If you want to research something in library of our institute (Institute of Human studies) you can contact by e-mail for Dr. of Sc. Trinh Thi Kim Ngoc or Le Dan Dung, we are willing to help you to do research.

Best regards!

Kim Ngoc

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