Librarian fellowships for Vietnamese?

Stephen Denney <>

date Nov 22, 2006 8:44 AM

subject [Vsg] librarian fellowships for Vietnamese?

In another forum, a librarian teaching Chinese high school students asked

if there is any kind of program whereby Chinese students can come to the

United States to study library science. That leads me to wonder, is there

any such program for Vietnamese or foreign students in general, studying

library science either at the undergraduate or graduate level? I know a

number of Vietnamese students are in various universities in the U.S., but

don't what programs they are sponsored by, other than the Fuilbright


- Steve Denney

Hue-Tam Ho Tai <>

date Nov 22, 2006 8:50 AM

subject Re: [Vsg] librarian fellowships for Vietnamese?

In the 1990s, the Harvard-Yenching Institute launched a program to train

librarians that ran for several years. The funds came from HYI, the

training was done at Simmons College Graduate School in Library

Science. Recently, Simmons received a 3 year grant to train another

batch of Vietnamese librarians. I believe this is the third year of the

program. Many of the earlier groups are now in position of leadership

at their institutions in HCMC, Hanoi, Can Tho and elsewhere.

Judith Henchy <>

date Nov 22, 2006 9:33 AM

subject Re: [Vsg] librarian fellowships for Vietnamese?


Library training in the U.S. is pretty ad hoc at this point. Pat Oyler at

Simmons College has had a long-standing program to train Vietnamese

librarians, first funded by Harvard Yenching and the Henry Luce Foundation,

and now by Atlantic Philanthropies. The Christian Board of Higher Education

is supporting a few librarians from Vietnam and Cambodia to my knowledge,

but these are dependent upon individual initiative and arrangements with the

library schools. There is no dedicated fund or program to support this

work, although the Mortenson Center at the University of Illinois offers

some shorter-term training and professional development options

( Although the

Mortenson Center provides no funding, their site has a link of possible

funders provided by the American Library Association.


DiGregorio, Michael <>

date Nov 22, 2006 5:45 PM

subject RE: [Vsg] librarian fellowships for Vietnamese?


On the other side of the equation, The Ford Foundation is supporting

journal acquisitions through the Journal Donation Project at New School

University. JDP provides around 900 subscriptions to, I think, 24

institutions. Sorry, I can't be precise because the numbers change.

JDP is also doing training in Vietnam on selected topics. The next, in

January, will focus on using journals for research and teaching. JDP

also is creating an online database of the titles of articles within the

journals it is now providing to these institutions. The titles are

translated into Vietnamese and will be browsable in hard copy at the



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