Paracels 1974 & Spratlys 1988

On Sat, Jun 10, 2023 at 10:33 PM <> wrote:

Dear colleagues,


Back in 2014, I gave this paper: “The Paracel Islands Dispute: Geo-Strategic Issues and the Role of International Law in Promoting Cooperation,” Paper presented to international conference on Paracel-Spratly Archipelagoes: Historical Truth, co-sponsored by the University of Da Nang and Pham Van Dong University, Da Nang, Vietnam, June 19-21, 2014.


One of my sources for 1974 was: Thế giới lên án Trung Cộng xâm lăng Hoàng Sa của VNCH [The World Condemns Communist Chinese Aggression in the Parcels Islands of the Republic of Vietnam] published by the Armed Forces of the Republic of Vietnam, 1974. Indochina Archive (Douglas Pike Collection), The University of California at Berkeley.


When I did a search on Google a few moment ago I located this:


My search on Google also turned up this link:


This links contained this: All the conference papers can be downloaded at: but when I went to this link a few minutes ago, I got a notice it had been removed.


For an account of the Da Nang conference see:





Carlyle A. Thayer

Emeritus Professor

University of New South Wales Canberra at the

Australian Defence Force Academy

Phone: +61 (02) 6251 1849

Mobile: +61 0437376 429

Dear Tuan et al,

These are some of the books in my library regarding the 1974 Paracel islands battle and the 1988 Spratly islands massacre: 

"Tài liệu Hải Chiến Hoàng Sa", Vũ Hữu San & Trần Đỗ Cẩm, 2004. San was the RVN commander of one of 4 warships participating in the 1974 battle against the Chinese.

"Hải Chiến Hoàng Sa 19-1-1974", Ủy Ban Nghiên Cứu Trận Hải Chiến Hoàng Sa, 2010.

"Sự thật Hải chiến Hoàng Sa 19 tháng 1 năm 1974", Thềm Sơn Hà, 2021. The revised edition contains more information than the 2015 version.

"Gạc Ma - Vòng tròn bất tử", 2018. 

The last book, "Gạc Ma - Vòng tròn bất tử", took 4 years and went through 13 publication houses before a permission for publication was approved in 2018:

" “Cuốn sách đã được chỉnh sửa hàng trăm lần, với 48 lần biên tập, cập nhật, qua 14 nhà xuất bản, 18 lần làm bìa… độ dày bản thảo in ra chỉnh sửa cao hơn 3 mét”, ông Phước nói.

68 người tham gia thực hiện cuốn sách, gồm các nhà nghiên cứu lịch sử, nhà báo, cựu chiến binh còn sống và gia đình các liệt sĩ Gạc Ma. "

A friend and historian in Vietnam sent me the book when it first came out. Within weeks, the book's distribution was stopped (see attachment). After 5 years, its revised edition is still not allowed for publication.


Calvin Thai


On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 8:15 AM Tuan Hoang <> wrote:

Dear List-

I was stumped when a graduate student asked about recommending any Vietnamese-language works regarding the conflicts between Vietnam and China regarding the Paracels Islands in 1974 and the Spratlys in 1988. This student was in Vietnam but couldn't find a copy of Gạc Ma - Vòng tròn bất tử, which faced difficulty in getting permission for publication. (I believe it was eventually published but copies were kept from distribution.) 

Are there any other published research and memoirs specifically about these events that you are aware of?



Tuan Hoang

Pepperdine University