Sources on Ethnic Chinese

Miscellaneous Sources on the Ethnic Chinese in Vietnam and Indochina


Arnaud Leveau,  L'influence de la communauté chinoise au Vïêt Nam et en Thaïlande (Paris: L’Harmattan), 2003.


Arnaud Leveau, Investigating the Grey Areas of the Chinese communities in Southeast Asia, A (IRASEC 2007).


Nir Avieli, “Roasted pigs and bao dumplings: Festive food and imagined transnational identity in Chinese–Vietnamese festivals,” Asian Pacific Viewpoint, vol. 46, no. 3, December 2005, pp. 281-293.


David Brown, “Saigon’s Chinese - going, going, gone,” (sidebar in report for China Economic Quarterly)


Trung Nguyen, “Marginalizing Practices: Bureaucracy, Ethnography and Becoming Chinese in Colonial Vietnam,” (2009 dissertation, University of Wisconsin).


Eric Tagliacozzo and Wen-Chin Chang (ed). Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities, and Networks in Southeast Asia. (Durham: Duke University Press, 2011).


Li Tana, “In Search of the History of the Chinese in South Vietnam, 1945-75, in Chan, Yuk Wah (ed). 2011. The Chinese/Vietnamese Diaspora: Revisiting the Boat People in Hong Kong. New York: Routledge.


Daniel C.  Tsang, "Visions of Resistance and Survival from Hong Kong Detention Camps." In: The Chinese/Vietnamese Diaspora: Revisiting the Boatpeople in Hong Kong. Edited by Yuk Wah Chan. (Routledge, 2011), [99]-115. 


Mei Feng Mok "Negotiating Community and Nation in Chợ Lớn: Nation-building, Community-building and Transnationalism in Everyday Life during the Republic of Việt Nam, 1955-1975.” (Dissertation, UW, 2016).


Tracy Barrett, The Chinese Diaspora in South-East Asia: The Overseas Chinese in Indo-China, 1870-1945 (I.B. Tauris, 2012).


Alexander Woodside, “Nationalism and Poverty in the Breakdown of Sino-Vietnamese Relations,” Pacific Affairs, Autumn 1979, pp. 381-409.


Tsai Maw-Kuey, Les Chinois au Sud-Vietnam (Paris: Bibliothèque National, 1968).


John R. Clammer, “French Studies on the Chinese in Indochina: A Bibliographical Survey,” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 12, no. 1 (1968), pp. 15-26.


Nola Cooke and Tana Li, eds. Water frontier: Commerce and the Chinese in the Lower Mekong Region, 1750-1880 (Singapore : Singapore University Press ; Lanham, MD : Rowman & Littlefield, 2004).


Nhi Ky Luong,  The Chinese in Vietnam : a study of Vietnamese-Chinese relations with special attention to the period 1862-1961 (1962 Thesis (Ph. D.) University of Michigan).


Lewis M. Stern, Vietnamese communist policy toward the overseas Chinese, 1920-82, (1984 Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Pittsburgh,1984).


The Hoa in Vietnam: Dossier. (1978 Hanoi : Foreign Languages Pub. House).


Ramses Amer, The ethnic Chinese in Vietnam and Sino-Vietnamese relations (1991 Kuala Lumpur: Forum).


Yūko Mio, Cultural encounters between people of Chinese origin and local people : case studies from the Philippines and Vietnam : proceedings of international workshop 1960- Tōkyō Gaikokugo Daigaku. Ajia Afurika Gengo Bunka Kenkyūjo.

(2007 Tokyo : Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies).


Pao-min Chang, Beijing, Hanoi, and the overseas Chinese (Berkeley : Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Center for Chinese Studies, 1982).


On Viet Nam's expulsion of Chinese residents. (1978 Peking : Foreign Languages Press).


Khánh Trà̂n, The ethnic Chinese and economic development in Vietnam (1993 Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Indochina Unit).


Documents related to the question of Hoa people in Vietnam.

Vietnam. Bộ ngoại giao. Vụ thông tin báo chí. (1978 Hanoi : Dept. of Press and Information, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Socialist Republic of Vietnam).


Judith Strauch, The Chinese exodus from Vietnam: Implications for the Southeast Asian Chinese (1980 Cambridge, MA 11 Divinity Ave., Cambridge 02138 : Cultural Survival).


Alain Gerard Marsot, The Chinese community in Vietnam under the French (1993 San Francisco : EmText).