Robert Topmiller (1948-2008 )

Dear VSG:

It is with a heavy heart that I relay the news of Dr. Robert Topmiller's death. He passed away earlier this week in Kentucky and his funeral service will be held on Tuesday, September 2. If you would like to send your condolences to his family, please respond to me off-list and I will provide details.

As many of you know, Bob was a leader scholar of the Vietnamese- American war with publications including_The Lotus Unleashed: The Buddhist Peace Movement in South Vietnam_, _Red Clay on My Boots: Encounters with Khe Sanh 1968 to 2005_, and countless other articles and essays on that conflict. Recently retired from Eastern Kentucky University, Bob was working on a multi-perspective history of Khe Sanh as well as a project on Vietnam Veterans in the United States.

A talented scholar, wonderful teacher, committed peace worker, and generous friend, Bob will be sorely missed.




Lien-Hang T. Nguyen

Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Kentucky

John M. Olin Postdoctoral Associate

International Security Studies

Yale University