Professor Trần Hưu Dũng

From: Cau Thai <>
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2023 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Vsg] R.I.P. Professor Trần Hưu Dũng


Dear List,


I agree with David Brown and François Guillemot about the value of Dr. Trần Hữu Dũng's online intellectual journal Viet Studies. The website was a product of his love for the country and his desire for a better Vietnam, from day one until his final message on Monday, 02/27/23:


However,  Viet Studies is blocked in Vietnam.


Besides maintaining the website, in more than two decades, he was a key member in organizing Hội thảo Hè where thought-provoking topics were covered. All but two of these Hội thảo Hè were held outside of Vietnam but there were attendees from Vietnam every time:


I knew anh Ngô Vĩnh Long and anh Trần Hữu Dũng for more than 15+ years. We exchanged views on issues of our concern. They both signed the open letter on the case of Chu Hảo:


The passing of anh Long and anh Dũng within 6 months of each other is a great loss for anyone who knew them. Among other things, anh Long's sense of humor and anh Dũng's brevity will be missed. 


Best regards,

Calvin Thai


PS: I received the sad news from a mutual friend while in Vietnam. I was not able to catch up with emails until returning to the States.

From: François Guillemot <>
Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2023 3:37 AM
To: David Brown <>; Vietnam Studies Group <>
Cc: carlthayer <>
Subject: Re: [Vsg] R.I.P. Professor Trần Hưu Dũng


Dear all,

sorry for my previous message.

Please read "condolences" and not "congratulations".

Really sorry.



From: François Guillemot <>
Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2023 12:44 AM
To: David Brown <>; Vietnam Studies Group <>
Cc: carlthayer <>
Subject: Re: [Vsg] R.I.P. Professor Trần Hưu Dũng


Dear David Brown,

This is a very sad news.

His website is a gold mine for research and debates on contemporary Vietnam. This is a great loss for the entire scholars community.

Congratulations to his family.


From: David Brown <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 8:35 AM
To: Vietnam Studies Group <>
Cc: carlthayer <>
Subject: [Vsg] R.I.P. Professor Trần Hưu Dũng


The BBC's Vietnamese Service today has published Joaquin Nguyễn Hòa's note on the passing of Dr. Trần Hữu Dũng, Wright State University professor emeritus (economics). In retirement, Dr. Dũng posted a daily report of noteworthy stories in Vietnam's vernacular press and of breaking stories in the global English media. The site was invaluable to those who follow and write about developments in Vietnam. Dr Dũng was in addition a stalwart of the online intellectual journal Viet Studies. 


I for one fervently hope that someone in the Vietnamese diaspora will step up to the challenge of filling the daily void left by Trần Hữu Dũng's passing.


The BBC's story is at


Dr. Dũng's daily news roundup is online at His final post was on February 27. 


David Brown

  writer/analyst/retired US diplomat

  Fresno, California USA