Oscar Salemink

From: Do Thi Thuy Lan <lansuu@yahoo.com.vn>
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 5:11 AM
To: Vietnam Studies Group (vsg@u.washington.edu) <vsg@u.washington.edu>; Tine Mette Gammeltoft <tine.gammeltoft@anthro.ku.dk>
Subject: Re: [Vsg] Oscar's funeral, 17 October


Thank Tine! 7pm now in Hanoi!


Celebrating Oscar on a Vietnamese newspaper: Vĩnh biệt nhà Việt Nam học lớn Oscar Salemink 


Vĩnh biệt nhà Việt Nam học lớn Oscar Salemink

Nhà Việt Nam học Oscar Salemink vừa qua đời ngày 23.9. Ông là người luôn thúc đẩy để khoa học xã hội nhân văn Vi...


(Reporter Nguyễn Kiều Trinh)



Best regards, 


Thùy Lan


Ms. Do Thi Thuy Lan, PhD.

Department of History,

VNU - University of Social Sciences and Humanities,

Vietnam National University, Hanoi

336 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi

Tel: +84 (0) 38 447 8834

Email: landtt@vnu.edu.vn; lansuu@yahoo.com.vn 

From: Tine Mette Gammeltoft <tine.gammeltoft@anthro.ku.dk>
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2023 6:50 AM
To: Vietnam Studies Group (vsg@u.washington.edu) <vsg@u.washington.edu>
Subject: [Vsg] Oscar's funeral, 17 October


Dear colleagues,


I am writing to let you know that Oscar Salemink’s funeral will take place tomorrow, Tuesday October 17, at 13:00 PM CEST (GMT+2) in Nijmegen, the Netherlands (the aula of Rustoord, Postweg 60).


Edyta has informed us that it will be possible to follow the proceedings via the following streaming link, given Oscar’s many colleagues and friends who are around the world:


Website: https://pci-webcast.nl

ID: 147242

Passwoord: bxfdwhhvj3ns

Click here for direct access or use ID and password above.



Best regards,







Tine M. Gammeltoft

Professor, Head of PhD Programme


University of Copenhagen

Department of Anthropology

Øster Farimagsgade 5, 33.01.27

DK-1353 Copenhagen K.




MOB +45 61 86 08 83

From: Judith A N Henchy <judithh@uw.edu>
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2023 10:17 AM
To: Cari A Coe <caricoe@uw.edu>; Ayo Wahlberg <ayo.wahlberg@anthro.ku.dk>
Cc: vsg@u.washington.edu
Subject: Re: [Vsg] Oscar Salemink (1958-2023)




Thank you for sending this out.  Listening to these tributes makes me realize how much Oscar has been integral to the scholarly journeys of many on this list over the past twenty or so years; as a gracious host in his Ford Foundation office and as a generous colleague always willing to bring his intelligence, humor and thoughtfulness to the conversation.  He was a meticulous scholar and a collaborative institution-builder.  He has been a hugely influential voice in the development of the Viet Nam Studies communities, here in the US, in Europe and within Viet Nam.  I will greatly miss his mischievous humor and reliable counsel.


With deep condolences to his family and friends.




Judith Henchy, MLIS, Ph.D.

Head, Southeast Asia Section, University of Washington Libraries

Interim Head, International Studies

Special Assistant to the Dean of University Libraries for International Programs

Affiliate Faculty, Jackson School of International Studies

From: Cari Coe <caricoe@uw.edu>
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2023 8:57 AM
To: Ayo Wahlberg <ayo.wahlberg@anthro.ku.dk>
Cc: vsg@u.washington.edu
Subject: Re: [Vsg] Oscar Salemink (1958-2023)


Dear Friends and Colleagues,


In compiling the current VSG Bibliography, I, by chance, ran across this lovely tribute to Oscar Salemink made by his students at University of Copenhagen that I wanted to share with the VSG listserve.  My condolences to Oscar's loved ones, his contributions were great and he will be very much missed.




May he rest in peace,



From: Ayo Wahlberg <ayo.wahlberg@anthro.ku.dk>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2023 5:52 AM
To: vsg@u.washington.edu
Subject: [Vsg] Oscar Salemink (1958-2023)


Dear colleagues and friends of Oscar,


Please find here some words in memoriam as well as a link to our event celebrating Oscar’s many contributions (scroll to the bottom for the link).




May he rest in peace. - Ayo

From: Ayo Wahlberg <ayo.wahlberg@anthro.ku.dk>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2023 3:48 AM
To: vsg@u.washington.edu
Subject: Re: [Vsg] Fwd: Oscar Salemink


Dear all,


Thank you so much for sharing your kind and warm thoughts, I just wanted to let everyone know that we will be making a video of our event celebrating Oscar’s many contributions including his words to us available on our Department’s website very soon. I will make sure to share the link here.


Warmly, Ayo

From: Benedict Kerkvliet <ben.kerkvliet@anu.edu.au>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2023 1:51 AM
To: Hue-Tam Tai <huetamtai@gmail.com>; vsg@u.washington.edu
Subject: Re: [Vsg] Oscar Salemink


24 Sept 2023, Honolulu


Dear colleagues, especial Edyta,


While we all mourn Oscar's passing, we celebrate his life and the contributions he made to scholarship. Through his work, he lives on.


In commiseration,




Ben Kerkvliet

Emeritus Professor

Australian National University 

From: michele thompson <thompson.michele@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2023 3:05 PM
To: Hue-Tam Tai <huetamtai@gmail.com>
Cc: VietnamStudies Group <vsg@u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Vsg] Oscar Salemink


Dear Everyone,

             I’ve emailed Ayo and asked him if it was recorded and if so where members of this list might get access to it.

             take care everyone




C. Michele Thompson

Professor of Southeast Asian History

Southern Connecticut State University

From: michele thompson <thompson.michele@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2023 2:56 PM
To: Hue-Tam Tai <huetamtai@gmail.com>
Cc: VietnamStudies Group <vsg@u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Vsg] Oscar Salemink


Dear Everyone,

             In addition to his scholarly contributions to the field as a whole and to his groundbreaking work for the Ford Foundation this list also owes Oscar Salemink a particular debt.  It was at Oscar’s prompting that VSG first adopted ‘rules’ for conduct on list.   While those rules have been much revised and, to some extent, expanded it was Oscar’s opinion on a set of “rules” that the chair could refer to to both discourage uncivil behavior and to encourage collegial behavior that led to a resolution to create the initial rules.

             Oscar made many thought provoking points on this list and in my opinion the ‘rules’ that he pushed for have proven to be one of the foundations of this list as it currently exists.




C. Michele Thompson

Professor of Southeast Asian History

Southern Connecticut State University

From: Hue-Tam Tai <huetamtai@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2023 7:02 AM
To: dnfox70@gmail.com; vsg@u.washington.edu
Subject: [Vsg] Fwd: Oscar Salemink


I think it was recorded. We should ask Ayo Wahlberg.


From: Diane Fox <dnfox70@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2023 6:10 AM
To: Hue-Tam Tai <huetamtai@gmail.com>
Cc: vsg@u.washington.edu
Subject: Re: [Vsg] Oscar Salemink


It would be wonderful to read/see/hear Oscar’s speech. Is that possible?

Thank you, Hue-Tam.


Diane Fox

Retired, anthropology


From: Hue-Tam Tai <huetamtai@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2023 6:02 AM
To: vsg@u.washington.edu
Subject: [Vsg] Oscar Salemink


To friends and colleagues:


On behalf of Edyta Rozsko, I am very sad to announce the death of Oscar Salemink.

As most of you know, Oscar was a pre-eminent anthropologist of the Vietnamrse Central Highlands and of the communities that live there. As the Ford Foundation representative, he launched programs to support and expand the social sciences and also the arts and cultural heritage. Oscar was a wonderful colleague and mentor.   Ten days ago, the Anthropology department of the University of Copenhagen organized a celebration for him, both in person and via zoom. Colleagues and former students contributed from North America, Europe and Asia.  Oscar made a long speech, humorous, witty and insightful. He was a fighter to the end.


In great sadness,


Hue-Tam Ho Tai

Harvard University emerita

From: Harriet Phinney <harriet.phinney@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2023 5:57 AM
To: Tine Mette Gammeltoft <tine.gammeltoft@anthro.ku.dk>
Cc: Vietnam Studies Group <vsg@u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Vsg] Oscar


Tine and Ayo,

Not unexpected but such sad sad news.  Thank you for letting us all know. I was so very bummed to miss the online event.  

Best wishes to Edyta and Oscar's family.  

Take care all, Harriet

From: Hy Luong <vanluong@chass.utoronto.ca>
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2023 5:45 AM
To: 'Tine Mette Gammeltoft' <tine.gammeltoft@anthro.ku.dk>; 'Vietnam Studies Group' <vsg@u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Vsg] Oscar


With great sadness. My condolences to Edyta and Oscar’s family.



Department of Anthropology

University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

From: Guillemot Francois <francois.guillemot@ens-lyon.fr>
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2023 1:35 AM
To: Tine Mette Gammeltoft <tine.gammeltoft@anthro.ku.dk>
Cc: Vietnam Studies Group <vsg@u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Vsg] Oscar


Dear Tine,

Very sad news, our condolences to his family.

He was in Lyon near ten years ago in 2014 for an IIAS work-shop.

All the best



15 parvis René Descartes
BP 7000, 69342 Lyon cedex 07

Guillemot François
Historien, ingénieur de recherche CNRS

Institut d'Asie Orientale - UMR 5062

Tél. 04 37 37 62 41
Responsable des collections vietnamiennes
Référent ingénierie de projets
Membre du Bureau éditorial d'ENS éditions
Carnets de recherche & ressources

From: Diane Fox <dnfox70@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2023 1:26 AM
To: Tine Mette Gammeltoft <tine.gammeltoft@anthro.ku.dk>
Cc: Vietnam Studies Group <vsg@u.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: [Vsg] Oscar


Oh. Here it is, what we knew was coming…but still hard, moving. Great thanks for all he gave us, and great condolences to his family and those close to him there. Peace, Oscar…great peace.  And Tine, many thanks  


Sent from my iPhone

From: Tine Mette Gammeltoft <tine.gammeltoft@anthro.ku.dk>
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2023 1:00 AM
To: Vietnam Studies Group <vsg@u.washington.edu>
Subject: [Vsg] Oscar


Dear colleagues,


It is with profound sadness that I share this message from our Head of Department. Our thoughts and hearts are with Edyta and Oscar’s family. He will be deeply missed.


Kind regards,





From: Ayo Wahlberg ayo.wahlberg@anthro.ku.dk
Date: Sunday, 24 September 2023 at 08.07
To: SAMF-ANT-Alle alle@anthro.ku.dk
Subject: Oscar passed away last night


Dear all,


Our dear Oscar passed away peacefully last night surrounded by loved ones. It was so good that we were able to be together both in person and online to celebrate, appreciate and remember a week ago. Our thoughts are with Edyta and Oscar’s family. He will be sorely missed.


Warmly, Ayo






Tine M. Gammeltoft

Professor, Head of PhD Programme

From: Oscar Salemink <o.salemink@anthro.ku.dk>
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 7:17 AM
To: vsg@u.washington.edu; Hue-Tam Tai <huetamtai@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Vsg] : September, Celebrating Oscar Salemink


Dear Hue-Tam and list,


Many thanks for this. Yesterday I was thinking that I was following the path of the ones for whom I wrote “obituaries” in this list over the last years, like Gerald Hickey, Georges Condominas and Phan Huy Lê.


Just one little correction to the announcement: my doctors said that I could live for anything between “a few weeks” and “a few months”, so if you happen to still see me jumping around in November, please don’t blame me…


And just for the record, I am not afraid or anxious and accept that the end is part of life, so there is no need for pity.


I hope that this list will continue to promote the scholarship of (and in) Vietnam in productive ways, like it has done already for already thirty years (and starting with just a few people). For me it is amazing to see the breadth and diversity of Vietnam-related scholarship these days.


All best,



Oscar Salemink



University of Copenhagen

Department of Anthropology

Øster Farimagsgade 5, Opgang E, room 16.0.24

1353 København K


DIR +45 35 32 44 72



From: Hue-Tam Tai <huetamtai@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 6:31 AM
To: vsg@u.washington.edu
Subject: [Vsg] Fwd: Celebrating Oscar Salemink


Dear List

Oscar Salemink has been ill for several years and has been told he has only a few more weeks to live.
This was not an unexpected new but I am still devastated by it.
Oscar's colleagues in Denmark are organizing a celebration of his life. I forward the invitation in case you would like to contribute remembrances.

With great sadness,

Hue-Tam Ho Tai
Harvard University emerita

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: FW: Celebrating Oscar Salemink
From: Oscar Salemink <o.salemink@anthro.ku.dk>
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 5:54 AM
To: Lan Ngô Thị Phương <ngophuonglan@hcmussh.edu.vn>,"Oanh Duong (duonghoanhvnu@gmail.com)" <duonghoanhvnu@gmail.com>,cefurds@yahoo.com,Cham Nguyen <ngphuongcham@gmail.com>,"Le Hong Ly (lehonglyhanoi@yahoo.com)" <lehonglyhanoi@yahoo.com>,"Michael R. DiGregorio" <michael.digregorio@asiafoundation.org>,huyvme@gmail.com,Jean Michaud <Jean.Michaud@ant.ulaval.ca>,Sarah Turner <turner@geog.mcgill.ca>,"Nora Taylor (ntaylor1@saic.edu)" <ntaylor1@saic.edu>,"tran ky phuong (kyphuongt@gmail.com)" <kyphuongt@gmail.com>,hoa tran <tranphhoa@yahoo.com>,luong tran <tranluongnew@gmail.com>,Hue-Tam Tai <huetamtai@gmail.com>,A chayan <chayan1.vaddhanaphuti@gmail.com>,krisna uk <uk_krisna@hotmail.com>,Charnvit Kasetsiri <charnvitkasetsiri@gmail.com>,Thomas Sikor <thomas.sikor@gmail.com>,Nguyen Chi Ben <ncben_vicas@yahoo.com>,Nguyen Quang Ngoc <quangngocn@gmail.com>



-----Original Appointment-----
From: SAMF-ANT-Institutkalender <institutkalender@anthro.ku.dk>
Sent: 28 August 2023 09:34
To: SAMF-ANT-Institutkalender; SAMF-ANT-Alle
Cc: Petya Mitkova Koleva; Anna Elisabeth Stub Thygesen; Samantha Dawn Breslin; Humphrey Asamoah Agyekum; Ayo Wahlberg; Trine Mygind Korsby; Alessandro Moretti; Hanne Overgaard Mogensen; Morten Axel Pedersen; Matti Weisdorf
Subject: Celebrating Oscar Salemink
When: 15 September 2023 14:00-17:00 (UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague.
Where: Ethnographic Exploratory, 4.1.12


Celebrating Oscar Salemink

15 September 2023, Ethnographic Exploratory (4.1.12), 14.00-17.00 Copenhagen time, 19.00-22.00 Vietnam/Thailand time, 8.00-11.00 USA ET


Professor Oscar Salemink’s careful historico-ethnographic engagement with the effects of variegated processes of colonization, Christianization, sedenterization, re-ritualization, heritigization and more in Vietnam and beyond, have made crucial contributions to anthropological understanding of how historical processes come to shape and indeed mark the experiences of different peoples, such as the Montagnards in the Vietnamese Central Highlands. We look forward to celebrating Oscar’s decades of anthropological inquiry, teaching and engagement with numerous constituents both within Vietnam and more broadly within international organizations and more. Join us for an afternoon of remembering and giving thanks.


