Michel Ferlus

From: John Phan <jdp49@cornell.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2024 11:31 AM
To: Vietnam Studies Group <vsg@u.washington.edu>
Subject: [Vsg] The passing of Michel Ferlus


Dear VSG colleagues,


It is with great sadness that many of us observed the passing away of Michel Ferlus on 10 March this year. He was indisputably the father of all modern research into the history of the Vietic languages, whose meticulous fieldwork on the small languages of the Indochinese Cordillera (virtually undescribed before he came along) changed our understanding of Vietic, Viet-Muong, and Austroasiatic languages forever. Everyone who works in anything adjacent to the fields of Vietnamese, Vietic, or Austroasiatic linguistics is indebted to his work. He was a kind, humble, and unbelievably erudite scholar. Rest in Peace, Michel.




John D. Phan, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures

Columbia University

New York, New York 10027


For quicker replies, please contact me at: john.phan@columbia.edu 

From: John Phan <jdp49@cornell.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2024 11:32 AM
To: Davis,Bradley C.(History) <davisbrad@easternct.edu>
Cc: vsg@u.washington.edu
Subject: Re: [Vsg] Décès de Michel Ferlus, spécialiste de phonologie des langues sud-est asiatiques / Death of Michel Ferlus, specialist in the phonology of Southeast Asian languages


A great loss, and a towering figure in the field. Rest in Peace, Michel.


On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 11:16 AM Davis,Bradley C.(History) <davisbrad@easternct.edu> wrote:


 Please see below for some sad news about Michel Ferlus, an accomplished linguist who also published on Phạm Thận Duật (1825-1885), a Nguyễn official and ethnographer whose work has recently attracted interest from scholars in contemporary Vietnam and the US. His colleagues may share a lengthier note later, but you can find links to Ferlus’s work below as well.





Bradley Camp Davis (he/him)


Department of History

Webb Hall 333

Eastern Connecticut State University 

83 Windham Street

Willimantic, CT 06226



Spring 2024 Office Hours (17 Jan - 3 May)

MW 11-12, 2-3; F 11-12


Series Co-Editor, HdO Section 3 - Southeast Asia, Brill 





---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Emmanuel Poisson <emmanuel.poisson@u-paris.fr>
Date: Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 8:09 AM
Subject: TR: Décès de Michel Ferlus, spécialiste de phonologie des langues sud-est asiatiques / Death of Michel Ferlus, specialist in the phonology of Southeast Asian languages



De : Michel Antelme <mantelme@wanadoo.fr>
Envoyé : lundi 11 mars 2024 12:06
Objet : Décès de Michel Ferlus, spécialiste de phonologie des langues sud-est asiatiques / Death of Michel Ferlus, specialist in the phonology of Southeast Asian languages


Chers tous,

Frédéric Pain et Jean Pacquement viennent malheureusement de m'informer
du décès de Michel Ferlus, hier le 10 mars 2024. Après Gérard Diffloth
il y a quelques mois, nous perdons le dernier très grand spécialiste
français de phonologie des langues sud-est asiatiques.

Dear All,

Frédéric Pain and Jean Pacquement have just informed me that Michel
Ferlus passed away yesterday, March 10, 2024. After Gérard Diffloth a
few months ago, we have lost the last great French specialist in the
phonology of South-East Asian languages.

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