Congratulations to Philip Taylor: Winner of 2015 EuroSEAS Book Prize

Erik Harms elharms at

Fri Aug 14 09:10:28 PDT 2015

Dear List Members,

On Wednesday of this week, in courtyard of the venerable University of

Vienna, host of this year's EuroSEAS conference, it was announced that

Philip Taylor's book, *The Khmer Lands of Vietnam*, won the inaugural book

prize give by the European Association of Southeast Asian Studies.

Although professor Taylor was not there to hear the announcement, he should

know that there was a loud and delighted cheer from the audience. Many

members of this list were there to witness the joyous announcement, and we

all agreed that it was a well-deserved award for an excellent piece of

academic scholarship. We were all quite happy and proud to hear the news.

Congratulations to Philip Taylor!

best wishes,

Erik Harms

Yale Anthropology

Christina Firpo christina.firpo at

Fri Aug 14 09:56:14 PDT 2015

I second that!

Also, Khmer Lands of Vietnam was shortlisted at ICAS.



Janet Alison Hoskins jhoskins at

Fri Aug 14 11:08:01 PDT 2015

Yes, this is wonderful recognition for a Vietnam scholar who has written many fine books. This last one is especially nuanced and well researched. Congratulations to Philip!

Janet Alison Hoskins

Professor of Anthropology & Religion

University of Southern California

Justin McDaniel jmcdan at

Fri Aug 14 11:27:39 PDT 2015

Congratulations!! Well-deserved!

Shawn McHale mchale at

Fri Aug 14 11:32:51 PDT 2015

Excellent news. I encourage others to read this excellent book. --Shawn


Tai, Hue-Tam hhtai at

Fri Aug 14 11:35:37 PDT 2015

Somehow my earlier message of congratulations to Philip got bounced from the vsg listserv. So here it is again.

Two well deserved accolades. As a southern Vietnamese, I particularly appreciate that Philip has written a story that is so neglected by Vietnamese themselves.

Hue-Tam Ho Tai

Kenneth T. Young Professor

of Sino-Vietnamese History

Gerald Jackson gerald at

Fri Aug 14 13:41:27 PDT 2015

Yes, a pity that Philip was unable to be there (though this did not stop us celebrating his fine work in his absence). At least we were able to get series editor Ed Aspinell up front to get some well-deserved praise for all the work that he and Andrew Walker are doing on the AASA's Southeast Asian series.

More here:

Gerald Jackson

Editor in Chief, NIAS Press

Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1353 Copenhagen K, DENMARK

Tel: (+45) 3532 9503 * Fax: (+45) 3532 9549

E-mail: gerald at

Twitter: @niaspress * Facebook:



Thompson, C. M. thompsonc2 at

Sat Aug 15 05:31:45 PDT 2015

Dear Erik,

Thanks for posting this and congratulations to Philip!



Michele Thompson

Professor of Southeast Asian History

Dept. of History

Southern Connecticut State Univ.

Nguyen Van Suu nvsuu at

Sat Aug 15 07:19:15 PDT 2015

Dear all,

This is great news.

Philip, congratulations!


VNU Hanoi Department of Anthropology

Philip Taylor philip.taylor at

Sat Aug 15 16:38:30 PDT 2015

Thank you, dear VSG colleagues, for your generous comments on this award and on my research. I have long been inspired by the scholarly excellence and collegiality of so many of the people on this list. I am pleased that Vietnam studies is doing well now in so many ways and in particular in Vietnam itself.

All the best,


Anthropology, ANU