Congratulations to Dr. Bui Hai Thiem ( PhD - University of Queensland)

Mark Sidel mark.sidel at

Tue May 26 10:13:39 PDT 2015

Congratulations to Dr. Bui Hai Thiem, who has just been awarded the PhD by the University of Queensland in the School of Political Science and International Relations. His excellent thesis is entitled "Civil Society and Governance in Vietnam's One Party State."

Dr. Thiem's work was supervised by Dr Melissa Curley and Prof Roland Bleiker.

Mark Sidel

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Vu Thi Quynh Giao vtq.giao at

Tue May 26 10:21:20 PDT 2015

That's wonderful news. Congratulations, Dr. Hai!

I look forward to reading the thesis in full when it's made available to

the public.



Vu Thi Quynh Giao

Independent Researcher

Ho Chi Minh City

David Brown nworbd at

Tue May 26 12:12:03 PDT 2015

Dear Thiem, I'm delighted to swell the chorus of congratulations. Your

well-earned doctorate is surely just the first act of an outstanding

career. Very best, David

Thompson, C. M. thompsonc2 at

Tue May 26 14:27:19 PDT 2015

Dear Mark,

Thanks for posting this and my heartiest congratulations to Dr. Bui Hai Thiem.



Michele Thompson

Professor of Southeast Asian History

Dept. of History

Southern Connecticut State Univ.