2016 Pulitzer Prizes: Viet Thanh Nguyen for The Sympathizer!

Thompson, C. M. thompsonc2 at southernct.edu

Mon Apr 18 13:50:56 PDT 2016

Dear Everyone,

Viet Thanh Nguyen won the Pulitzer!




Michele Thompson

Professor of Southeast Asian History

Dept. of History

Southern Connecticut State Univ.

Diane Fox dnfox70 at gmail.com

Mon Apr 18 22:24:45 PDT 2016

Thanks, Michele, for the news, and thanks, Viet, for the book! Congratulations!


Diane Fox

anthopology, retired

Dan Duffy vietnamlit at gmail.com

Tue Apr 19 08:22:47 PDT 2016


Quynh Le Tran lequynh78 at gmail.com

Tue Apr 19 08:32:03 PDT 2016

This is my piece, with quotes from four writers who have read the book:


Quynh Le

Acting Head of Vietnamese Service

BBC World Service, London

Anh Pham gaupvn at gmail.com

Tue Apr 19 09:00:31 PDT 2016

Congratulations to anh Việt, and to all of us who take pride from this

Vietnamese Pulitzer. The last time a Vietnamese won the Pulitzer prize was

Nick Ut in 1973?

To think about it, it is an inevitability that a Vietnamese should win this

prestigious prize. Before the Sympathizer came out in April 2015, over Tet

2015 here on our very own VSG I'd published a serialized spy story full of

patriotism, duplicity, love, betrayal - that in many ways even more

intriguing than the Sympathizer. Had the board managers not asked me to

stop sharing the exciting story that would have taken our dear readers from

Hanoi to Bangkok to Beijing to Washington DC and various other nid

d'espions before ending tragically but no less heroically in Halong Bay, we

might very well have had two Vietnamese spy stories sharing one Pulitzer

prize today (or one winner and one finalist). What a pity for us all

really. But you know I am used to that sort of treatment growing up behind

the bamboo curtain with bronze fisted parents.

Again, congratulations to Việt for the prize that we could have shared.

(Do people actually share the Pulitzer like they do the Nobel? If not I

will aim for the latter then.)

Anh Pham - Independent Contractor

Washington DC

Anh Pham gaupvn at gmail.com

Fri Apr 22 19:51:53 PDT 2016

On FB Vietnam, a lot of cheerful people are joining the We The Sympathizers

movement by adding the book cover's cool text to their own photo. Some look

very legitimate. Here is your humble one's.

What do you think is the book's chance of being published uncensored?

Anh Pham

Washington DC

Hue-Tam Tai hhtai at fas.harvard.edu

Mon Apr 18 13:58:39 PDT 2016

How wonderful! And so well deserved. Congratulations to Viet Thanh Nguyen,

whose Nothing Ever Dies came out earlier.

I understand from Viet that a sequel is in the works.

Hue-Tam Ho Tai

Janet Alison Hoskins jhoskins at usc.edu

Mon Apr 18 14:14:52 PDT 2016

This is great! Viet is sitting all alone in a hotel room in Cambridge, Mass, asking himself if this is for real. It actually is!


Quang Van quang.van at yale.edu

Mon Apr 18 14:22:43 PDT 2016

Surreal! We saw him last Thursday at Yale. Quang.

Nhan Ngo nhan at temple.edu

Mon Apr 18 14:27:46 PDT 2016

Fantastic! Congrats, Viet Thanh Nguyen!


Ngo Thanh Nhan

Center for Vietnamese Philosophy, Culture & Society

Temple University

nhan at temple.edu

Vuong Vu-Duc vuduc.vuong at gmail.com

Mon Apr 18 14:43:58 PDT 2016

Mazel tov! and Chúc Mừng!

Or as we say in Vietnamese, Việt : Có thế chứ !


Quynh Le Tran lequynh78 at gmail.com

Mon Apr 18 15:01:26 PDT 2016

This will be one of the most inspiring stories for Vietnamese people in


Quynh Le

Acting Head of Vietnamese Service

BBC World Service, London

Quynh Le Tran lequynh78 at gmail.com

Mon Apr 18 15:01:26 PDT 2016

This will be one of the most inspiring stories for Vietnamese people in


Quynh Le

Acting Head of Vietnamese Service

BBC World Service, London

Nguyen-Vo, Thu-Huong nguyenvo at humnet.ucla.edu

Mon Apr 18 16:43:34 PDT 2016

Congratulations, Viet. Looking forward to the sequel.


Get Outlook<https://aka.ms/uzin6x>

Margaret Suzanne Barnhill Bodemer mbodemer at calpoly.edu

Mon Apr 18 16:48:46 PDT 2016


This is huge news and a tremendous accomplishment!!!

Thank you everyone for announcing it to VSG! I will definitely be buying additional copies to give as New Year's/Christmas gifts!!



Margaret B. Bodemer, Ph.D.

mbodemer at calpoly.edu

Spring 2016 Office Hours: MW 12:30-1:30pm, T 11:30am-1:30pm, 1-3pm & by appointment.




San Luis Obispo, CA

Viet Thanh Nguyen vnguyen at usc.edu

Sat Apr 23 22:09:15 PDT 2016

Thanks, everyone, for the kind words on the Pulitzer for The Sympathizer. It’s also very interesting to see the outpouring of feeling from Vietnamese people concerning the prize.

The translation is underway by Nhã Nam, who was the only publisher interested in it before the prize (now more presses are contacting me). There’s a clause in the contract that says I can buy back my translation if the government censors it in anyway. I assume the chances of that happening are high, although an internal source remains optimistic. If the ms. is censored, I think I have the resources to buy the translation and publish it on my own or in collaboration with existing venues. It is my desire to have the uncensored version available in Vietnamese to anyone who wants to read it, for free if necessary.

If people have suggestions or can help with checking the translation with the original, please contact me offline.



Viet Thanh Nguyen

Interim Chair, American Studies and Ethnicity, 2015-2016

Associate Professor of English and

American Studies and Ethnicity

University of Southern California

Website<http://vietnguyen.info/> | Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/vietnguyenauthor> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/viet_t_nguyen>

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