Malaria rx

Malaria treatment

Plasmodium falciparum

Quinine sulfate*7 days + tetra of doxy or clinda 7days


Quinine sulfate(650mg(salt)(542mgbase)) oral tid pc 

Tetramycin(250mg) qid 7days (หรือ Doxy100 mg bid)

เด็ก QS 10mg/kg Clinda 20mg/kg/dose tid 7days

Ex.complicated malaria 


Ex. Case fever 4 day ตรวจพบ P.falciparum

day 1 .Quinine gr X in 5%D/W 50 cc in 3 hr drip q 8hr

doxy 1*2 pc

day 2 .Quinine gr X in 5%D/W 50 cc in 3 hr drip q 8hr

day3 . Quinine gr X in 5%D/W 50 cc in 3 hr drip q 8hr จนกว่ากินได้ดี

day 4. Quinine 2*3 pc 42t

doxy 1*2 pc 14 day

10 hct 32 wbc 6200 plt 58000 N 58 L 33 Mo 7 hypo 1+ macro few micro few poly few ovalocyte 1+

9 hct 35 wbc 5900 plt 71000 hypo1+ macro few micro 2+ ovalo 1+

11 hct 30 wbc 2400 plt 28000 n 78 l 19 mo3 hypo 1 macro 1 mico few Malaria plasmodium falciparum

second line drug

Chloroquine phosphate 600mg base(1000mg salt) stat then 300mg base at 6, 24,48 hrs

ดูระดับน้ำตาล ซีด electrolyte ต่อเนื่อง

Plasmodium vivax of Ovale

Chloroquine phosphate ( tab 250mg salt = 150mg base)

Sig. 600 mg oral stat then 300mg at 6, 24,48 hrs

Sig. 4tab stat then 2 tab at 6,24,48 hr

+ Primaquine phosphate 30 mg base (tab 26.3mg salt = 15mg base)

Sig 30 mg oral qid 14 days

Pregnancy ห้าม tetra, doxy, primaquine

ส่วน quinine, chloroquine ได้

Malaria from CDCMalaria Home Diagnosis and Treatment

Treatment of Malaria (Guidelines For Clinicians

PDF Download PDF version of Parts 1-3 formatted for print (134 KB/9 pages)

Part 1: Reporting § Epidemiology § Evaluation and Diagnosis

Part 2: Treatment: General Approach § Treatment: Uncomplicated Malaria

Part 3: Alternatives for Pregnant Women § Treatment: Severe Malaria

Treatment Guidelines Table**

Treatment summary in tabular form (Updated March 6, 2007)

PDF Download PDF version formatted for print (71 KB/3 pages)

chloroqiune dose:

primaquine dose:

quinine sulfate : 

quinine gluconate: