Seroma ear

Seroma ( enodochondral pseudocyst, benign idiopathic cystic chondromalacia)

Seroma is rare lesion that presents with non-inflamed, fluctuant swelling at anterior surface of the ear pinna. First described by Hartmann in 18461 but the term Pseudocyst was described by Engel in 19662. Recent review by Cohen and Grossman3 in 1990 found only 114 reported cases in the world literature. Intracystic lesion filled with sterile, strawcolored or serosanguinous fluid4, the cavity is lined with granulation tissue and the surrounding cartilage appears normal.

Clinically a seroma is predominant in healthy young male adult (93%) and not usually associated with trauma at the pinna. This condition usually is unilateral involvement (87%)3 but may be bilaterally involvement. The most common site is the scaphoid fossa (80%).

The pathogenesis of seroma is unknown. Differential diagnosis are composed of relapsing polychondritis, subperichondral hematoma and chondrodermatitis nodularis helicus.

The treatments of this condition are removal of the cystic content (either aspiration or incision) and followed with induction of fibrosis (scaring) of intracartilagenous cavity and/or bilateral pressure dressing (anterior and posterior surface).5


1. Hartmann A. Uber cystenbildung in der Ohrenmuschel. Arch Ohr Nas Kehkopfheild. 1846;15:156.

2. Engel D. Pseudocysts of the auricle in Chinese. Arch Otolaryngol. 1966;83:29-34.

3. Cohen P.R., Grossmann M.E. Pseudocyst of the auricle: case report and world literature review. Arch Otolaryngol. 1990; 116:1202-04.

4. Kunachak S., Prakunhungsit S. A simple treatment for endochondral pseudocyst of the auricle. J Otolaryngol.1992; 21(2): 139-41.

5. Cohen P.R., Katz B.E. Pseudocyst of the auricle: Successful treatment with intracartilgenous trichloracetic acid and button bolsters. J Dermatol Surg Oncol. 1991;17:255-58.