The Dictator: Endangered Species

The Dictator: Endangered Species

Will the Dinosaur extinction be repeated?

The scientific name of the creature: the Dictator; Dick – Tae – Tor

Other names: Emperor, Sultan, King, Prince, President, His Majesty, His Highness’, His Excellency. The Dictator, after the French Revolution, decided to add more names to the existing collection as Leader, Commander, Father, Brother, Comrade and Immortal. Some of the dictators had very unusual names like “The Cannibal Emperor” which belonged to a former African dictator.

The Biological classification: Natural Scientists differ about this issue. Some think the Dictator is human because he looks like other people. Some, meanwhile, think that the Dictator is an animal because he is bloody and behaves according to ‘The law of the jungle’ where the strong eats the weak. A few scientists went further when they classified the dictator among the plants in general, and the climbers in particular, as he lives at the expense of others. And because of the horrible deeds he commits. They believe that he has no heart as humans or, even, as animals.

The Dictators natural habitat: The Dictator has roamed the Earth for thousands of years, thus he was able to adapt to any environment or climate, from desert to icy, polar to equatorial, mountains to coastal. This is a characteristic that identifies the Dictator from other creatures and makes him the most different and estranged at the same time.

The color of the skin: Because he can live in any environment and climate, the dictator can be white or black, tan, yellow or red.

Food: The Dictator is an omnivore, though he prefers meat. But, and in contrast to other creatures, he is ready to kill and shed blood even if he is not hungry. Plus, he has an unlimited appetite to indigestible materials like currency and noble metals, and he is ready to commit massacres in order to possess them, which is another thing that makes him different.

Clothes: He wears all kinds of clothes, from suits to military uniforms and from abaya to cuffiya. But he is more in love with the military uniforms that are covered with medals. The Psychologists believe that he does that for two reasons; to intimidate the people around him and to hide the inferiority complex he suffers from.

Social life: He lives within the circle of his family that includes his wife (or wives or mistresses) and children. He tries to distance himself from the rest of his gender to guaranty passing his power and wealth to his sons after he dies. But, on the other hand, he loves to make occasional public appearances, particularly with cameras’ present, where he arranges to take media photos with old people or with kids, smiles to the cameras and waves his hands up in the air. All that, to put a human cover on himself that helps him in public relations

Style and where he works: He likes to move silently and secretly, that is why places behind closed doors and dark areas are his perfect environment to breed and flourish. In addition, he likes to use the method of terrorizing others by closing their mouths, seizing freedom and keeps talking about enemies, real or imaginary, to justify his unacceptable practices. In doing all that, he counts on the ignorance of the people and their fear of his tyranny. He also tries hard to keep them distanced from the outer world so he can convince them that they are better off than other folks. Finally, he encourages corruption among both; the people and his elite, which makes it easier for him to control and blackmail anyone when he needs to.

The Dictator crisis: The Dictator today is facing the danger of extinction, because he can’t isolate his people from the rest of the world, and because the environment of darkness is shrinking as well. Thanks to the communication revolution, especially the marriage that took place recently between the cell phone and the camera, and then the ride they both took on the waves of the internet. This trio freed those who were isolated by his control, and placed every location on the planet earth under the spotlight. So any citizen who would be harmed today can publish the news around the world, with audio, video and even colors, with just clicks of buttons. This new power, that was made available by the modern technology and was placed in the hand of the people, represents the most hazardous challenge that endangers the very existence of the dictator, which has continued for thousands of years. With such a weapon, and after the people were freed from their fear of the dictator, here they are, by the millions, seeking to hunt him every where he exists.

Can the Dictator be saved from extinction? So what is endangering the Dictator today is not the desertification, neither the hole in the Ozone, nor the shortage of food, but the millions of people who are seeking his skin. The scientists think that it is useless to make international laws forbidding the hunting oh him, and that is because of the misery and pain he inflected on the societies before the people possessed the tools to hunt him. Therefore, the scientists suggested the same solution that was used to protect other endangered species. By gathering them in “Dictators’ Preserves” that are recognized by the international community. Which guaranty their survival, but also guaranty that they will not escape and go back to hurt anyone. On the other hand, and in order to calm the angry masses, the scientists also suggested organizing affordable tourist safaris into those preserves, so people have the chance to watch these creatures in order not to forget their disastrous effects on the human societies.

By: Tarif Youssef-Agha

February 23rd. 2011

Houston, Texas