I’m Gonna Tell God Everything!

I’m Gonna Tell God Everything!

Honoring the 3rd. memorial of the Syrian Revolution

By Jose C. Salazar

“I’m gonna tell God everything!”

Said the 3 year old boy in dying breath

He was a Syrian child, another Angel

Among so many, who lived a tortured life

Almost from birth in that hell-hole Bashar did dig.


A sweet innocent is born in faith;

His parents will provide for basic needs:

A roof over his head, a mother’s milk,

A blanket, hugs and kisses, lullabies,

Even, occasionally, chocolate, honey, dates.


A child of God born in the desert

Is worthy, just as any child, of caring and protection.

His worth before the eyes of God as infinite,

His father and his village just as tasked

To do right by him, provide justice, safety.


But not this forsaken child of bright, deep-amber eyes,

Not him. For he was born to strife and horror

That the Beast Bashar cast upon the land

The minarets and stately domes resembling now

Hellish chambers that sear his tender flesh


And yet the babe in arms, and then the baby walking,

Saw every form of man-made violation

Of his peace, and of God’s laws -- And how it hurt!

And how the boy with little language and great tears

Yearned to tell someone to make it stop, please stop!


But no one made it stop.

The pain piled on. The tears unceasing,

The desperate Innocent looked for the ones to make it right.

He saw his father cry, his mother die humiliated,

His village torn asunder and no Judge!


His Angelic protestations falling on deaf ears,

And everywhere he turned he saw fierce flames

Amid the darkness of lost souls

He turned to Baba hopelessly a wreck;

He looked every direction for a friend.


But no one could be found to stop the evil

That so ruthlessly robbed him of his life.

No pleading, nor a threat, could move the Powers that be

To provide peace; his rag-tag heroes

Martyrs all became; his protectors all dead.


And as he lay in blood and ashes, the precious child,

From yet another Syrian bomb in barrels,

Gave thought to justice in the manner of a child’s heart,

That he felt so compelled to reassure them all:

“I’m gonna tell God everything!”


And with those dying words this Angel, may God take his heed,

To every child he left behind, he bestowed hope.

O, precious boy, go up to Heaven now.

Lay in God’s arms and comfort, sweetest child,

And tell God everything…once more


By Jose C. Salazar

The English professor and Director of the TRIO

HCC, Central Campus. Houston, TX.

March 2014