Dimashq ... The Gate of History


دِمَشْقْ ... بَوابَة ُ التاريخْ

عندما يُـختصرُ التاريخ ُ بمدينة

Dimashq … The Gate of History

When History is briefed in a city

مِن َ المِهْجَر ِ يا دِمَشق ُ يُهديك ِ السلام

قـَلب ٌ يا دِمَشق ُ ماانفـَك َ يَهوّاك

Oh Dimashq (Damascus), you have a salute from exile

A heart that never stopped loving you

أكثر ُ مِن ْ عِشرين َ عاما ً مُنذ ُ غادرتـُك

يَوم َ غادرتـُك ِ قـَلبي قـَبْـل َ عَيني بَكـاك

More than twenty years since I left you,

The day I left you, my heart wept before my eye.

عَرفـْت ُ أنـَّه ُ وَداع ٌ رُبَما لا لِقاء َ بَعدَهْ

وَداع ٌ رُبَما لا تـَريني بَعدَه ُ و لا أراك

I knew that it was a goodbye without meeting again,

A goodbye after which we may not see each other again

ثلاثون َ عاما ً عِشْـت ُ مَعَك ِ الطـُفولـَة َ والشَباب َ

ما تنفـَسْت ُ فيها غـَير َ هَواك

Thirty years, I lived with you my childhood and youth,

In which I didn’t breathe any but your air.

ثلاثون َ عاما ً ما غادرتـُك ِ فيها يَوما

عَوَّدْت ُ عَيني فيها عَلى رؤياك

Thirty years, I had never left you for a single day,

I trained my eyes to see you.

ثلاثون َ عاما ً تناوبَت ْ عَـليك ِ الفـُصول ُ

وأنا أ ُشاهد ُ تناوبَها كـُل َ عام ٍ مِن ْ شُباكي

Thirty years, seasons had been changing shifts,

While I was watching them every year from my window

ومِن ْ شُرْفـَة ِ مَنزلِنا طالـَما تأمَّلت ُ سَمائـَك

وشَهـِدْت ُ كـُل َ يَوم ٍ صَباحَك و مَساك

And from our balcony, I enjoyed your sky,

And I witnessed your morning and evening every day.

كـُل ُ يَوم ٍ وأنا أصْحو على شَمْسِك

وأغفو عَلى قمَرك ِ وأنا له ُ أحاكي

Every day, I woke up with your sun,

And slept with your moon while talking to him

مِن ْ جـِوار ِ قاسِيون َ عَرفـتـُك

أنا وقاسيون َ مَعا ً عَشِقناك

I met you in the neighborhood of Kassion (mount),

Both, Kassion and I fell in love with you.

وبَرَدى أيْضا ً عَـلى لائِحَة ِ العُشاق

الكـُل ُ يا دِمَشق ُ يَتـَمَنى رضاك

And Barada (river) is also in the lovers’ list,

Oh Damascus, everyone is seeking your love.

جَبَل ُ الشَيخ ِ يُلوِّح ُ لك ِ بمَنديلِه

أن ْ لا تنسيني ولا أنساك

Haramon (mount) is waving his handkerchief for you,

Saying “don’t forget me, as I don’t forget you”

وصَخرَة ُ الرَبوَة ِ تـُنادي أنْ إذكريني دائما

هل ْ يَذهَب ُ شَهيدا ً مَن ْ يَذهَب ُ صَريع َ هَواك ِ ؟

And the rock of Rabwa cries “remember me forever”,

Is he considered a martyr he who dies for your love?

أنت ِ أمي وأبي وإخوتي وصاحِبَة ُ الحَكايا

وأقاربي وجيراني وكـُل ُ مَن ْ بحُبه ِ كـَفاك

You are my mom, dad, brothers, the story narrator (Nanny),

My relatives, my neighbors, and all who love you

فيك ِ خـُلِقـْت ُ وفيك ِ كـَبـِرْت ُ ...

فيك ِ عَشِقـْت ُ ومِنك ِ أخَذت ُ أحلى صَباياك

I was born and grew up in you,

In you I loved, and from you I took the prettiest girl.

لـَوْنـُها مِن ْ أرْضِك ِ وشَعرُها مِن ْ لـَيْـلِك

الصَبية ُ لها سِحرُ ك ِ ولها رُمْشاك

Her color is from your ground and her hair is from your night,

The girl has your charm and your eye lashes.

لـَكـُما كـَتـَبْت ُ أشْعارا ً بجَمال ِ نـُجومِك

وبعَدَد ِ مافي أنهارك ِ مِن ْ أسْماك

I wrote poems for both of you, as pretty as your stars,

And as many as the fishes in your rivers


مَن ْ أنت ِ حَقا ً يا دِمَشق ُ ؟

مِن ْ أيْن َ أتى بأسْمائِك ِ مَن ْ سَمَّاك ِ ؟

Oh Damascus, who are you really?

Where came with your names, he who named you?

أناقة ٌ سَريعَة ُ الخـُطى أم ِ الأرض ُ المَسْـقـِيَّة ُ ؟

أم ْ دَم ُ شـَقيق ٍ سال َ عَلى ثـَراك ِ ؟

Are you a fast camel or an irrigated ground?

Or a brother’s blood that ran on your soil?

أم ْ ذو القرنين ِ الذي عَشِق َ واديكي

فأوْصى وَزيرَه ُ بك ِ فـَبَناك ؟

Or the ‘Two-Horned’ (ancient epic invader) who loved your valley,

Then asked his minister to build you?

و ماهيَ جـِلـَّق ُ ؟ أباقة ٌ مِن ْ ألف ِ زَهْرَة ٍ ؟

أم ِ الغوطة ُ التي تـُعانِقـُك ِ ؟ بـِها الله ُ أغناك ِ

And what is Jullaq (nickname for Damascus)? Is it a bouquet of a thousand flowers?

Or it is Al-Ghoota (farmland surrounding the city) which hugs you? God blessed you with it.

وهل ِ الفـَيْحاء ُ إلا مِن ْ ياسَمينِك ِ ؟

زَهْرَة ٌ بـِها الله ُ خـَصَّك ِ وهـَنـَّاك

Is Al-Fayhaa (nickname for Damascus, means fragrance) but from your Jasmine?

A flower in which God made you special and happy

أم ْ مِن َ المِسْك ِ الذي يَتأرْجَح ُ مِن ْ مَنازلِك ِ ؟

مارآك ِ أحْد ٌ إلا وقال َ ما أحْلاك

Or from Al-Missk (a Damascan flower), that swing from your houses?

No one saw you but said “what a pretty city?”

أم ْ مِن َ الفـُل ِ والوَرْد ِ والزَنـْبـَق ؟

كـُلها صارَت ْ بـِضْعا ً مِن ْ ألوانِك ِ و رَيَّاك

Or from the Ful, Roses, and Zanbaq (3 Damascan flowers)

All became part of your colors and perfume.

أما الشام ُ فماذا تـُخـفي بَيْن َ أحرُفِها ؟

أساطير ُ الأوَّ لين َ أم ْ حِكايات ُ الحَواكي ؟

And what Al-Sham (word) is hiding in the letters?

The legends of the insisters or the stories of the narrators

شامَة ُ الدُنيا ، أم ُ المَدائـِن ِ ، مَهْد ُ الحَضارات

أم ابْن ُ نـَبي ٍ أرْسى سُورَك ِ و أرْساك ِ ؟

The world beauty mark, the mother of cities, the cradle of civilizations,

Or a prophet’s son who established you and your wall

شام ُ الشَرَف ِ ، أرْض ُ الصالِحين َ ، مَعبَر ُ الرُسُـل

مَنَّ الرَب ُ عَليك ِ و وَقاك

The city of honor, land of saints, crossing of prophets,

God made you special by protecting you

هَل ْ أنت ِ إرَم ُ ذات ِ العِماد ؟

أم ْ عَساك ِ تكونين َ جَنة ُ الفِردَوْس ِ عَساك ؟

Are you Eram (an ancient grate city mentioned in the Holy Quran) of the columns?

Or are you the heaven paradise?

أم أنت التين ُ الذي أقسَم َ به ِ

خالِق ُ الكـَوْن ِ والإنسان ِ و المَلاك ؟

Or are you the fig that was sworn by

the creator of the universe, man, and angel?

لايَكـتـَمِل ُ ذِكـْر ُ الشام إلا بذِكـْر ِ توتـَتِها

ثـَمَر ٌ هـَل ْ حَقا ً تبنيتيه ِ ، أم ْ تبناك ؟

Mentioning Al-Sham (nickname for Damascus) is never complete without mentioning Mulberry

Did you really adopt this fruit, or it adopted you?

ولِلخَوْخ ِ عِطر ٌ لا يُضاهيه ِ إلا الدُراق ُ

إن ْ لم ْ يَفتِنك ِ واحِدْهُما ، الثاني أغوّاك

Nothing matchs the fragrance of your Plum but that of your Beach,

If one of them doesn’t attract you, then the other will.

والكـَبّاد ُ صار َ مِن ْ أفراد ِ أسْرَتِك

والتـُفاح ُ والعِنـَب ُ بالهَمَسات ِ يُغازلاك

Al-Kabbad (Damascan fruit) became a member of your family,

And the Apple and Grape tried to seduce you by whispering.

وقِطـَة ُ البَيْت أنزَلوها عَلى خانـَتِـك

والحَسون ُ كـُلـَّما شـَدا أغانيه ِ ذكـَرْناك

The house cat was registered on your family card,

And every time the hasson sings, we talk about you.

البَحْرَة ُ في أرْض ِ الدِيار ِ تـَعـْز ِف ُ له ُ

والكوْرَس ُ ساقيَة ٌ تـُرَدِد ُ ياشام ُ حَيَّاك

The water fountain in the backyard plays the music for him,

And his supporter is the waterway that always salutes you.

إن ْ زاعَلك ِ الزَيْزَفون ُ ، صالـَحكـُما الصَفـْصاف ُ

وكـُلـَما هَب َّ الهَوى ، تـَلـَقـَت ِ القبُلات ُ مِنهُما يَداك

If Al-Zayzafoon (tree) made you sad, then Al-Safsaf (tree) would mediate,

And every time the wind moved, your hands received kisses from both.

حَب ُّ الهال ِ يَعرف ُ طريقـَه ُ إلى فِنجان ِ قهْوَتِك

فإن ْ ضاع َ ... فماء ُ الزَهْر ِ يأتيه ِ بـِرَيّاك

The Beads of Hal know the way to your cup of coffee,

If they got lost, then the rosewater shows him the way with his fragrance.

وماء ُ الفيجَة ِ يَكاد ُ يَكون ُ ماء ُ الحَياة

الكـَريم ُ حتى بالشَراب ِ بـَدَّاك

And the Feeja fountain is almost the fountain of life,

The Generous (God) made special even with your drinking water.

هـَل ْ وَقعْت ِ حَقا ً عَلى سِر ِ الشَباب ِ ؟

فـَنِيَت ْ مُدُن ٌ وبَقيتي أنت ِ عَلى صِباك

Did you really unveil the secret of youth?

A lot of cities vanished, while you are still young.

جـِلـْجامِش في العِراق ِ بَحَث َ عَن ْ سِر ِ الخُلود

كان َ الأحرى به ِ لوْ أتاك

In Iraq, Gilgamesh looked for the secret of immortality,

He would do better coming to you.

ما أتى الزَمان ُ بمِثلِك ِ مَدينـَة

هَجَر َ الزَمان ُ غَيرَ ك ِ ولِنفسِه ِ اصْطفاك

Time has never had another city like you,

Time has deserted all others and kept you for himself.


أعْجَب ُ مِن ْ كـُل ِ عَجائِب ِ الدُنيا أنت

عَجائِب ُ الدُنيا تنحَني أمام َ جَلال ِ مُحَيَّاك

Greater than all the (7) ‘Worlds Wonders’

The ‘World Wonders’ bend down for your respect.

عَجائِب ُ الدُنيا تعلـَم ُ لوْ هِيَ ألقـَت ْ عَصاها

ولوْ أنت ِ ألقـَيْـت عَصاك

The ‘World Wonders’ know if they throw their sticks,

And if you throw yours,

لصارَت ْ عَصاك ِ سَبْعَة َ أبْواب ٍ وسَبْعَة َ أنهار

وسَبْع َ حَضارات ٍ طـَواها الزَمان ُ و ما طـَواك

Your stick will turn into seven doors, seven rivers,

And seven civilizations that vanished, but you didn’t.

إكـتـَمَلـَت ْ فيك ِ الصِفاة ُ ... تاريخ ٌ ودين ٌ وجَمال ٌ

سُبْحان َ مَن ْ عَلى صِفاتِك ِ سَوَّاك

You are complete in all; history, religion, and beauty.

Praise God for giving you all that.

إن ْ كان َ التاريخ ُ كِتابا ً فأنـْت ِ الغِلاف ُ

وإن ْ كان َ مَزارا ً فالبَوابَة ُ ليْسَت ْ سِواك

If history were a book, then you should be the cover,

And if he were a shrine, then you should be the gate.

مَن ْ مِن َ الأنبياء ِ والرُسُل ِ لم ْ يَحضَر ْ إليَك ِ ؟

ومِن َ الأوْلِياء ِ والقِديسين َ إلا و خاواك ِ ؟

Who of the prophets and messengers didn’t come to you?

And who of the saints didn’t make you a sister?

أبو البَشر ِ طاف َ في نواحيك

مِنك ِ انتشرَت ْ ذ ُريَّـتـَه ُ ثـُم َ تـُحـْشـَر ُ في قـُراك

The father of all people (Prophet Adam) walked around in you,

His generations started from you, and will end in you.

خـَليل ُ الله ِ كان َ يَوْما ً مِن ْ أهاليك

وخـَاتـَم ُ الرُسُـل ِ طـَبَع َ قـَدَمَه ُ يَوْم َ التقاك

‘Gods Companion’ (Prophet Abraham) was once one of your residents,

And the last messenger (Prophet Mohammed) left his foot print on you when he came to visit.

يَسوع ٌ جَعَـل َ مِن ْ رَبوَتِك ِ مُلتـَجَأ

ويَوْم َ يُبْعَث ُ حَيا ً ، يُبْعَث ُ مِن ْ سَماك

Jesus took a refuge in your hill,

And when he will return, he will come through your sky.

بولـُس ُ عـَلى عَتباتِك ِ رأى النور َ

وعلى أسْوارك ِ كـُتِـبَت ْ له ُ الحَياة ُ فحَيّاك

(Saint) Paul saw the light (of truth) on your steps,

And his life was spared on your walls, so he was grateful to you.

كـَم ْ مِن ْ رُموز ِ الدين ِ والدُنيا تـَرقـُد ُ عِندَك

حتى ابْن ُ آدَم َ وأهل ُ الكهْف ِ جاوَراك

How many religions and lifes icons are resting in you?

Even the ‘Son of Adam’ (Able) and the ‘Residents of the Cave’ are your neighbors.

كـَليم ُ الله ِ في الكـَثيب ِ الأحمَر

ونوح ٌ وهود ٌ ويونس ٌ في بَعض ٍ مِن ْ زواياك

‘Gods Speaker’ (Prophet Moses) is in the Red Hill,

And Prophets Noah, Judah (Hud), and Jonah (Youness) are in some of your corners.

اليَسَع ُ استجار َ بك ِ مِن َ الظـُلـْم

وذو الكِفـْـل ِ كـَفِـل َ الإيْمان َ عَلى أرضِك و راضاك

Prophet Elijah (Yassa) came to you running away from injustice,

And Prophet Zee Al-Kufl guaranteed faith on your soil.

حَنانيَّا ضَحى بحَياتِه ِ مِن ْ أجْـل ِ أهْـلِك

فأوْصى بـِك ِ الرَب َ وبأتباعِه ِ أوْصاك

(Saint) Ananias sacrificed his life for your residents,

He asked God to take care of you and his followers.

شَهيد ُ الأنبياء ِ وسَيد ُ الشُهَداء ِ ضَيفان ِ على جامِعِك ِ

رَب ُ العالمين َ بمَن ْ تحت َ أديمِك ِ زكـَّاك ِ

The ‘Martyr of Prophets’ (John the Baptist), and the ‘Master of Martyrs’ (Al-Hussein) are both guests in your mosque.

God blessed you by those who are resting under your soil.

أ ُمَهات ُ المُسلِمين َ وأهْـل ُ البَيت ِ والصَحابة ُ والعُلـَما

كـَم ْ مِنهُم ْ ألقى المِرْساة َ عِندَ ك ِ ليَلقاك ِ ؟

Muslem’s mothers (wives of the Prophet), the Prophets family, companions, and scholers,

How many of them did drop thier anchor in you to stay?

السَيدَة ْ في المَقام ِ مِن ْ ضُيوفِك

وسِت ُ الشام ِ قالت ْ ياشام ُ نـَبْـقى و إيـَّاك

Al-Sayedda (Zinab; the Prophets grand daughter) in the shrine is one of your guests,

And Sit Al-Sham (sister of Sultan Salah Al-Deen) promised to stay with you.

خَولـَة ُ كانت ْ فارسَة عَصْرها

ومُؤَذِن ُ الرَسول ِ حَضَنتيه ِ فأوْفاك

Khaula (a celebrated female fighter) was the knight of her time,

And the ‘Praying-Caller of the Prophet’ (Bilal) was hugged by you, so he stayed forever faithful to you.

كـُل ُ خـُلـَفاء ِ بَني أمَيَّة َ مِن َ المُقيمين َ

والعادِل ُ والناصِر ُ والظاهِر ُ مُلوك ٌ في حِماك

All the Omayyad (Moor) caliphs are residents,

And Al-Adel, Al-Naser, and Al-Zaher are (historic) kings under your protection.

إبن ُ تيمِيَة َ جَعَـلك ِ دار َ الدُنيا والآخِرة

وابن ُ عَرَبي ٍ يَوْم َ حَط َّ رحالـَه ُ لاقـَاك

Ibn Taymiah (a celebrated scholar) made you his home for life and after,

And Ibn Arabi (a celebrated scholar) came to you when he decided to settle.

إبن ُ كـَثير شَرَح َ لك كلام َ الرَحمن

وابن ُ عَساكِر في التاريخ خـَلـَّد َ ذِكـْراك ِ

Ibn Katheer (a celebrated scholar) explained the words of God (The Holy Koran) to you,

And Ibn Assaker (a celebrated historian) made your name immortal in history.

الذهَبي ُ أضاف َ إلى كـُنوزك ذهَبا

والفارابي ُّ بالحِكـْمَة مَلأ َ الدُنيا و دُنياك

Al-Zahabby (a celebrated scholar) Added gold to your treasures,

And Al- Farabi (a celebrated philosopher) filled the world and your world by wisdom.

إبن ُ النـَفـيس شـَفى القـُلوب َ بأرضِك

وابن ُ البيطار ِ داوى العالم َ مِنك ِ و داواك

Ibn Al-Nafeess (a celebrated physician) healed the hearts on your soil,

And Ibn Al-Bettar (a celebrated pharmacist) prescribed medicine to the world from you.

إبن ُ مالِك ٍ بـِلِسان ِ العَرَب ِ أتحَفـَك ِ

وابن ُ الشاطِر ِ إلى مَصاف النـُجـوم وَدَّاك

Ibn Malek (a celebrated linguistic) astonished you with the Arabic tongue (accomplishments),

And Ibn Al-Shatter (a celebrated astronomer) placed you with the stars.

أمير ُ الجزائِر ِ ما إختار َ غـَيْرَ ك ِ لِمَنفاه ُ

ورسْلان ُ حَمى بَرَّ ك ِ فصافـَيتيه ِ و صافاك

The ‘Prince of Algeria’ (Abdel-Kader) choose nowhere but you for his exile,

Russlan (a celebrated scholar, resister) protected your ground, so you both lived in harmony.

إن ْ مَشينا على تـُرابـِك ِ فـَلنـَمْش الهوَيَنا

فكـُل ُ بُقعَة ٍ تـَحتـَها صالِح ٌ في الأمْس ِ ناجاك

If we walk on your soil, we should walk calmly,

As every spot (of your soil) host a saint who, in the past, lived here and praised you.

ولنـَقرأ ِ السَلام َ على أطياف ِ مَن ْ ذهَبوا

ولنـَقـل ْ ياشام ُ سامِحينا ، ما قـَصَدنا سوءا ً إذ ْ وَطـَئـْناك ِ

So let’s salute the souls of those who passed away,

And say “Oh Damascus, forgive us, we did not mean any harm by stepping on your soil”


أ ُمَم ٌ وأديان ٌ توالت ْ بَين َ مَد ٍ وجَذر

وترَكـَت ْ ورائها لؤلؤا ً أضاف َ إلى غِناك

Nations and faiths alternated as Rip and Ebb Tides,

They left behind pearls that added to your wealth.

أبْواب ٌ وأسْوار ٌ ... قـُصور ٌ وخانات

مَساجـِد ٌ وكنائِس ٌ ومَعابـِد ٌ زادَت ْ مِن ْ بَهاك

Gates and walls, palaces and inns,

Mosques, churches, and temples all increased your charm.

أسْواق ٌ وحَمامات ٌ ... مَدارس ٌ ومَكـتبات

ما كان َ للشَرْق ِ دُرَّة ٌ لوْلاك

Bazaars and public baths, schools and libraries,

The Orient would not have a jewel without you.

مَغارات ُ قاسيون َ تحكي قِصَة َ البَدء

الله ُ مُنذ ُ البَدء ِ عَلى الأرض ِ وَلا َّك

The caves of Kassion narrate the story of the beginning of time,

God, from the very beginning, choose you as the ruler of the earth.

وكما شُق َّ بَحر ُ مِصْر َ لِكـَليم ِ الرَحمن

شُق َّ جَبَلـُك ِ لأربَعين َ صالِحا ً استجاروا بهُداك

And as the ‘Sea of Egypt’ (the Red Sea) was opened to ‘Gods Speaker’,

So your mount (Kassion) was opened to forty saints who sought refuge by your guidance.

كـُل ُ باب ٍ مِن ْ أبوابـِك ِ كان َ لِكـَوكـَب

الكواكِب ُ قبل َ الأرض ِ حُـبُـك ِ أضْناها و أضْناك

Each gate of yours belonged to a planet,

The planets, before earth, fell in your love and you fell in their love.

أقدَم ُ كـَنيس شاهِد ٌ على تسامُحِك

والكـَنيسَة ُ المَريَميَة ُ تـَشْهَد ُ على طـَهارَة ِ حَناياك

The oldest synagogue (built during the time of Ellia, one of the Hebrews’ prophets) is a witness of your tolerance.

And the ‘Church of Miriam’ (Virgin Mary) witnesses your chastity.

الوَليد ُ عَمَّر َ مَسْجـِدَ ك ِ للأجيال ِ رَمْزا

وجَعـَله ُ للأقصى شقيقا ً يُضاعِف ُ مِن ْ سَناك

Al-Waleed (the fifth Moor caliph) built your mosque to be an icon for generations to come,

And he made it a brother to Al-Aqssa (by the Dome of the Rock), increasing your glimmer.

بُقعَة ٌ صَلى عِندَها كـُل ُ مَن ْ سَبَق َ

و كل ُ مَن ْ لـَحِـق َ ، بـِذِكـْر ِ الله ِ نـَجَّـاك

It is a spot (the Great Mosque location in Damascus) where all, who came before, prayed,

And you were saved by the praying of all who followed.

الوالي لِقـَصْر ِ العَظـْم ِ أوْرَثـَك

وسِنان ُ للتـُحفـَة ِ السُليمانِيَة ِ أهْداك

Al-Walee (Damascus ruler Assad Basha) left you the palace of Azem in his will,

Sinnan (a celebrated Turkish architect) donated you the masterpiece of Al-Sulimania (mosque).

سوق ُ الحَميديَة ِ عَمَّت ْ شُهْرَته ُ البُلدان َ

وخان ُ الباشا وحَمام ُ الشَهيد ِ جَوهَرتان ِ تـُزَيناك

The fame of Al-Hamidia Bazaar spread all over the world,

And the Basha-Inn and the Shaheed public bath are two jewels which make you prettier.

قـُبـَّة ُ السَيَّار ِ رَصَدَت ْ مَسارَ نجُومِك

والظاهِريَّـة ُ والقـَلعَة ُُ صَرحان ِ يُمَجِّداك

The Dome of Al-Sayaar (historic observatory) watched the path of your stars,

And Al-Zaheria (historic library) and the citadel are two towers which glorify you.


يَوْم َ خـُلِـق َ المَجْد ُ ، كـُنت ِ له ُ التوأم ُ

المَجْد ُ إن ْ خاصَم َ الدُنيا ... وَجَدوه ُ و إياك

The day the glory was born, you were his twin,

If glory shuns the whole world, he will be found with you.

والشَهامَة ُ إن ْ فـُقِدَت ْ مِن َ الأرض

وُجـِدَت ْ تتكحل ُ بها عَيناك

If chivalry is missing from the earth,

It will be found around your eyes as a liner.

أما البُطولة ُ فليْسَت ْ غـَريبَة ٌ عَنك

ما أعطى التاريخ ُ مِنها لِمَدينة ٍ كما أعطاك

Heroism also is not a stranger to you,

History never did give it to a city as he did to you.

الأ ُمَويون َ مِن ْ داخِل أسْوار ِك ِ حَكـَموا العالم َ

عَفوا عَمَّن ْ تـَبـِعـَك ِ وعاقـَبوا مَن ْ عَصاك

The Moors ruled the world from within your walls,

They forgave who obeyed you, and punished who didn’t.

في الشَرْق ِ وَصلوا إلى حُدود ِ الصين

وصَقـْر ُ قـُرَيش ٍ في الأندَ لـُس ِ بالمَجْد ِ عَلاك

They spread to the borders of China in the east,

And ‘Saqqr Quraish’ elevated you with glory in Andalusia (Spain, in the west)

خامِس ُ الراشِدين َ رَفع َ إسـمـَك ِ بالعَدْ ل ِ مَنارة

إبن ُ العـَزيز ِ رَعى الدَوْ لة َ مِنك ِ و رَعاك

The fifth Caliph of the Rachides raised your name as a lighthouse of justice,

From you, Ibn Al-Azeez shepherded the Empire, and shepherded you.

ومِنك ِ جاهَد َ نور ُ الدين ِ الفِرَنجَة

مَلِك ُُ الزَمان ِ ذاد َ عَن ْ حِماك

And Noor Al-Deen struggled against the Europeans from you,

A King of his time who protected your sovereignty.

ومِنك ِ انطلق َ السُلطان ُ إلى حِطين

ومِن ْ قبلِه ِ سَيف ُ الله ِ مِن َ اليَرْموك ِ وافاك

The Sultan (Salah Al-Deen) left to (the battle of) Hetten from you,

And before him, the ‘Sword of God’ (Khaled) came to you from (the battle of) Al-Yarmook.

وفي عَيْن ِ جالوت َ ، أحرَق َ المُظـَفـَّر ُ مَن ْ أحرَقـَك

لم ْ يَعِش ْ ليَستـَمتِع َ بالحَياة ِ مَن ْ آذاك

And in Ain Jaloot (battle), Al-Muzffar (Sultan) burned those who burned you,

Those who hurt you don’t live long to enjoy life.

والظاهِـر ُ صَنـَع َ مِن ْ سيرَتِك ِ أ ُسطورَة

مَلِك ٌ هَمَّام ٌ تولى راية َ الجـِهاد و والاك

And Al-Zaher (Bibberss) made a legend of you,

A great King who took care of the flag of struggle and took care of you

آل ُ عُـثمان َ جَعلوك ِ مَزارا ً شَريفا

جَعلوك ِ مَحَطة الحِجاز ِ ، الكـُل ُ يَسْعى لِلـُقياك

Aal Uthman (The Ottomans) made you an honorable shrine,

They made you a (gathering) station to the Holy Mecca.

مَكـَة ُ والمَدينـَة ُ والقـُدْ س ُ مَعِك ِ مُرَ بَّع ُ الحُرُمات

إن ِ إستجارَت ْ بـِك ِ إحداها ... ما تأخـَر َ زنداك

Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, and you are the square of the forbidden,

If any of them cries for your help, you wouldn’t be late.


كـَم ْ مَرة ً أحرَقـَك ِ الغُزاة ُ يا دِمَشق ُ ؟

وكطائِر ِ الفينيق ِ ، كـُل ُ مَرة ٍ يَرتـَفِع ُ جَناحاك

Oh Damascus, how many times did invaders burn you?

And every time, just as the phoenix, you raised your wings (and fly)

كل ُ مَرَة ٍ تخرُجين َ مِن ْ تحت ِ الرَماد

لتـُحَـلـِّـق َ في سَماء ِ الخـُلود ِ رُباك

Every time you emerge from the ashes,

So your hills fly in the sky of the immortality.

لـَم ْ يَقرأ ِ الفرَنسيون َ التاريخ َ يَوْم َ أتوك

لم ْ يَسْأ ل ْ غورو عَنك يَوْم َ غـَزاك

The French failed to read history the day they came to take you,

(French General) Ghoro didn’t ask who you were before he invaded you.

يَوْم َ استـَصْرَخـْت ِ هِمَم َ الرجال ِ مِن ْ أبنائِك

جَرَّد َ وَزير ُ الدِفاع ِ سَيفـَه ُ للمُصَفحات ِ و لـَبَّاك

The day you cried for help from the men of your sons,

The defense minister responded by pulling his sword in the faces of tanks.

يوسُف ُ العَظمَة ْ على رَوابي مَيْسلون َ

تحَدى جُيوشَهُم ُ ومِن ْ كأس ِ الكـَرامَة ِ سَقاك

Youssef Al-Azmah on the hills of Myssaloon

Challenged their armies, and gave you to drink from the cup of dignity.

على روابي مَيْسلون َ وَقـَف َ شامِخا ً وزَمْجَر َ

لانامَت ْ أعيُن ُ الجُبَناء ِ إن ْ تـَرَكـْناك

He stood tall on the hills of Myssaloon and roared

“We would be cowards if we desert you”

يا دِمَشق ُ يا أ ُمَنا لاتحزَني فعار ٌ علينا

أن ْ نهْرُب َ وتـُواجـِهين َ وَحدَ ك ِ بـَلـْوَّاك

“Oh our mother Damascus, don’t be sad! It will be a shame on us

If we run away and leave you to face your adversity alone”.

أقسَمْنا أن ْ لايَأخـُذوك ِ بلا مَعرَكة

وإن ْ نـَسْـقـُط ِ اليَوم َ ، فـَلِـتـَبـْق ِ أنت ِ في عُلاك

“We swore that they will not take you without a battle,

And if we fall today, so you stay up in your tower”.

زَمْجَر َ بهم ْ ... هَذي دِمَشق ُ يافرَنسا

إن ْ كـُنت لا تـَعـلـَمي ... وهَذي بُندُقيَتي دَواك

He roared “Oh France, this is Damascus,

In case you don’t know. And this is my rifle, your treatment”.

وإن ْ دَخـَلتيها اليَوْم َ فلا تفرَحي ...

فـَمَيسَلون َ بَوابَة ُ مَقابـِركـُم ْ ... وكـُلـنا يا دِمَشق ُ فِداك

“And in case you take it (the city) today, don’t be so glad.

As Myssaloon will be the gate to your tombs, and all of us, Oh Damascus, will sacrifice ourselves for you”

رَوى البَطـَل ُ عِزَّ تـَك ِ مِنهُم ْ

ثم َ مِن ْ دِمائِه ِ الطاهِرَة ِ رَواك

The hero (Youssef) irrigated your honor (Damascus) from them (the invaders’ blood),

Then he irrigated you from his blood.

كـَم ْ مِن ْ مَدينة ٍ سُـلـِّمَت ْ بلا قِتال

بَطـَل ُ الأ ُمَة ِ لِهوان ِ الذ ُل ِ كـَفاك

How many cities were given without a fight?

The nation’s hero saved you from the disgrace of humility.

ضَحَّى بنفسِه ِ دِفاعا ً عَن ْ حُرُماتِك

فأرضى الله َ وأرضى الوَطـَن َ و أرضاك

He sacrificed himself defending your dignities,

So he satisfied God, the homeland, and you.


دَنـَّس َ الجُبناء ُ قبرَك َ ياصَلاح َ الدين ِ وقالوا

" عُدنا ، فأرنا ما أنت َ فاعِل ٌ يا سَيِّد َ العِراك ِ "

Oh Salah Al-Deen, the cowards defiled your grave and said,

“We are back, show us what you can do, you master of war”

لاتحزَن ْ يا مُحَرر َ القـُدْ س ِ ، فصَغير ٌ الجَبان ُ مَهْما كـَبـِر ْ

وكـَبير ٌ البَطل ُ يَبقى ، وإن ْ بَكـَته ُ البَواكي ْ

Oh liberator of Jerusalem, don’t be sad! As the coward would always be small, no matter how big he became.

And the hero would always be big, even if he were lamented.

كـُل ُ أبنائِك ِ يا دِمَشق ُ بُعِثوا صَلاح َ الدين

ورَوَوا سُيوفـَهُم ْ مِن ْ دِماء ِ مَن ْ دَماك

Oh Damascus, all your sons were resurrected as Salah Al-Deen,

And they offered their swords to drink from the blood of those who blooded you.

مِن َ الشاغور ِ إلى المَيدان ِ إلى الصالِحِيَة

أشعلوها نارا ً تحت َ أقدام ِ مَن ْ كـَواك

From Al-Shaghoor to al-Meedan to Al-Salihia (districts),

They sat the ground on fire under the feet of those who burned you.

ومِن َ الغوطة ِ أتاهُم ُ الخـَرَّاط ُ والأشـْمَر ُ

وسُـلطان ُ مِن َ الجَبـَل ِ أذاق َ الوَيل َ عِداك

Then Al-Kharrat and Al-Ashmer (resistance leaders) charged them from Al-Ghoota,

And Sultan (another leader), from (Al-Arab) mountain, gave your enemy a taste of hell.

أ ُمَراء ُ الثـَورَة ِ بالبنادِق ِ جَعلوا الغـُزاة َ مَرثاة

وأمير ُ الشُعَراء ِ بالدُموع ِ والقوافي رَثاك

The ‘Princes of Revolution’, with their guns, made pity out of the invaders.

And the ‘Prince of Poets’ (celebrated Egyptian poet Ahmad Shouqy) grieved for you with tears and rhymes.

أ ُمَراء ُ الثـَورَة ِ أمشوا الغـُزاة َ على سِنان ِ الحِراب

وأمير ُ الشُعَراء ِ بـِسَلام ٍ مِن ْ صَبا بَرَدى واساك

The ‘Princes of Revolution’ forced the invaders to walk on the blades of the spears,

And the ‘Prince of Poets’ consoled you with a salute from the loving Barada (Damascus river)

ويَوْم َ البَرلـَمان ِ رَفـَع َ الدَرَك ُ رأسـَك ِ عاليا

ولـَحِـقـَت ْ بـِفـَرَنسـا وَصْمَة ٌ كـُتـِبـَت ْ بـِدِماء ِ مَن ْ فـَداك

Your policemen made you proud on the ‘Day of the Parliament’ (massacre by the French army)

France earned itself disgrace written with the blood of those who scarificed their lives for you.

صَد َق َ مَن ْ سَمَّاك يا ذا السَيف ُ

شاعِر ُ الأرْز بـِقواف ٍ مِن َ الشُهُب ِ حاكاك

He spoke the truth, he who called you the one with the sword,

‘Poet of Arz’ (celebrated Lebanese poet Saeed Aqql) talked of you with rhymes of meteors.

ثم َ أتى نِزار ٌ وأنشـَدَك ِ "هذي دِمَشق ُ"

ما غـَنى شاعِر ٌ لمَدينة ٍ كما نِزار ُ غـَنـَّاك

Then came Nizar (celebrated Damascan poet) and chanted “This is Damascus” (a poem)

Never a poet sang to a city as Nizar did to you.

أتى نِزار ٌ وعَزَف َ لِلدُنيا عَلى أوتارك

مَرَّة ً بَكاك ِ ومَرَّة ً اشتكاك ِ ، ودائما ً حَبيبتي دَعاك

Nizar came and played music to the world with your strings,

Weep at you once, complained from you once, but always called you “my love”

وبَعد َ كـُل ِ هَذا ، هَـل ْ ما زلت ِ تسْألين َ

لِما قـَلبي وكـُل ُ العالـَم ِ يا دِمَشق ُ يَهْوَّاك ؟

And after all that, are you still asking,

“Oh Damascus, why is my heart, as well as the entire world, in love with you”?


شعر: طريف يوسف آغا

هيوستن / تكساس

جماد الأول / 1430

آيار / 2009

Poetry by: Tarif Youssef-Agha

Houston, Texas

Famad Al-Awal 1430

May 2009