Our Hotels are our Trenches

Our Hotels are our Trenches

An Anthem by Tarif Youssef Agha

Our Hotels are our Trenches,

Decorated with our Guns

That is where our bedrooms are,

Guarded by our arms

From there, we defend our families,

From there, our flags will rise again

In there, our Dignity glorifies,

In there, Freedom is ours

Conferences don’t concern us,

As our country is the one on fire

Speeches don’t save us,

As our dictator will be removed by our canons

Most of the world is hypocritical to us,

Most of the world is against us

But, we are carrying on with our Revolution,

Victory, no doubt, is ours

We sailed, and nothing will stop our Journey,

Nothing will stop our Quest for Freedom and Dignity

Life will come back to our streets,

And the flowers will come back to fill our gardens

Syria will return prettier than before,

And its dear people will reunite again


A Poem translation

(Can be shared without permission)

By Tarif Youssef-Agha

An Expatriate Arab Syrian Writer & Poet

Member of the ‘Syrian Revolutionary Writers Assembly’

Friday December 11, 2015, Houston, Texas

A Syrian Revolution slogan ‘Our Hotels are our Trenches, decorated with our Guns’, inspired me to write this anthem.
