The Pilgrimage, Syrian style

The Pilgrimage, Syrian style

By Tarif Youssef Agha

The “Holy Kaaba” is located in Mecca (Arabia)

Millions of people travel to it every year for Pilgrimage

They circle the “Kaaba” and stone Satan


Satan in Syria has an elegant palace

A *palace that is located in Al-Muhajereen quarter (*the presidential palace)

Are there any pilgrims who like to come over to stone him?

Syria found the path to its own pilgrimage

It learned how to stone its Satan with bullets and bombs

And swore that nothing would save him from it

The Satan of Syria sounds like a crow

His soldiers dance over the corpses and skulls (of their victims)

They do what monsters do

The Syrian pilgrimage therefore was started by deep-rooted people

They started it from Daraa (city) shouting ‘down with Assad’

Then they moved to the rest of the cities thundering ‘there is only one God’


The Syrian pilgrimage has rules;

Load your gun and become a fighter

Circle all the cities

Don’t leave any of the regime’s thugs (alive)

Stone both, the regime’s president and soldiers

Those on feet, tanks or jets

Then kiss all the towns you enter (liberate)

This the land of the free men and women

Drink from Euphrates, Al-Aasee and Barada (Syrian rivers)

These are rivers with pure water

If you are a pilgrim in Syria, you have to stand on two mountains

On Al-Zawia, from where Hanano fought the invaders (the French)

And on Kassion which I used to call my neighbor

A mountain that symbolizes the feeling of pride

Then walk between Al-Malikia and Latakia

And between Aleppo and Damascus, where the final destiny will be decided

When you enter Damascus

Look for its brutal Sultan

Search for him in the sink pipes before you do in his palace

As the brave doesn’t brag about massacres

Damascus was the beginning, and will be the end

It will witness the end of that gang to the graveyards


Tarif Youssef-Agha

An Expatriate Arab Syrian Writer & Poet

Member of the ‘Syrian Revolutionary Writers Assembly’

Houston, Texas

Friday October 19, 2012