Japanese Cheese Cake

Prep 準備: 20 minutes | Cook 烹調: 60 minutes | For 份量: 1 lbs | Calories 熱量: 1550 (Estimated/ 估計)

材料 Ingredients請用表準的量杯, 量匙, 磅去量度份量

(Please use the measuring utensils to get precise measurement)

1- 忌廉芝士125克量杯 (125g of cream cheese)

2- 鮮奶100ml (100ml of milk)

3- 牛油 30克 (30g of butter)

4- 蛋黃 3隻, 發勻 (3 egg yolk, whisked)

5- 低筋粉 25克 (25g of cake flour)

6- 粟粉 10克 (10g of cup of corn starch)

7- 檸檬汁 1茶匙 (1 tsp of lemon juice )

8- 檸檬皮碎粒 2/3茶匙 (2/3 tsp of shredded lemon skin)

9- 蛋白 3隻 (3 egg white)

10- 砂糖 60克 (60g of sugar)

做法 Steps 1- 芝士料: 奶和忌廉芝士放入碗內, 再浸於另一個載了滾水的煲內 (圖1), 用慢火坐溶為止, 取出來, 再加入牛油攪至完全混合順滑無粒為止 (圖2), 蛋黃用篩濾入芝士料中(圖3), 攪勻至完全混合順滑無粒為止 (圖4)tonytsang and kareny recipy1- Put the milk and cream cheese into a bowl. Stand the bowl in a pot of hot water (fig.1). Stir until the cream cheese is dissolved completely (fig.2). Sieve the egg yolk into the mixture. Whisk until smooth (fig.4).貼士 Tips1- 奶和忌廉芝士混合後, 要先待涼一下, 用手摸摸碗邊, 微暖不燙手才好加入蛋黃, 否則太熱就會把蛋黃弄熟, 成了蛋粒呢

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2- 牛油不要立即和奶和忌廉芝士一起溶化, 萬一忌廉芝士未溶, 但牛油完全溶化的話, 水和油是不能混合的, 那就麻煩了

1- Wait until the mixture cool down a bit before adding the egg yolk. If it is too hot, you will cook the egg york.

2- Do not add the butter with the cheese at the beginning. If the butter dissolved completely, it is impossible to mix all ingredients the together.

2- 芝士料加入檸檬汁 (圖1), 分3次篩入低筋粉和粟粉 (圖2), 每次都要攪至完全混合, 用篩濾入另一個器皿內, 再用篩濾多一次, 加入檸檬絲蛋白先高速打至起泡, 加入1/3糖, 再高速打至起波浪紋, 再加入1/3糖, 高速打至滑身, 再加1/3糖, 中速打至起勾 (圖3)蛋白分三次混入芝士料內, 每次都要輕手攪至完全混合, 但勿攪太耐, 蛋糕模先舖入牛油紙, 將蛋糕料倒入蛋糕模, 放於玻璃碟中, 碟內到入滾水至8分滿(圖5)焗爐160度預熱, 轉140度"用下火", 放入去焗45分鐘, 轉上180度用"上火"焗至表面金黃, 熄火, 讓蛋糕於焗爐涼透, 取出, 放入雪櫃, 隔一晚才享用tonytsang and kareny recipy2- Add the lemon juice into the mixture (fig.1). Sieve the flour and corn starch into the mixture 3 times. Mix it well until smooth each time (fig.2). Sieve the mixture into another container. Sieve the mixture back once again. Mix in the lemon skin.tonytsang and kareny recipyWhisk the egg white high speed until it forms bubbles. Add in 1/3 of the sugar. Whisk again in high speed until it become white and forms the waves. Add in 1/3 of the sugar. Whisk again in high speed until it become white and smooth. Add in 1/3 of the sugar. Whisk again in medium speed until it can form a soft peak (fig.3)tonytsang and kareny recipyAdd the egg york into the mixture 3 times. Mix it well until smooth each time (fig.4). Cover the cake mole with baking paper. Stir in the mixture. Put the mole into a dish covered by boiling water (fig.5)tonytsang and kareny recipyOven preheat with 160 Celsius. Turn the heat to 140 Celsius. Put the mole and dish into the oven bake for 45 minutes. Turn the heat to 180 Celsius until the surface is brown. Turn off the heat and let the cake cool down in the oven. Put the cake into the fridge over night. Serve it cold.

貼士 Tips1- 芝士料過篩2次, 就能確保出來滑溜

tonytsang and kareny recipy

2- 打蛋白時, 要確保所以用具都沒有一點水, 否則會打不起, 還有, 記得要當開始企身時, 打蛋速度要減慢, 亦不要再打太耐, 否則一旦變回水就沒得救了

tonytsang and kareny recipy

3- 熱水不需要100度大滾那種, 普通80度的也可以了, 目的時保持蛋糕料維持30-40度, 讓焗好的蛋糕於焗爐內待涼, 漲起的蛋糕就不會下陷了(但我未試過, 都是聽人講的)

tonytsang and kareny recipy

1- Sieve the mixture 2 times to make sure the cake texture smooth and soft

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2- Make sure all the tools use for whisk the egg white are dry completely. Otherwise, it will be impossible to make the soft peak. Once the egg white is foaming, turn the speed into medium to avoid over whisking the egg white.

tonytsang and kareny recipy

3- You don't need a boiling water in the dish. Hot water around 80 Celsius is good enough. The goal is to keep the mixture around 30-40 Celsius while baking. Let the cake cool down in the oven can avoid the cake collapse ( however, I haven't try it yet.)


小山進-Japanese Cheese Cake(己加食譜)




A.牛油32g 奶110g 忌廉芝士158g

B.蛋黄45g 糖23g 粟粉8g(粟粉記得過"西")

C.蛋白34g 糖23g

做法: 1.先將(B)放在一起拌勺











