
Caeruleosaurus horribilis


“ A living blue-blood synapsid prowls the beaches as their own home to hide and pokes off for revenge. Mistaken for a blue Velociraptor. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Clade: Cynodontia

Clade: Cynognathia

Family: Caeruleosauridae

Genius: Caeruleosaurus

Species: Caeruleosaurs horribilis

Descendant: synapsids

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 1.9 meters tall in height; 3.5 meters in length; 350 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Triassic - Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Combat; dark

Inflicts: Darkblight; arcaneblight; bleeding

Weaknesses: Light, nature, electric, fae


Based On: 

Conservation Status: 

Bluebeacher (Caeruleosaurs horribilis; Avalonian: Azuradrek) is the one of the fictional animal species introduced in Worldcraft: The Center.


Litorovagor means "beach wanderer" in the Latin language by a scientist. In Enchan and Scottish Gaelic means "cerulean dragon" by Aos Sí.

Physical Appearance

The Bluebeacher looks like a theropod, but in this part, a problem is a good example of convergent evolution. This skin is entirely blue gray with pale blue skin that looks like Caucasian skin, but the blood is pure blue, which means "royal blood." Well, red blood and horseshoe crab blood, to better live with royal blood, contain hemolymph. The skull does not match a raptor dinosaur to this synapsid but is related to Sphenacodontidae in the same family group.

The eyebrows at six side angles are sturdy, and the hairs are modified spikes in the head, tail, and elbows like porcupines, but in males only, females can defend themselves using the tail as a spear thrower. The lines are similar to Blue from JW (Jurassic World), unlike the indigo vertical lines on the back, and the eyes are like a red moon. Unlike theropods, which have three fingers, mammals, including humans, also have five fingers.


In the Worldcraft series, Bluebeacher didn't have magical powers, except for the ability to dig in sands for ambush only in moors, deserts, badlands, and beaches. excellent night vision if only the royal family had blue blood. Calls other theropods for assistance, unlike the Weather Dragons variant.

Weather dragons called them creatures or pašnea. Bluebeacher is like their Worldcraft variant but more advanced than this one to dig or swim in the sand like sandfish skinks. Calls both sauropods and theropods under their control and provides assistance against attacks, being the leader. Only princesses are afraid of this synapsid and run away.


Bluebeacher is at the top of the food chain and the apex predator of three realms (Earth, Reinachos, and Avalon). Same fill ecological niche as theropods; wolves; chimpanzees; ants; and even humans due to their own manners form below a single allied, unlike humans considered primitive. It contains important immune cells that are exceptionally sensitive to toxic bacteria and a copper-rich protein called hemocyanin. Hemocyanin, which has copper instead of iron and is blue instead of red.


Bluebeachers may not be the most physically intimidating of animals, but their relatively small size, intelligence, range, and mobility make them by far the most successful and effective predators of humans and other "small" wildlife in two realms. The Litorovagor often attacks from different directions, using this method to take down prey while avoiding damage.

Distribution and Habitat

Bluebeacher originated in Sawintir as a native species and in Britain on Earth as an endemic species, but is rarely located in Continental Europe as an introduced species or migratory species. This creature of Sawintir was found in the Horatio and Western Pascua regions alongside synapsids.


Bluebeacher was a simple raptor. Any meat will make the process a lot faster, but generally it will take between 0.5 and 1.5 hours to completely tame a litorovagor (depending on level as well). Ensure that they are completely stocked on meat and have a torpor level above 50% to avoid them waking up and to keep the taming process going smoothly. Only trusted survivors will be friendly and tamed.


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Past and Present Incidents Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna Individuals


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