Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova

Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova

“ Do you really think I'm royalty? ”


Background and Character Information

 Full Name: Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov of Russia

Other Names: 

Born: 18 June, 1901 (Peterhof Palace, Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire)


Burial: 17 July 1920 (along with Dimitri and Ivan the Chameleos) at Peter and Paul Cathedral, Saint Petersburg, Russian Republic

Species: Terran Human

Nationality: Russian

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Occupation: Princess, duchess

Language Spoken: French, English, Russian, Ukrainian, Chuvash, others

Alignment: Good


Powers and Abilities: Invisibility (via her pet)

Partner(s): Dimitri Alexei Mikhailov (fiancé)

Relative(s): Alix of Hesse (mother); Nicholas II of Russia (father); Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia (aunt); Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich (first cousin-twice-remove); Ivan the Chameleos (pet); others


Likes: Dancing, waltz, food, animals, Dimitri, Bartok, Baba Yaga, beautiful life, about the Chuvash people, Chameleos, Lyudmila Pavlichenko

Dislikes: Myths (formerly), Koshchei, Bolsheviks, dragons (formerly), breakup, losing her family and friends, endanger, Shiva (formerly)

Inspiration: herself

Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova was the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, the last sovereign of Imperial Russia before starting the Russian revolution. She was the main protagonist and introduced in Weather Dragons: Last Special Heritage of Romanovs.


Slavic female form of the Greek name: Άναστασιός (Anastasios) from Αναστανσις (anastasis), meaning "resurrection". Both Anya and Dimitri have Greek names in origin.

Physical Appearance

Slender, beautiful, fair skin, rosy cheeks, pink lips, long red hair, blue eyes. She is 5"7. As an eight-year-old child, Anastasia possessed flawless fair skin, long flowing red hair (naturally curled at the ends and but in real life, she has strawberry-blonde hair since birth), light blue eyes with naturally groomed eyelashes and thick blond eyebrows. Ten years later, at eighteen years of age, Anastasia has blossomed into a very beautiful, lovely and attractive young woman. Despite her obvious increase in height, slimmed-down appearance, hair length, and physical development, her overall appearance remained generally the same. She seems to be about 5 ft and 9 inches.

In the beginning, as an adult, she wore a black newsboy cap, a gold tunic, an olive-green overcoat, black pants or in case black stockings, and brown boots. Aboard the ship, she wears a blue dress with white-trimmed sleeves. For the opera, she wore a navy-blue evening dress, with white opera gloves, a silver choker around her neck, diamond earrings hanging from her ears, and her hair was tied into a bun with a silver hairband. Before she entered the opera theater, she was also seen wearing a teal overcoat with a white frilly collar on the rims and white frilly cuffs on the sleeves.


Anastasia is also physically very strong; when she makes her deal with Dimitri she grabs his hand and shakes it with an iron grip, making him jump and make a foul face. Afterward he massages his mistreated hand. Anastasia and Dimitri have the invisibility effect from the Elder Dragon’s ability, camouflage. Alexandra despaired of her weight and hoped it was baby fat to be naturally lost as she grew older. Her weight was a constant source of affectionate harassment in the family and she steals items from another person or buffs due to Chameleos’s ability.


Anastasia is portrayed as bright, spunky, stubborn, serious-minded, bold, tough, artistic, but very kind, affectionate, nice, altruistic, sweet-tempered, tidy, accountable, sympathetic, intellectual, astute, intelligent, bright, caring and smart, she is known to care for animals like her pet dog Pooka, although she doesn't behave like royalty even though it runs in her blood. She also is a tomboy and a fighter with her boyfriend, her pets and Lyudmila to how to be fighter.

She was always naturally independent and had no problem speaking her mind or standing up for herself. However, she can appear to be insecure and shy at times, such as when Dimitri reveals that she would have to prove to Sophie and Marie that she is the Grand Duchess. One of Anastasia's most obvious personality traits is her high level of determination. As seen in the film, once Anastasia sets a goal for herself, she sticks to that goal until she is satisfied with her success, despite her frequent displays of insecurity.


1901-1918 AD

Anastasia played the balalaika and the guitar very well. She and Alexei liked performing duets or accompanying their sisters on piano. She had one dog named Shibivik, who died of a brain disorder, which left Anastasia inconsolable. She and her canine companion had been inseparable and his death was a great shock to her. But she found with new plebeian named Dimitri from a middle-class family and found the abandoned puppy named Jimmy and cared for it. She and Dimitri are concerned that it looks like a rock lying on the road blocked and it is a Chameleos egg, and hatch quickly to see them as real parents, Nicholas noticed that this creature from far away land known as Chuvashia.

During the Russian revolution, all Romanov families were executed by punishment except the last heiress and plebeian. After the family's tragedy, one Elder Dragon from Chuvashia Republic known as Verechelen or Chameleos who take revenge against who kill a member of the royal family makes invisible itself against exposed and most wiped out communists out to rage without trace, most are poisoned to death by an Elder Dragon but a heiress never find. The last daughter of the Romanov family is Anastasia, the only sole survivor and the wife of Dimitri. Unexpectedly, Lord Shiva was watched by the couple from Koshchei.

Eight-year-old Grand Duchess Anastasia is separated from her family during the Romanov execution led by Rasputin. Anastasia narrowly escapes Rasputin with her grandmother, the Dowager Empress Marie, with the help of an eleven-year-old servant boy named Dimitri. But, Anastasia is later attacked by Rasputin as she and her grandmother attempt to cross a seemingly frozen river under the Alexander bridge. Waiting afoot the bridge and thrusting himself as far as he could on top of the girl, Rasputin violently grasps ahold of her right foot, nearly missing her altogether. The empress hopelessly screams for help, as she clasps hands with her granddaughter who cries for mercy at the evil man- laughing maniacally and tugging hard at her small ankle.

Thrashing her about in the snow he threatens to kill her one last time before dragging her closer, pulling her away from her grandmother and scraping her ankle on the ice. When all seems lost, the ice suddenly cracks beneath Rasputin's weight, sending him plummeting to his "death" beneath the freezing water. However, Anastasia gets separated from her grandmother at the train station while attempting to board a moving train as she hit her head and was knocked unconscious. After that, the two never see each other again, including Ivan and her allies.

After fall of between Communists of Russia and Russian Empire as results of forces of nature by animals like brown bears, tigers, lynxes, wolves, otter, weasels, feral dogs, and other mammals attack humanity until formed Soviet Union after World War I from the orces of Britain and Americans, because of deities. Possibly her descendants exist and still remain controversial. Anastasia noticed that many Chuvash shamans are protected by Chang’e and Quetzalcoatl against the odds from tragedy, romance and war.

Ten years later, Anastasia, now eighteen, suffering from severe amnesia and going by the alias "Anya", is sent away from a cruel orphanage by its inconsiderate and repulsive matron. With no memory of her past and her only clue being the necklace her grandmother gave her ten years before, of which she is unaware, Anya hopes too somehow find her family in Paris, accompanied by a stray dog named Pooka.

Concerned by Nikolas Bichurin, a shaman who deserves that she’s always protecting her family and friends, including Dimitri with the Elder Dragon as the strongest unit against evildoers. Anastasia and the rest of her family were tricked into a false shelter and killed there by Bolsheviks in 1918, which would begin the start of a communist Russia as Vladimir Lenin took over the country, except Dimitri and Anastasia with Ivan, the Chameleos who named after her grandfather to manage escape. Which historians does accept despite all proof that she might not be a survivor of the tragedy, while Dimitri and her pet Ivan the Chameleos and Pooka killed by Bolsheviks into victory, while Germans retreated into failed mission.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko is killed by Bolsheviks until Chang'e enrages to repel all Bolsheviks with Shiva, and Quetzalcoatl wants to resurrect her until Lyudmila is unconscious and loses her memory before and cried louder until Soviets captured and brought to her parents about her trauma and amnesia. Grigori was finally killed by Ded Moroz into freeze with unknown snowy kumihos called Albmansaypos. Many Russians mourned and both Dimitri and Anya are now buried and chanted by Chuvash people as sign of anti-tragedy.

Bolsheviks are allegedly captured by Soviets and both Anya and Dimitri are buried with Ivan and Bartok at St Petersburg as natural phenomenal historical figures. In the many months following Anya's death, at least fourteen to sixty members of Bolsheviks were found dead and mutilated on the oblasts of Russia, with their hands and head cut off, prompting speculation as to whether they might have been killed by fans of Anya and Dimitri, as well as the Chameleos as extinct species since 1918, as an act of revenge since 1948 to 2002. We just want to make it very clear that we will not accept and not stand for anyone who's taken a form of retribution when the real Anastasia is dead along with the rest of the royal family, and possibly Dimitri.

Prince Felix Yussoupov killed Rasputin's family along with his friends without his long-lost brother, Grand Duke Dimitri, he's a real prince out of concern for his cousin's family and Elder Dragon's reservation. Because of the extinction of many animals by villains and antagonist, the Conservationist Hunters are real assassins and bounty hunters have many goals were main purpose is preventing the ecosystem from being further damaged, in an attempt to prevent extant species from becoming extinct, and prevent all missions are failed, as considered sent on a important mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity or other religion in a foreign country.


Languages: English / Russian(or Ukrainian)


Anastasia's vocals are heard on the following songs, courtesy of Liz Callaway.
