Terran Deity-Human Hybrid



They're gifts from the past. Are they messiahs? From those who came before as saints or from the storyline.

– Eostre


Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Primates

Family: Hominidae

Genius: Homo

Species: Homo deus × Homo sapiens

Descendant: Hominidae

Named by: ???

Year Published: 1758?

Size: various

Lifespan: forever



Pantheon: Terran

Time Period: Pleistocene - Holocene

Alignment: various

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous 🌿🥩

Elements: various

Inflicts: various

Weaknesses: all

Casualties: various

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered Species (EN) - IUCN Red List

A demigod or demigoddess is a part-human and part-divine offspring of a deity and a human. There are main protagonists along with normal humans, first introduced in Historya Davvun, Thalath Lakoduna, No Way to Seaway, Weather Dragons, Two Lights, Worldcraft, Equation the Series, and Rescris. soon.


The English term "demi-god" is a calque of the Latin word semideus, "half-god". The Roman poet Ovid probably coined semideus to refer to less important gods, such as dryads.

Physical Appearance

Demigods, or half-bloods, are a race of beings that are half-hominid or half-saurfolk and half-deity. They possess mortal souls and are vulnerable to old age and death, though they have longer than average human lifespans, resemble their respective species, and are fertile, unlike most hybrids, which are sterile.

Another distinguishing feature that set Terran Deities and Demigods apart from humans was the naturally-occurring special runic and linear tattoos that ran up and down their arms, legs, and heads in a variety of colors. These tattoos frequently lit up brightly on their own accord, indicating a bioluminescent and biofluorescent quality. These patterns also frequently flared when a Deity used their advanced abilities, which may have been a biological response to stress or rigorous activity.


Any additional, seemingly supernatural talents or powers of Terran Deities were often altered by injecting Aurorium neurotransmitters into all species, rendering them no longer biological. The demigods' divine blood endows them with supernatural abilities that allow them to achieve feats usually not possible by humans and other hominids like elves and others.

Because these children are half-god, they have enhanced physical characteristics, near-inhuman reflexes, an affinity for the Latin language for Conservationist Hunters like "Ora Pro Nobis" for magic spell, and may have some level of control or skill over the realm of their godly parents.


All animals, including gods and demigods of planet Earth, including demons, are vulnerable to Aurorium, Damascus steel, and chaos elements (except for those possessed by this evil element), and weapons and tools made with the substance can damage them. An Aurorium missile launched by various organizations (Jedi Order and others) caused this species linked to neurotransmitter to fall unconscious for a few hours, leaving it with a wound that never healed until the effect worn off and soon to be healed.


All Terran animals, including Delphians and humans, 


Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Distribution and Habitat

Terran Demigods are found in all habitats. They are found elsewhere in all realms.


Coming soon.


Bereshit (בְּרֵאשִׁית) - 300,000-74,000 BCE

Before angels, fairies, demons, giants, trolls, goblins, and other species, the deities, a mystery species of highly developed humanoids, ruled the Earth during the period known as the Pleistocene. They even manipulated both extinct and living creatures. They exercised wise and artistic leadership over mortals, leaving artifacts as evidence of their rule. Approximately one million years ago, the Deities, whose past is shrouded in mystery, were in charge of Planet Earth. Before they were completely killed out in 74,000 BCE during the Great Catastrophe from Toba eruption, along with many of their human creations. By that time, the Deity had been engaged in a ten-year conflict with a human uprising led by Adam and Eve, two Yahweh made-hybrid demigods who wished to set people free from submission to their "gods."

After the Great Catastrophe and the Early Sixth Extinction, Terran Deities quickly lost popularity despite the legacy they left behind on Earth. However, their names and traits at least survived because humanity were unable to understand their creators as anything other than gods. Selected human tribes have discovered their actual nature throughout history despite the lack of evidence for their existence. The Knights Templar had little knowledge of the characteristics of the Terran Deities by the 12th century.

Historya Davvun event - 1980-2000 AD

The Assassin Order and Templar Order members like Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad, Ezio Auditore, Edward Kenway, Haytham Kenway, Ratonhnhaké:ton or Connor Kenway, William Miles and his son Desmond, Layla Hassan, Nikolai Orelov and his grandson Daniel Cross, and Lucy Stillman all had a much higher percentage of Aesir DNA than most Assassins and Templars, possessing 0.952% Aesir DNA. As a matter of fact, a number of Desmond Miles' forebears and his companions from the Conservationist Hunters, such as Altar Ibn-La'Ahad, Ezio Auditore, Edward Kenway and his son Haytham, and his grandson Ratonhnhaké:ton, all possessed Eagle Vision or Avian Vision, which was employed by pet birds as a spy camera. Furthermore, Rodrigo Borgia was unable to enter the Vatican Vault using a staff and the Apple of Eden together due to Ezio's lineage.

Lesley Punzalan and her husband Tasi Padilla and her sons, Nilan, Guaiya, and Pingking, Estrella Soletoile, Dino Horvath and his children Joszef and Dorottya, Heloise and her mom Roisin Szekely, Maia Galicinao and Kahiau Kealani with their sons Ronaldo and Paolo Kealani, Maleek Bautista and his mom Amirah Badawi, Layla Jalalla, Gorca de Pascua, Quirin Stearns, George Washington, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander Hamilton, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Constantin Sanatescu, Anastasia Romanov, Dmitri Mikhailov, Genghis Khan, Shah Jahan, and Queen Arianna and her daughter Rapunzel of Corona, including Diana Spencer and Winston Churchill have higher Aesir DNA than Desmond Miles's, possessing 0.975% compared to them, and mostly from Lancelot and Guinevere, have 0.988% Aesir DNA. Kassandra and her son Elpidios were part of an active eugenics program to keep the Aesir DNA in their bloodline. Unknown to normal Saurfolks, Princess Meranie and Prince Jared Jorpassadal are descendants of demigod Saurfolks via the ichor of Aesirs, which is the true color of the Jorpassadal royal family. Bayek's wife, Aya, was a product of this program too. Eivor Varinsdottir and Basim Ibn Ishaq are reincarnations of Aesirs. Any demigods possess Eagle Vision, enchanting the magic spell "Ora Pro Nobis" or "Pray For Us" in foreign languages, stronger than powerful humans, and a longer lifespan than average humans, being half biological.

Desmond Miles was able to effectively use the Pieces of Eden to carry out his plan to rescue his father, and Altar had earlier used his orb to expose Armand Bouchart's lies to the people of Cyprus. When they faced Daniel Cross in the final battle in 1999, before the year 2000, Nilan, Guaiya, and Pingking let them use a staff, a sword, an apple of Eden, a sundrop and moonstone opal necklace, and Cassandra's black blade appropriately.

Known Individuals

Foreign Languages
