
Cadborosaurus willsi

Haietlik / Caddy (Cadborosaurus)

“ Shishalh people who found this usual globster were interested in Canadians as haietlik by Manhousat tribes as a living leviathan from the religious books as the new incarnate for Poseidon and Amphitrite. Considering going to be enraged as a new god in this ocean for the protector serpent-like? ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Rhynchocephalia

Family: Cadborosauridae

Genius: Cadborosaurus

Species: Cadborosaurus willsi

Descendant: Tuatara relatives

Named by: Bousfield, Edward L. & Leblond Paul H.

Year Published: 2000s

Size: 34.666 m in length (from head to tail); 15 meters tall in weight; 500 kilograms in weight

Lifespan: 100+ years




Time Period: CretaceousHolocene

Alignment: Curious

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩🥓🐟🦐🦀🪼

Elements: Water

Inflicts: Watered, iced, splashed, stun, traumatized, frozen, scalded, blindness

Weaknesses: Electric, nature, sound




Based On: 

Conservation Status: 

Cadborosaurus, Haietlik, or simply short Caddy (Cadborosaurus willsi), is the one of the mythical creatures in Shishalh folklore by French people, the antihero and deuteragonist was introduced in Worldcraft Damnation: The Center of the Ocean.


Cadborosaurus willsi was named after discovering the carcass in Cadboro Bay in British Columbia, Canada; additionally named is lizard by Greek language. The word "willsi" is honored to Archie H. Wills.

Physical Appearance

Due of Cadborosaurus' tail fluke, which is similar to those of dugongs and whales, it was mistaken for a whale. Additionally, they have flippers in each of their digits and crocodile-like scales. A pair of small elevating front flippers, a pair of hind flippers, or a pair of large webbed hind flippers fused to form a large fan-like tail region that provides powerful forward propulsion are all features of the Cadborosaurus that resemble a serpent. It also has a long neck and horse-like head. Their scutes are muddy brown in hue and have a peach-colored skin tone. The eyes of Cadborosaurus were blue, just like those of its Caucasians.


The only Rhynchocephalia with any form of liquids is Cadborosaurus, which belongs to the elementals rather than just being a true "spirit". Caddy has the ability to manipulate water, even if it causes their body to spin beneath the ocean in enormous whirlpools the size of the Empire State Building. Caddy spews water that is either hot or cold depending on the temperature released, not just based on their biomes but also if they randomly choose when they are angry. When disturbed, the bioluminescent on the belly of the Cadborosaurus willsi opens and begins to glow.


Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


Cadborosaurus always protects the mermaid kingdom for unknown reasons. Cadborosaurus is pure carnivorous, lives solitary and finds their mate to produce. Unlike mosasaur, likely cetaceans gestated to 19 months to birth her babies, unlike cetaceans, giving birth to singles like ichthyosaurs to plesiosaurs. Caddy uses their echolocation to detect their allies by their mutualism. Foraging the seabirds by roaring outside the water surface when it jumps and sees its tail flukes. The long, serpentine-like bodies of the Cadborosaurus are reminiscent of some sea serpents. They also had crocodilian-like scutes, sharp, pointed teeth, bright orange skin over brown osteoderms, flipper limbs, and a whale-like tail.

The kelp canopy is assumed to be a significant habitat component that is employed for foraging, resting, and ambush of prey by Cadborosaurus without being seen. The most common places to find cadborosaurus are places with protection from the worst ocean winds and swells, like rocky coastlines, dense kelp forests, barrier reefs, and refuges like inlets, bays, and estuaries. Cadborosaurus can live in locations where the sea floor is predominantly made up of mud, sand, or silt, yet they are most commonly found in areas with rocky substrates.

It is quite challenging to determine where a Cadborosaurus belongs in the ecological niche because it is unknown what its eating habits are. These include planktons, krill, fish, and possibly even sharks. Recently, it was found that the sole known predator of Cadborosaurus pups is the Kraken. It's astonishing how these Cadborosaurus fly. High-speed flying is made possible by Cadborosaurus, which creates/generates a mass of compressed air that elevates the dragons and releases the "blue particles" with electrifying effects.


Until provoked, Caddy is reputed to be a fairly gentle critter. Except when threatened, they do not annoy people. On occasion, they have been observed to rub their heads against surfaces like the sea floor or walls to grind their skin.

Distribution and Habitat

Cadborosaurus was located in two planets: Bieroka Ocean in front of Horatio Continent in Reinachos, and British Columbia in Canada at Pacific ocean but vagrants in Japan; Korea; Hawaii; and Washington in USA.


The significant exception is the Cadborosaurus pup, which was only produced from the adult as a result of their desertion. Only feed them with fish other than coelacanth and lionfish if they have a chance of being domesticated. For two days and six hours, Cadborosaurus can only be used for 90 hours. Due to their relationship with the god, adult Cadborosaurus were never tamed.


Bereshit - 30000-10000 BCE

The Aesir division of Terran Deity Company launched Project Pashneia as a scientific endeavor to develop present-day animals, monsters, and even humans. It began with the sole purpose of using humans, elves, animals, and other creatures as a kind of worship for Yahweh, Gaea, Phanes, Mikhael, Samael, Eostre, Chang'e, and Quetzalcoatl as the ones who created them.

The Project was initially regarded as a success, despite Phanes' eventual expulsion from Eden and flight to Old Atlantis after falling in love with a human named Ehmeu, his half-sister Eostre, and the surgical modification of Eve's aurorium neurotransmitter, an act that saw all mention of his name erased from Isu histories and restored from any individual to age of 18, but also resulted in the birth of Eve, the first demigoddess-cavewoman. Eostre created Cadborosaurus, which is today found in Canada's Pacific Northwest coast at Mikhael and Gabriel's request for Poseidon and Amphitrite. Cadborosaurus was the most powerful being in Old Atlantis.

An significant part of Nuu-chah-nulth history is whaling. Whale-hunting was crucial to Nuu-chah-nulth culture and spirituality in addition to its economic worth. Legends, family names, songs, and place names all reflected it. A Nuu-chah-nulth paddler discovered the serpentine water protector known as hiyitl'iik, or more recently, Cadborosaurus, on Canada's Pacific Northwest coast.


2020 Versions

2021 Versions

2023 Versions

Main Theme Music



Melùr čentang, tamanung morrel

Guran diwuñ, ghulring y luntsrál

Ratçuràng, ekòng dz'énàng sengò-mhèl

Rýngshun ~ 

Pah'inglan ~

Ih'bint ~

Hinmang ~

Sàng, bamna nuh-hà



The sound of the sea, is the chain of life

We asking, the image and meaning of life

Now on, let us give birth to a new song

Rýngshun ~ 

Pah'inglan ~

Ih'bint ~

Hinmang ~

My sea, song, birthed within us.


Foreign Languages
