
Corviperiplaneta aurosinensis


“ A golden Samjoko once again sunlight for guidance. No one else challenges the corvine cockroach from the East that shines throughout the longitude. ”

– Eostre

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Insecta

Superorder: Dictyoptera

Order: Blattodea

Family: Blattidae

Genius: Corviperiplaneta

Species: Corviperiplaneta aurosinensis

Descendant: Japanese cockroach

Named by: Alfred de Francisco

Year Published: 1946

Size: 130 - 140 meters in length wingspan estimated, 1,000 - 1,500 kilograms in weight



Pantheon: Chinese

Time Period: Pleistocene to Holocene epoch

Alignment: Neutral

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Air, light, arcane

Inflicts: Blindness, sundered, malaria, paralysis

Weaknesses: Dark, earth, bug, combat, electric, ice

Casualties: ???

Based On: Three-legged crow

Conservation Status: Endangered

Jīnwū (Corviperiplaneta aurosinensis) is a variant of Samjoko upcoming introduced in Worldcraft: Chaebol's Revenge.


he most popular depiction and myth of a sanzuwu is that of a sun crow called the Yangwu (陽烏; yángwū) or more commonly referred to as the Jīnwū (金烏; jīnwū) or "golden crow". 

Physical Appearance

Jinwu is a kind of corvine cockroach with coloration of yellow on the entire body. Except for Black Samjoko, the Jinwu have detected bristles on the antenna as a detect from warning. Each of three pairs of dark yellow on the legs and light yellow detect hair-like structures.


Jinwu is able to wield its flame sac on the mouth or abdomen with webs with greater control and ferocity than the common species. This species is able to enter a new mode in which it becomes "wreathed in sun’s hell", signified by its head, chest, and a bit of the neck and wings chest glowing red or blue.

Jinwu enhanced their silk webs with fire that caused "Burning Silk", it immobiles by a large silb web and burned the entire body with sulfur. 

Weather Phenomenon


Coming soon.


Jinwu was an attitude and perfectionist cockroach, but must be very aggressive to survive, accounting for their heightened aggression compared to them.

Distribution and Habitat

Jinwu is an endemic species in China, but also migrates in Mongolia, Korea and Japan in forests to swamp areas. This cockroach can dig and live underground mines with gold.


Samjoko was trusted or nearly dead when feeding with mulberries to get a pet.


Coming soon

Foreign Languages
