
Lepiogale veneninpingus


A living, large pangolin-like magical creature from the unknown With a tail of poison, I leave.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Lepiogaleomorphia

Family: Lepiogalidae

Genius: Lepiogale

Species: Lepiogale veneninpingus

Descendant: Metatherian

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 7.4 m tall in height; 15 m in length; 364 kg in weight

Lifespan: 6 to 14+ years




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Nature, fae

Inflicts: Poison, impaled

Weaknesses: Water, nature, metal, fae, time

Casualties: ???

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: 

Normal Lepiotecorax, Common Lepiotecorax, or simply Lepiotecorax (Lepiogale veneninpingus) is one of the fictional species of metatherian and a guardian upcoming introduced in Weather Dragons Season 3 and Worldcraft: Mission of Siblings reboot.

In the Monster Hunter series called Fanged Beast, mammals have and are related to dinosaurs,  like wyverns.


From the Greek: λέπιο (lepio) means "scales" and Hungarian: tekercs means "roll" or "inductor", due to have enough the force depending on rolling causing a friction.

Physical Appearance

Lepiotecorax is a metatherian that resembles both binturong and pangolin, with a scorpion tail, as a result of convergent evolution and the same ecological niche as ground sloths to pangolin, with armadillo and cougar altogether. Their scales are rough and bulletproof, from coffee to pale brownish yellow to colored to white edges.

Lepiotecorax has long, whitish yellow fur on each cheek and on other parts of the body for adaptation in winter. Their skin color was a brownish-yellow, pig-snouted, and very long prehensile tongue, much like from aye-aye and anteaters between cleaning the nostril or used for catching ants on the anthill. Their scales on their hands are jagged and used for protection, like knuckle walking like a gorilla. Lepiotecorax had developed ears like an elf, but most hearing about hundreds of miles away from here resembles Dolores Madrigal.

Lepiotecorax had a tail that caused poison from mushrooms, nightshades, potatoes, or even poisonous frogs or insects, despite being insectivorous or carnivorous.


Lepiotecorax can roll by itself like a wheel or even roll or curl into a ball. The scales are bulletproof against the bullets; only arrows can destroy those scales in hardened keratin. Their fur is only immune to cold, including attacks, and their tail point was very poisonous, like a scorpion. Like an armadillo or pangolin, it can shoot the tongue, much like a chameleon.


Due to convergent evolution and sharing the same ecological role as ground sloths to pangolin, armadillo, and cougar combined, Lepiotecorax, a metatherian, resembles both binturong and pangolin and has a scorpion tail. They have tough, durable scales with edges that range from coffee to pale brownish yellow to colored to white. Despite being an insectivore or a carnivore, Lepiotecorax had a tail that could make poison from mushrooms, nightshades, potatoes, or even deadly frogs or insects.


Lepiotecorax is a very docile and unmotivated mammal, very hungry when ants or termites are nearby in the same anthill, and very defensive against the predators who dare with these painful claws.

Distribution and Habitat

Lepiotecorax was located in cloud forests worldwide, from the Sawintiran rainforests to the Taigas, as an endemic species. Living in solidarity but socially is called the Duty of Lepiotecorax. Few Lepiotecorax are found in a few of Berbania's Dirthsao countries and Earth’s Balkan countries to Hungary. This animal was encountered from the Middle Ages to the modern era.


Coming soon


Lepiotecorax was found by Hungarians and other people in Budapest and Croatia. This animal was very used for guarding as guards with rider and modified saddles to prevent harming the rider, a special armor for rolling itself and rider covered and closed while rolling and crushing enemies or accidentally impaled and poisoned to death. This mammal was never to be used again, but the Sawintirans can revamp the methods of special saddles and adapt them soon in Berbania.

Lepiotecorax is classified as a fanged beast.


Foreign Languages

Coming soon
