Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker

An angel. I've heard the deep space pilots talk about them. They live on the moons of Iego, I think. They're the most beautiful creatures in the universe. ”


Background and Character Information

Full Name: Anakin Skywalker

Other Names: 

Born: 41 BBY, Tatooine


Species: Human

Nationality: Tatooinean / Delphian (naturalized)

Age: ???

Gender: Male


Language Spoken: English (as Common); Delphian; Cortesian; Spanish; French; Ilocano; Monegasque; Romanian

Alignment: Various

Paraphernalia: Lightsaber

Powers and Abilities: 

Partner(s): Padme Amidala

Relative(s): Shmi Skywalker Lars (mother)


Likes: Tea, Padme, Luke, Leia, Arianna, Jericho, Varactyls

Dislikes: Sand, Abstergo Industries, Sith, Galactic Empire, Jedi Knights, Balaur, Kenobi, Palpatine, Satine, Sylviornis

Inspiration: himself

Anakin Skywalker is the fictional character introduced in Star Wars universe, before he became Darth Vader under Darth Palpatine. Anakin Skywalker, originally introduced as Darth Vader, made his first appearance as one of the primary antagonists in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.

He was before becoming a Sith Lord and introduced in Worldcraft of Rewritten: Subjugated as recurring character, turned antihero and deuteragonist for looking for Obi Wan Kenobi and his allies from Delphia planet.


Coming soon

Physical Appearance

Coming soon


Blessed with impressive reflexes that were typical of a Jedi, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn saw enormous potential in the 9-year-old Skywalker and believed him to have been conceived by the Force itself. Indeed, when his blood was tested, Skywalker's midi-chlorian count was off the scale—above 20,000, reportedly even greater than Yoda's. When he was nine, Anakin was already skilled in having quick reflexes and precognition. This was something he used to an advantage when he participated in pod racing. He was also able to sense what things were without looking at them.

Despite being naturally extremely talented, Anakin Skywalker was initially lax with his lightsaber training, though he believed that he could rival the Jedi Masters. Despite his relative laziness, Skywalker was the best duelist in his class, even though he started later than his classmates. In his training he preferred lightsaber combat over Force mastery, and he spent more time on the physical aspects of becoming a Jedi. By the time he was nineteen, Skywalker was so gifted and skilled in dueling that he believed he already rivaled Master Yoda. When the Clone Wars began, Skywalker was a skilled enough duelist to contend against Count Dooku, who was one of the most skilled swordsmen in the galaxy. During the war, his frequent engagements in duels with individuals such as the informal Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress, Savage Opress, Count Dooku, and fallen Jedi Barriss Offee allowed him to greatly improve his capabilities with a lightsaber. By the end of the war, Skywalker had the skill to single-handedly defeat Dooku in combat, despite the fact that the Count was one of very few duelists who could hold his own against Yoda.


As a child, Anakin Skywalker showed kindness and generosity, as exemplified by his willingness to risk his life in a podrace to help Qui-Gon Jinn and Padmé Amidala depart Tatooine at a time of need. He made a number of friends, and his best friend was a fellow slave boy named Kitster Banai. He was not shy to express how he felt and showed a reluctance to leave those he loved behind. Indeed, Skywalker had a deep-seated fear of loss, especially in regards to his mother, which Master Yoda sensed when he was being tested by the Jedi Council. This fear of loss would follow Skywalker throughout his life and eventually led him down the path of the dark side, particularly after the death of his mother, Shmi, carrying sadness, anger, and guilt in his heart for years to come.

After he left his mother, Skywalker—feeling the brunt of childhood abandonment and losing the only person who had ever cared for him before meeting the Jedi—clinged onto anyone close to him. First, it had been Qui-Gon Jinn, but he then lost the Jedi Master as well. Afterward, he clinged onto others in his life, like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala, and Ahsoka Tano. Similarly, his experiences as a slave would leave him with a deep resentment towards slavers. Skywalker would mostly keep these feelings to himself, very rarely talking about them, even with those he trusted, as he struggled to put his past behind him, making an effort not to think about it.

As he grew older, Skywalker became cocky, reckless, impatient, willful, and cavalier, despite Kenobi's efforts to train him as best as he could. Confident and bold, he demonstrated a lack of subtlety, which Plo Koon once noted, was one of the many traits his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, had adopted from him during her younger years. Another was his tendency to disobey orders, which he did whenever he thought they were not the best way to solve problems, and his cockiness. Despite his many failings, Skywalker remained selfless, willing to lay down his life for others, and showed commitment to things greater than himself—the Jedi, the Republic, his friends, and his wife.

However, all that changed following his defeat at Kenobi's hands. Having lost all that he had turned to the dark side or vice versa to preserve, and having no other path, he fully embraced the dark side and became, in Kenobi and Ahsoka's words, a "True Jedi monster" or "Jedi and Sith Killer." Believing he had become an irredeemable monster against the festival or corruption, Skywalker devoted himself fully to furthering the development of his relationship to the Good and Evil Force, learning to expand his power and using the pain of Amidala's defeat from Delphina or Santiago as a fuel, unleashes his all elements taught by Archie Buenaventura. Skywalker also held contempt for those who betrayed the Empire, Delphia, Berbania, Reinachos, Jotunheim, and the Earth, such as when he accused Archie and Nicolette Buenaventura of being a traitor.

When Skywalker eventually succumbed to brainwashing, stories of a dark-armored humanoid who was Queen Arianna's most trusted servant and a threat to Sith and Jedi emerged. He was recognised as the most feared member of the Morrison-Solvacorvauld Alliance and was used to fight Valak and Balaur's army.

Although Skywalker hated Delphians and Aesir as being atheist for being the responsible for his massive amount of injuries inflicted in Delphia, Skywalker did not hold Gutierrez and Dlerraz completely to blame for his worst fate; as he told Kenobi to Santiago for Padme and his friends in one of their confrontations, he proclaimed that it was not Kenobi who had killed himself or Valak, instead saying that himself had done it. During his first days, he claimed that his actions were justified, stating that the Sith were besieged with another monster on another regions of Nueva Iasi, he's on the right side of Morrison-Solvacorvauld while the Jedi and Sith to be the real evil, as he told Archie and Santiago during the Duel of Nueva Iasi. As he grew older and lived within his lightsaber without his own life, he claimed that he still believed in justice for his victory, claiming to be a devout believer in Imperial propaganda to bring his madness to destroy both Jedi and Sith once he’s done.


Skywalker was obsessed with Delphina and Santiago as revenge for destroying his temporary house with Padme, Rex, Ahsoka, and Kenobi in San Diego, Nueva Sinaia, Cortesia Kingdom of Delphia. From the beginning of Kenobi's story, Duke Jericho, who is Queen Arianna's husband, would tell Skywalker to forget Santiago and Jeanne, and focus on the present problems.

As a leader of Delphian Antiviolence of Death Battalion, his story would begin with Skywalker taking on five Queen Delphina's bestfriends and killing them, which Skywalker worried to be wanted to establish that Skywalker as Vader was "The Big Delphian killer." 

Kenobi sent Skywalker to crush a rebellion in Cortesia region during that uprising and he was trying to forget Kenobi. Skywalker told Yoda that Kenobi and Ahsoka were the two biggest threats, causing Padme to get angry and remind Skywalker of his place and he rejects about his life, and he hates sand.

One of his main purposes in writing the story was to show Archie and Nicolette going on a journey to accept the fact that Anakin Skywalker had been killed by Delphina, and he survives from the full moon, which connected with Padme and healed by fairies.



Chronological Appears


Weather Dragons

No Way to Seaway

Two Lights
