Polar Retriever

Canis philocryos

Polar Retriever

“ The only native feral dog independent from domestication. More cold-blooded and more ambitious but they are alone to scavenge in the path. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family: Canidae

Genius: Canis

Species: Canis philocryos

Descendant: dog

Named by: Mikael Jameston

Year Published: 2024

Size: 1.8 meters tall in height, 2.76 meters in length

Lifespan: 6 to 19+ years




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Curious

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Ice

Inflicts: Iceblight, gnashed

Weaknesses: Fire, earth, electric, metal, light, dark

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Polar Retriever (Canis philocryos), also known as Snow Wild Dog, Wild Retriever, Arctic Wild Dog, Polar Wild Dog, Polar Cattle Dog, Polar Hound, or Snow Hound, is a fictional species of wild dog introduced in Worldcraft: Crown of Drepesedio.


A retriever is someone who retrieves things, notably a dog of any of several breeds that is employed specifically for recovering game and has a thick coat that is waterproof. The Polar Retriever is a rare wild dog in the Earth Responsibly universe because of this.

Physical Appearance

Polar retrievers are enlarged species of feral dogs that are independent from domestication, their fur match for polar bears also white to yellow in color. Their forelimbs are bulky than their closest relative, and even hind legs. The nose was round and black in color. The tail is similar to huskies and then the tail is fully covered with snow. The eye color of polar dogs is brown occasionally.

Polar Retriever's new form was same appearance of mixed polar bear with Siberian husky, Australian cattle dog to Carolina pariah dog due to smooth and mysterious whitish yellow fur, much like from polar bears, webbed feet, sharp black claws, jet black colored skin if is not on fur, black nose, pointed ears with fluffier like prevention of hazards of blizzards and snowstorm like a earplugs and blue eyes.


Polar dogs were stronger than domesticated dogs and wolves which are both close relatives. New research on New Avalon and in Jejirique, Reinachos about this wild dog was threatened, a wild retriever-like wolf will constantly growling and fearsome appearance, howling, and spit a whitish cold saliva that chills and freezes the target. Polar Retrievers can spit with cold saliva or ice breath much like dry ice evaporate reaction, many individuals can breath mist from some wedding event or dance groups.

Alpha male or domesticated one will secrete a reactive fluid through its skin, which solidifies into an ice-like material, forming an "armor" over its skin to prevent damage. It is capable of encasing itself in an icy armor similar to that of Glacial Agnaktor and Zamtrios.


Polar retriever is actually hyper carnivorous species of dog; then it preys like seals; otters; penguins; auks; cormorants; ducks; swans; macaques; termites; woodlice; spiders; feral cats and dogs; oysters; mussels; clams; goats; to even vaquita, a another now critically endangered species of porpoise of Mexico.

Polar retrievers are good swimmers and protect their fur for blizzards and snowstorms. Those fangs are not even for hunting their prey, only for eating the ice and being scavengers. It can lived either in nomad or in pack led by alpha male like a wolf or dingo depending on the subpopulations and caused by anti-predatory adaptation against native extraterrestrials of Berbania, both Snowmaw and Derinokral as perfect camouflaged against the snow. Same ecological niche as polar bear and dingo altogether in the cold regions. Like dogs and wolves alone, both socialize in solidarity and in groups called "poachers of polar dogs". Only led by alpha male only.

Polar Retrievers are naturally spurred to fight for their lives with increased effectiveness, while the most experienced Canis will be designated “Alpha” and gain an even stronger enhancement each individual. The species has an incredible affinity for teamwork or in solitude. Wild retrievers become hostile when they are either attacked by a survivor or creature, if not killed in one hit, or when they see a creature they want to eat.

If you see a Polar Retriever on its own, be sure to scan the area for the rest of its pack unless you want to become their prey. They are neutral toward the player and hostile toward sheep, rabbits, foxes, chickens, penguins, sheathbills, skuas, quolls, rats, wolf pups, cats, leopard seals, crabeater seals, dolphins, ptarmigans, grouses, pheasants, parrots, egrets, turtles, and undead skeletons. They avoid llamas, vicunas, guanacos, dromedaries and alpacas due to being spits towards this canid, like all species of Canis.


Little is known about these calm or territorial Polar Retrievers in industrialized and developing nations because the great majority of recent research on canine cognition has focused on pet dogs who reside in human homes.

Distribution and Habitat

Polar Retriever is now introduced species of Berbania and Reinachos, it was considered native species in Sawintir.


Polar dogs were very loyal for their bones, only for large bones unlike wolverines today. Only adults and babies will feed with large or medium size bones from various animals, not extraterrestrials and monsters as well. Only alpha male will trust them to drop your meat as a result of their kind.


Arleigh gives instructions to Nienne and Lloyd via Leonardo's phone for their tamed pengulls. In order to divert polar dogs and snow-flutters, Gharrak, Idhassa, Wivapsa, Jholina, Sisyall, Finok, Adarha, Zona, Bhallas, Dierog, and Colonel Lopes, as well as some glow-wolves and snowmaws, come.

Aila confronts Arleigh and Leonardo about their Oligocene artifact, but she is dazed after being bitten by a snow-flutter. Fortunately, Arleigh and Leonardo quickly leave with their militia animals, including snow-flutters and polar dogs, before the Ice Crown Keeper is destroyed and Aila attempts to escape by grappling with her.

Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents - Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna - Individuals


2018–2020 Version

drawing paper 2018

transparent render (2020)

transparent render (2020)

2023 Version

Foreign Languages
