
Reinopyrodraco sapphirus × Reinopyrodraco cambrica


" This is one of the naturally hybrid animals ever recorded in the wild and is mixed from blue and red parents. Suddenly, this animal possessed mixed blue and orange flames before mixing with purple fire on their own. "

– Eostre

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Family: Pyrodraconidae

Subfamily: Pyrodraconinae

Genus: Reinopyrodraco

Species: Reinopyrodraco amethystinus (Reinopyrodraco sapphirus × Reinopyrodraco cambrica)

Descendant: Igniobus

Named by: John McFarland

Year Published: 1854 AD

Size: 10.5 meters tall in height, 35.65 meters length per wingspan, 26.0 meters in length including tail, 12,666 kilograms in weight



Time Period: PleistoceneHolocene Epoch

Pantheon: Welsh

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Fire (Orange, later Purple)

Inflicts: Fireblight (Orange, later Purple), bleeding, stun, gnashed, heatwave, scalded, oiled




Based on: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Duladraig (Reinopyrodraco amethystinus) is the first ever hybrid animal introduced in Weather Dragons. Duladraig was a hybrid between sapphire and red dragon caused by natural breeding and was extremely rare for animals.


Duladraig is a compound word from Welsh: dulas and ddraig, which means "violet dragon."

Physical Appearance

Duladraig is a large-sized Welsh dragon mixture of red and blue caused by a natural hybrid. It alters the skin color to purple or lavender scales and skin, and purple veins show up in arms and wings.


Duladraig combines with the same parent's abilities, despite the one with few new moves. Duladraig ignites its own tail tip to stab enemies when fired. Duladraig breathes red and blue fire and lava as a result of the reaction of sulfur and calcium, which turns purple as a result.


Weather Phenomenon


Duladraig was a top predator of the Horatio Continent and Wales on Planet Earth. A special predator lives in Dragon's Trenches to hunt small dragons. Living in the volcano ranges from temperate deciduous forests to tropical pine forests, which are extremely rare in open plains.

Duladraig can survive in any hot and temperate environment, can survive in 500°C and -25°F temperatures, and can't survive in very cold temperatures if using fire. Duladraig was considered to be a top predator that sits in volcanic regions at the bottom of the food chain. Gochdraig is the patriarch/matriarch of all the fire dragon species in the series, along with their other blue species, Drakolossia, which was a bright blue, and sapphire as their queen. Hardly noticing things going on around his/her habitat and/or their owners for missions. Gochdraig was considered to be a top predator that sits in volcano regions in the food chain. Gochdraig breathes randomly, like lava, fire, or explosive dust, into their mouth.

Despite the protection those adaptations provide, some parts of its body are vulnerable to attacks due to their lack of those features. Inside its wings are open-and-close prehensile scales used for storing and spreading explosive powders. Combining these two substances allows Duladraig to breathe purple flames and cover itself in a fiery aura. The flames it breathes come from an oily fluid within its body that can easily and severely burn most opponents it faces. These two abilities of a dragon are controlled by its horn, but how is unknown. Its ability to summon flame meteors. These meteors come from its mouth, and it's unknown how Gochdraig is able to summon these meteors. It could make its own heat waves using roar and sweat glands from scales. Saffirdraig one manipulates blue fire from its element sac, controlling the bluish gray ash that are explosive particles from its wings via prehensility scales.

Duladraigs are known to be great flyers that travel long distances and fight in the sky, both open and closed, in the surrounding areas. Igniting them all at once with a single snap of its jaws caused the terrain to erupt. It is very rare for this species to mat with their Red Drakolossia, causing a hybrid.


Duladraig was neutral and peaceful with others until provoked by attackers.

Distribution and Habitat

Duladraig was located in northern Europe on Earth and in northeast Sawintir. There is no report of this case of this hybrid animal in Reinachos at 2500 AD.


Natives of the Horatio Continent or Wales, United Kingdom, were aware of this prior to the cataclysmic extinction and genocide caused by Roxana Maldado in 2999 AD. Humans of Welsh ancestry termed it a sacred species because it was more challenging to tame due to its link to a deity, our God.

If you steal the egg before the baby's parents have a chance to tame it, Duladdraig will have one. Feed milk and either raw or cooked meat to the newly hatched Duladdraig. If you need to tame an adult form, use weapons like hammers or catapults to knock it out of its composure. If that doesn't work, use the Fire Elemental Orb that Queen Clarissa or Queen Dianna will give you to make it obey your commands. Not for Isabella and/or Archie because they are the only primary characters not using the orb to subdue Duladraig. who was trusted by allure because of her beauty in one of the long-lost Eostre's manuscripts.


Bereshit - 300,000–70,000 BCE

Eostre developed the Welsh Dragons as part of Project Pashneia, an effort by the Terran branch of Deities to develop any creatures—animals, monsters, or people—in terms of their own.

Known Individuals

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