Common Rudiosay

Chlamydoura avalonica

Common Rudiosay

The fast-going amphibian of the open ocean without notice.

unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Amphibia

Order: Urodela

Suboroder: Salamandroidea

Family: Chlamydouridae

Genius: Chlamydoura

Species: Chlamydoura avalonica

Descendant: Salamanders

Generic Name: Avalonian frilled tail

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 5.5 meters long in length; 1.5 meters tall in weight; 340 kilograms in weight


Title: Frilled Shark Salamander


Time Period: Oligocene - Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩🐟🦀🦑

Elements: Water, light

Inflicts: Bleeding, waterblight, lightblight, blindness

Weaknesses: Leaf, electric, sound, dark

Casualties: ???

Based On: Frilled sharks

Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Rudyosaj, Common Rudyosay, Common Rudyosay, or Rudiosay (IPA: /ruːˈdʒ(iː)ɔːsəɪ/; Chlamydoura avalonica) is a fictional species of oceanic salamander upcoming introduced in Weather Dragons: Season 3.

Rudyosaj's closest relative was newts than Firemander, their relative of fire element. Rudyosaj's size was larger than Lamborghinis and longer than double decker bus.


coming soon

Physical Appearance

Common Rudyosaj is a frilled shark-like salamander, with a smooth body that makes it easy to slip; their own gills resemble those of a frilled shark, with webbed feet, bioluminescent markings, a lower fin, and a shark tail fin.


Rudyosaj possess their jagged edge teeth like frilled sharks, causing massive damage and bleeding. Rudyosaj can spit water as well, in enraged mode, because he can enhance and spew an elongated water beam not far from an Olympic-sized swimming pool. Rudyosaj's body was the same as that of a frilled shark, and most sharks like great white sharks faster than jetskis due to their slimmer figure and fast beating of the heart and muscles.


Common Rudyosaj is a strange, prehistoric-looking shark-like salamander that lives in the open ocean, spends much of its time in deep, dark waters far below the sea surface, and rarely lands on the surface during midnight. It thought to hunt along the seabed using its senses to find its prey, and when it does, it lunges at it like a snake.

Rudyosaj is an advanced animal, although it has to compete with other fearsome creatures such as sharks, dolphins, bears, lions, tigers, wolves, dholes, terns, cassowaries, wyverns, and others.


Common Rudyosaj do not pose a risk to humans outside the surface of the water. They swim deep below the surface of the water, near where humans have become highly aggressive, territorial salamanders, though their ecology is much like that of frogs.

Distribution and Habitat

Rudyosaj was found in oceans in whole world in Sawintir oceans as endemic species.




