Black Nyemanguelio

Caniantechinus negrus

Black Nyemanguelio

The black animal from the marsupial is a bad omen if it lives in the pack.

– Eostre

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Infraclass: Marsupialia

Order: Dasyuromorphia

Family: Dasyuridae

Genius: Caniantechinus

Species: Caniantechinus negrus

Descendant: antechinus

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 7680 cm tall in height; 1.4 m long in length; 60 kg in weight

Lifespan: 1 to 14+ years


Title: Marsupial Wolf


Time Period: PlioceneHolocene

Alignment: Neutral

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Dark

Inflicts: Darkblight, rabies

Weaknesses: Fae, light, poison, stunned

Casualties: ???

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: 

Black Nyemanguelio (Caniantechinus negrus) is the fictional species of wolf-like antechinus introduced in Weather Dragons: Bagani


Originate from Eastern Arrernte word: nyemale akngwelye, which means wolf rat. In Spanish was Nyémangüelio and in Scots Gaelic was Niemánh-bhàlio.

Physical Appearance

Black Nyemanguelio is a different appearance from Gray Nyemanguelio, except for purely black fur and skin, even dark brown eyes. Black Nyemanguelio was the wolf-like antechinus that resembles Florida Black Wolf, an extinct species of canine related to grey wolf and coyote, even red wolf. As a result of convergent evolution of the placental mammal and metatherian mammal.


Black Nyemanguelio generates a dark aura in their mouth that causes darkness on contact or bite. Black Nyemanguelio lived in six to ten individuals led by the alpha male Nyemanguelio against the clans.


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Nyemanguelios directly take down the survivor, if they come across them, but won't directly hunt them. Despite the fact that Nyemanguelios must prey on huge creatures in order to survive, they are significantly less likely to attack humans than other large predators like bears or even moose. However, there are times when Nyemanguelios can harm or threaten friends, foes, and even pets. Nyemanguelios are naturally wary of people and will only attack if they feel attacked or frightened.

Distribution and Habitat

Black Nyemanguelio lived in a dark forest in temperate deciduous forest to tropical rainforest in the Central Regions of Sawintir, as well as sightings in Florida and Central America.


Much like wolves, the Nyemanguelio was able to be tamed by feeding meat from chamois to others in Eurasia (from carabao, anoa, elephant, hyena, jackal, deer, and rhino to others), giving from the survivor and used for riding, better compared to the Poodle.


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Foreign Languages

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