Manananggal Bat

Necromegaderma bonifacioi

Manananggal Bat

After talking to other residents about the infanticide caused by the enormous baseball bat or nose-leaf bat-like, it appears that Filipinos or foreigners are not very frightened; discussions about ghosts and spirits do not make them queasy; instead, it is only the Aswang and their relatives who would cause them to quake in terror. ”

Berjouhi Gurieli

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Chiroptera

Family: Megadermatidae

Genius: Necromegaderma

Species: Necromegaderma bonifacioi

Descendant: Megaderma spasma

Named by: ???

Year Published: 1989

Size: 17.8 cm in length; 1.4 kg (3.1 lb) in weight


Title: none

Other Name(s)/Alias(es): none

Pantheon: Filipino

Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩🐟🩸

Elements: Dark, air

Inflicts: Bleeding

Weaknesses: Earth, ice, combat, fae, poison

Casualties: none

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Vulnerable (VU) – IUCN Red List

The Manananggal Bat, Andres Bonifacio's Bat, Handfoot Bat, or Mountain Vampire Bat (Necromegaderma bonifacioi), is the fictional species of Megadermatidae introduced in every series of Earth Responsibly.


Coming soon

Physical Appearance

Greater than other false vampire bats in size, the Manananggal bat is a vampire that has developed into a fiercer and more menacing predator than the rest of the native wildlife in the Philippines. Small and covered in legs, their fur was independent for snatching some food thanks to their legs, which are larger and longer than those of vesper bats. Their legs resemble hands exactly. Although they are not closely related, the wings are bigger than those of false vampire bats.

This species' wings featured brown wing membranes that were detached from the legs and had skin that was reddish-peach in color. Actually, the ears resemble those of the humerus. Reddish brown was the color of the Manananggal bat's eyes. This species was a descendant of the lesser-known vampire bat.


The teeth are used to drink the blood of the victims. The legs were used as hands.


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The group of manananggal bats was called the management of manananggal bats; they are exclusive to their flocks during both daylight and nighttime, and they are cathemeral. Due to the belief of the locals that these bats are larger than humans and are considered Manananggal, there is no separate body for this species. They evolved from only their ritual birthday; if one of the individuals has a recessive allele and an abnormal condition of the thyroid gland, it grows and becomes the same size as us.

Distribution and Habitat

This species served as a minor subject as one of Aswang’s pets. This species was found in all island regions of the Philippines and lived in trees or caverns.


Bats can adapt to humans by being domesticated, to the point that they become clingy and cuddly. However, their lifespan in captivity is typically significantly lower than that of their wild counterpart, where they can live up to 30 years. You can feed with grubs, fruits, blood, or meat.


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Known Individuals


See also: none

Foreign Languages

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