Zmey Gorynych


Zmey Gorynych

There are a lot of contentious accounts concerning the three-headed dragon-like monster that is said to exist in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Czechia, and other adjacent nations. Zmey is ferocious, wicked, sadistic, and conceited, just like his grandparents. The Russian destroyer turned its back on us in support of the forces of darkness and the Ginnugagap.

– Lord Shiva

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Born: beyond Hadean (at Ginnungagap)


Cause of Death: 


Species: Dragon God (Eldritch Terror)

Size: 666 meters tall in height; 550 knots on their wingspan; 669 meters long in length including tail; 170,000 tons in weight 



Other Name(s)/Alias(es):

Pantheon: Slavic

Time Period: Hadean - Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★


Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Air, Electric, Sound, Arcane, Aether, Chaos

Inflicts: Earthed, aired, electrified, sounded, bursted, aethered, violated

Weaknesses: Aether, chaos




Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Deceased (Extinct (EX) – IUCN Red List)

Zmey Gorynych, simply named Zmey, is the main antagonist, introduced in Life for Bogatyr and Mahabharata and Weather Dragons: Last Special Heritage for Romanovs. Zmey Gorynych is a dragon god, a large dragon-like entity that resembles aliens from another world. He and his brothers are descendants of the Dragon Gods: Typhon and Tiamat live in Ginnungagap, a void of emptiness to invade Russia.

This story is a Lovecraftian horror.


In Russian and Ukrainian words for "Snake, the Son of a Mountain".


The ouroburos and unidentified ingredients for this species are used, and Hindi, Russian, and Ukrainian are used to awaken. In Captain America: Civil War, Bucky Barnes is targeted by these ritual texts.

Physical Appearance

Zmey is a massive, three-headed dragon-like creature that resembles the Lernean Hydra in appearance. It has translucent wings, strong, dark-green scales, a peach belly underneath, an arbitrary number of horns, six thagomizers with a devil's tail tip that is sharper than a sword, numerous sharp chins, and numerous horns.

His hands and feet have five digits and four fingers, and his legs and arms are muscular and masculine. His wings also have four fingers. Zmey had biofluorescent sets on his wings that, when he became enraged, changed from blue to red and let loose a red chaos energy. Red is Zmey's eye color.


Zmey exhales a lot of white fire that is made of aether and chaos elements. This energy destroys life and also causes burning and horrifying effects. Zmey can have three, six, nine, or twelve heads depending on the cut, much like the Lernaean Hydra, and he frequently has multiple heads.

Weather Phenomenon


Coming soon


Zmey is very hostile.

Distribution and Habitat

Zmey was located in Russia as the birthplace and native species. Also found in New Saint Petersburg (Spanish: Nueva Santo Petersburg) in Dyemoblash as its last refuge.


Zmey cannot be tame.


Zmey Gorynych is a dragon that destroys entire worlds and is regarded as a threat to humanity. With the exception of Baba Yaga and their niece Snegurochka, the gods did not use their own powers, though. After they arrived from Ginnugagap, a void of emptiness that is the birthplace of the Eldritch Terror, Zeus and Hera failed to notice that the descendants of Typhon and Tiamat reside in Russia and Ukraine. Lakshmi had a dream that Zmey, a relative of Vritra, was attacking the northern regions of Asia or Russia. This alien from Russia is being attacked without the need for assistance. Lakshmi and Parvati inform Shiva and Vishnu.

This three-headed monster, led by Koschei, Chernobog's son, needed no help from anyone. The Chuvash people were discovered wandering through Ukraine and Russia in an effort to tame the Chameleos, the Elder Dragon of Mist. The Chameleos were widespread in Chuvashia and neighboring oblasts, making them the obvious Elder Dragon from the Monster Hunter universe to Russia's Middle Ages.

Early in the 20th century, Anya Romanov and her husband Dimitri (from the films Anastasia and Bartok the Magnificent) inquired of Baba Yaga through Zorya and Perun about Grigori Rasputin destroying the entirety of Russia to Ukraine and driving the Chameleos extinct with Zmey Gorynych's ouroboros, an illegal artifact. Lyudmila Pavlichenko, a young girl who would grow up to be a sniper, was chosen by Chione, Snegurochka's oldest sister, as soon as she learned that the war had started and was protected from the threats of Koschei.

The Russian-Ukrainian descendant of a Bulgarian-Hungarian conservationist knight from the 21st century, Bartolome Juhasz, wants to take his assignments for the event until it is too late for Joszef and Heloise, who are unaware of it. Zmey is killed by Dimitri until Zmey's curse kills him and lifts him and his brothers into Ginnungagap. Constantin Sanatescu and Eleanor of Aquitaine are informed of this and are then confronted by Zmey. For Anya, Dimitri and Ivan stabbed Zmey, caused him to double over and fall to the ground, and lifted the curse for his loved ones and allies up until the point at which he and his pet perished under Zmey's curse. Bichurin witnesses the sky shooting Zmey and is horrified. The Soviet Union and surrounding nations were doomed by the gamma ray burst from an unknown star that stabbed Zmey.

Chernobog sends himself into space as a sacrifice for his brother, receiving a powerful gamma-ray burst and a blast of chaotic energy before disappearing until he runs out of energy. When Bartal is informed that Anya and Dimitri have both passed away, he sobs. However, Lyudmila Pavlichenko has survived, been traumatized, and has amnesia as a result.

She was taken to a swamp when the Soviets were discovered and brought back to her home when she sobbed. Baba Yaga's strategic plan enabled Russians and Ukrainians to liberate Russia from the Bolsheviks in 1918, transforming it into the Russian Republic and a communist state. Zmey caused the end of the Mikhailov and Romanov dynasties, which led to a protracted and bloody Civil War between the Reds and the Whites that lasted from 1917 until 1923 and was won by the Reds.

Included in it were foreign interference, the extermination of Chameleos, the killing of the former emperor and his family, wars with Vanaras and Vodyanois in the oblasts, and the famine of 1921–1922, which claimed the lives of about five million people. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was founded on December 30, 1922, in post-revolutionary Russia. It consisted of a confederation and joined forces with India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and the Maldives under Mother Russia, but the Vanaras weren't happy about it because of their shared affinities as a special and privileged strategic alliance.

Zmey Gorynych is an old Hadean beast that many ancient societies feared. He was described as a "antithetical maniac," implying that he is extraterrestrial in origin, according to Queen Arianna and her trusted companions. According to a Chuvash storyteller from the Russian Revolution, quoted in her field notes in the Russian Federation, Zmey's characteristics are very similar to his description of a three-headed demon: "he was another son and the adversaries of the bogatyri Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich to later Shiva, the Hindu deity, and Vasuki."

In the Worldcraft series at 3016 AD, Zmey was killed with the Hibava sword by Renjiro the Honengyo, Zmey's archrival, and Archie Buenaventura after being revived by Andruzha, another major foe in eight stories against Dobrinya and Zabava, including Hanzo and Fumiko, for his wickedness from bullying.

In 3018 AD, Zmey was ultimately resurrected again by Catacalos as a result of his greed and grief, but not for too long. Zmey was ultimately executed to death by Johannes's comets that struck the entire Berbania planet, caused mass extinctions against antagonists, and sprinkled Eldritch Terrors into their souls, demised, and vanished as a bubble. The last survivor, Apep, passed away at the end of immortality, and Quetzalcoatl and Chang'e both saw him suffer and have his soul emerge. The United Nations declared Zmey to be extinct. Queen Celestina made this declaration.


“  Many stories about the three-headed dragon-like entity found elsewhere in both Russia and Ukraine are very controversial. Ferocious and arrogant, the destroyer against us for the Ginnungagap and the forces of evil from?

—Eostre (2022)

" The existence of a three-headed dragon-like monster has sparked countless heated debates in both Russia and Ukraine. Brutal and arrogant, where did the Ginnungagap and evil powers come from to kill us? "

—Lord Shiva (2023)


Chronological Appears


Weather Dragons

Main Theme Music


Foreign Languages
