Blackslate Anchavalio

Lupantechinus negrus

Blackslate Anchavalio

“ Warning for the new or old hunters in unexpected ways, the other species of Anchavalio wandering around the dark forest until midnight, as hideous as dark night in the shadows. ”

– unknown author

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Infraclass: Marsupialia

Order: Dasyuromorphia

Family: Dasyuridae

Subfamily: Dasyurinae

Tribe: Phascogalini

Genius: Lupantechinus

Species: Lupantechinus negrus

Descendant: antechinus

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 14.5 centimeters long in length; 1.6 m tall in height; 40 kilograms in weight

Lifespan: 1 to 20+ years




Time Period: PleistoceneHolocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Dark

Inflicts: Bleeding. blindness

Weaknesses: Fire, fae, light

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Blackslate Anchavalio (Lupantechinus negrus) is the fictional species of antechinus introduced in Weather Dragons.


Anchavalio is the anglicization word from Eastern Arrernte: Antyewelye, is the form as antyame akngwelye, which means swag dingo.

Physical Appearance

Blackslate Anchavalio was different from the normal or Ashen Anchavalio; their fur was pitch black and had blackish gray skin, even gray-edged spikes.


Blackslate Anchavalio enhanced itself while enraged, unleashing the dark particles on the entire body to enhance the darker element causing darkness.


The timing of the breeding season differs between species and also with the location of populations. The breeding season from July to September and moving to the south in late January through March. Anchavalios are pregnant for about 63 days and usually birth four to six pups, and like their ancestors, do not have a complete pouch as in other marsupials but simply a flap of skin covering the teats.

Both older male or elder female die-off occurs because of an increase in free corticosteroids in the blood from the birth. Much like antechinuses, torpor is periodic lowering of body temperature and metabolic rate to reduce energy consumption in their own dens.

Native or introduced predators also threaten Anchavalio populations with foxes, wolves, tigers, cougars, lynxes, baboons, sea lions, dolphins and cats predating upon Anchavalios. Indeed all species of Anchavalios are habitat destruction and competing with both native species, introduced species or invasive characters.


Like the other Anchavalio, this animal was very careful and violent in the sense of natural behavior. Blackslate Anchavalio was different from any of the ancestors, the antechinus.

Distribution and Habitat

Blackslate Anchavalio was native to the unknown regions of Sawintir and Earth. It was reported that the animal was found in Switzerland and Tunisia as well.


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