
Allovaccadraco arenascutus


An assailant in the desert who travels about looking for water and keeping an eye out for this lethal weapon following it.

– Eostre

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Palaeodraconia

Family: Vaccadraconidae

Genius: Allovaccadraco

Species: Allovaccadraco arenascutus

Descendant: drakes

Named by: Jerome Milles

Year Published: 1989

Size: 28 m in length; 7.5 cm tall in height; 500 kg in weight


Title: Desert Cow Dragon


Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Earth, combat

Inflicts: Sanded, stunned

Weaknesses: Water, ice, nature, combat

Casualties: n/a

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Duneknock or Desert Clubtail Cowdrake (Allovaccadraco arenascutus) is the fictional species of drake introduced in Worldcraft: Scorched Earth and Weather Dragons: Electric Heritage.

Physical Appearance

Duneknock is a large cowdrake, except for brown scales, an orange midline between the yellowish underbelly, dark brown plates on the back of the row, long horns, and even five pairs of pointy tails that resemble Stegouros elengassen.


As an earth element with a flesh constitution, Duneknock is impervious to paralysis, electricity, and lightning. It can even breathe sand and sand-covered gravel. It can headbutt and ram more forcefully than grassland cowdrels. The heavyweight falls to the ground and collapses when Duneknock leaps or swings their own tail in the opponent's direction. They store the sand they eat in a special organ that mixes it with their mucus to make weapons with which to injure their victims.


Out of all the known herbivores, Duneknocks are generally regarded as the most prevalent and strongest. Duneknocks have been shown to be very adaptive to a variety of habitats, despite their susceptibility.

Because of their quick development and high rates of reproduction, they survive in large numbers even though they are positioned in the center of the food chain in each of these environments, which include savannas, badlands, and thick deserts. Unless they are trapped or their offspring are in danger, duneknocks will run from any predatory threat, such as lions, tigers, leopards, theropods, wyverns, huge snakes, humans, and others.

Because of its robustness, this shell plate can shield the animal from attacks by predatory claws and other threats. They could blend in with rocky desert areas thanks to their brown skin's ability to camouflage. To keep the animal safe from harm, duneknocks also possess a strong skull plate and teeth that can tear through foliage.


Duneknock is very territorial; it defends females and harems out of predator-ranged zones.

Distribution and Habitat

Duneknocks are not true desert animals but are adapted to xeric shrubland, dryland desert, badlands, Mediterranean forests, tropical savannas, and even desert volcanoes in Reinachos, Earth, and Sawintir.


Duneknock is a brave and spirited animal that relies on protecting its entire allied group regardless of the situation. It is very moderately to tamed. knocked unconscious by huge objects like a cannonball or catapult, fed it while it was comatose, and constantly overdosed on drugs.

As soon as a Duneknock hatches from an egg, it gets domesticated right away because the survivor stays within 13 radii of the heat resources. If Duneknock hasn't been trained, you can train it with boiled eggs, cabbages, pine leaves, and meat wrapped in seaweed.


Bereshit - 30,000-10,000 BCE

Phanes used Project Pashneia, a scientific project by the Terran branch of the Aesirs or Deities to produce any creatures, including humans, monsters, and animals, for the creation of cowdrakes.

Foreign Languages

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