
Neognetophytus homoquercus


“ Until Tolkien found this creature, long ago, once upon a time in the Indianization for the Indianized kingdoms to silk road. A large sapient tree took them as lead in the world of fantasy than in case it is a real species without any more confusion. This tree however is not you! ”



Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Gnetophyta

Class: Gnetopsida

Order: Neognetophyta

Family: Neognetophytidae

Genus: Neognetophytus

Species: Neognetophytus homoquercus

Descendant: Gnetum gnemon

Named by: Bernand Sicilius

Year Published: 1790

Size: 68.1 meters tall in height; 15,000 kilograms in weight




Time Period: Pliocene–Holocene

Alignment: Territorial

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Leaf

Inflicts: Leafblight, rooted, paralysis, sleep, bleeding

Weaknesses: Fire, air, ice, poison

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

Wood-folk (Neognetophytus homoquercus; Tamil: மரம் மக்கள்; maram makkaḷ) is a one of the mythical creatures and a guardian introduced in Worldcraft: Flora and the Plants.



Wood-folk is a name because of their sapient plant. For Princess Isabella Morrison's pet Maram (மரம்) was Tamil word for tree and its a palindrome by Flora Katru, Isabella's alliance.

Physical Appearance

Wood-folk is an adult form of Saplittle, even taller and larger than most guardians covered by mosses and lichens, even vines or twigs including leaves, and gives a humanoid appearance. Their bark skin color resembles trees based on their temperate to tropical rainforest, including taiga from fir, pine, kauri, narra, oak, mango, mangosteen, horseradish, cherry, melinjo, and others depending on the environment. Most Wood-folks wear loincloths made of leaves.


Wood-folks actually summon plants like roots to vines ensnared and inescapable. During the battle, either the left hand or right hand formed a sword-like weapon or whip weapon. Some individuals possess nature energy containing comatose to paralysis with spores.

The unusual seeds are shaken off by Wood-folks and quickly develop into tall trees or vines before splintering and dying.


Weather Phenomenon


Wood-folks are sapient species and lift their own ecological niche, even the ecological balance of processing life between the life and the ents. Wood Folks never eat their own plants but also store their own food from the photosynthesis and their chlorophyll as main diet for the nutrition and even connected with the lichens, fungi, and bacteria including mosses or parasites for the survival.

If the rain hits Onodrim can flourish its own health and wellhead growth into its own food. The predators of this species are Ajajus in Berbania. Breaking parts of Onodrim's body will affect its ability to summon minions or roots. Wood Folk will be unable to summon roots or creatures for a notable amount of time.


The Wood-folk, while being slow, is a neutral giant plant that'll swipe its opponent with incredible range and defend their babies from enemies.

Distribution and Habitat

Wood-folk and Saplittle were from their lives in the groups called meeting and lives in deep tropical, subtropical, Mediterranean, temperate, and taiga forests worldwide in four realms.


Feeding the Saplittle are the seeds of ginkgo trees and seeds of welwitschia plants. Wood-folks are not able to be tameable if their babies grow up into their tameable Wood-folks.

However, Wood-folk can't be tamed because it is only for baby one.


Bereshit - 300,000–70,000 BCE

Project Pashnea, a scientific initiative by the Terran branch of Deities to create any animals, monsters, or humans in terms of their own, led a goddess named Demeter to create Saplittles and Wood-folks.

Magadha-Anga war - 540–535 BCE

The Haryanka dynasty of Magadha and the neighboring Anga Kingdom engaged in combat during the Magadha-Anga War. Since they were allegedly assaulted by migrated forests with human faces, the Magadha annexed the Anga kingdom's territory and the conflict resulted in their defeat.

Battle of Droizy - 593 CE

Using Roman military strategies, Fredegund deploys her inferior forces against Brunhilda in the battle. She picks the battleground and employs deceit. Outnumbered, Fredegund ordered her men to carry tree branches to disguise one another, use a piece of Eden with some of the Indian Saplittles and Wood-folks who had come to Austria, and attach bells to their horses to make the enemy believe they were their own grazing horses. Brunhilda's army was wiped out, and Fredegund's forces won.

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages

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