
Megalocaracal leo


“ A large cat, the same as the lion, was the strongest feline cryptid before Europeans, the Arabs, and Bantus saw this thing. With more ferocity and a lot of sympathy for the beast in the jungle, there is no escape. ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Class: Mammalia

Order: Feliforma

Family: Felidae

Genius: Megalocaracal

Species: Megalocaracal leo

Descendant: caracal

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 2.0 meters long in length; 1.9 m tall in height; 290 kg in weight

Lifespan: 12 to 22+ years



Pantheon: Tanzanian

Time Period: Pliocene - Holocene

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Nature, arcane

Inflicts: Bleeding; gnashed

Weaknesses: Fire, ice, air, fae, sound, dark

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Mngwa or Nunda (Megalocaracal leo) is the mythical creature and guardian, and a cryptid character introduced in Worldcraft: Berbania's Last War and upcoming story Ngatharu: Child of the Black Cat.

Mngwa was stronger than cats and lions, but same strength as tigers and found in East Africa to West Africa.


From the Swahili word for "strange cat".

Physical Appearance

Mngwa is a large mythical cat that evolved from caracals and servals. Their body appearance was cheetah-like, tiger-headed, long tail for prehensile, and the nose was dark coffee in color. Mngwa's fur color is gray, grayish brown to white underbelly, adjacent to dark gray spots and stripes, which serve as camouflage in deep forest. Their claws are durable and scratch the hardest rocks. Their eye color is hazel.


Mngwa is a mysterious, large tabby cat-like feline known for its deafening roar and powerful legs that drive its overwhelming pounce. Some people who have been cursed with bad bioenergy are permanently transformed into werecats. The mngwa's flexible spine and the ability to quietly and quickly pounce on a predator are its biggest advantages to remaining alive. Specifically, the food eaten by Mngwa was made from berries because it was omnivorous and very intelligent.

That animal's noteworthy adaptation was that its special organ contains special enzymes that decompose the mushrooms, allowing it to use whatever toxins were contained in them into a breath attack that their ancestors didn't have. That breath attack contains bleeding, sleep, stunned, burned, iced, frostbite, explosion, and darkness. Though it has an advantage in battle, Mngwa isn't immune to them. And being predominantly nocturnal, the Mngwa lose their inherent fear of humans at night and become much more dangerous and prone to attack. Be more cautious at night, and the camping activity isn't safe from Mngwa.


Unlike their ancestors, the serval and caraca. Mngwa is the top predator in Tanzania and nearby countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Mngwa's natural enemies are jackals, spiders, and other Elder Dragons.


Like tigers, the Mngwa is curious-turned-hostile towards everything, including humans, from night to dawn. Mngwa became passive, like servals, and ran away from humans and other races, like elves and demons.

Distribution and Habitat

The Mngwa was a native species of mythical creature found in Tanzania as an endemic species because this cat was a migratory species in nearby countries, including Egypt and South Africa. Mngwa's favorite biomes were tropical savanna and tropical rainforest, as well as desert at midnight.


Mngwa cannot be tamed when in the adult stage. Only in baby one were notable exceptions. Any raw fish or milk can be used to tame the abandoned kitten.


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