
Rufoterrahirudo pyrophilos


“ There was no worm found in the volcano, only a huge living worm of hell from the Mount Ellinor Cordillera. ”

Jonathan Pagasa

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Annelida

Class: Clitellata

Order: Neoarhynchobdellida

Family: Terrahirudinidae

Genius: Pyroterrahirudo

Species: Rufoterrahirudo pyrophilos

Descendant: leeches

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 10.4 m tall in height; 23.4 m in length

Type: Annelids (Leeches)

Title: Fire Land Leech


Threat Level: ★★★★★ (this threat was neutral, if can attack we provoke)

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Fire

Inflicts: Burned/fireblight

Weaknesses: Water, earth, ice

Casualties: ???

Based On: fictional

Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Phreatiwrma (Rufoterrahirudo pyrophilos) is a fictional species of gigantic leech introduced in Weather Dragons series of Bagani: Warriors of New Magdalenia.


Phreatiwrma is the Avalonian word for "fire worm."

Physical Appearance

Underneath the volcano, there is a large leech called Phreatiwrma. Its light blue to cyan-colored fur-like covering protects it from sunlight and radiation. Their second head is not functional, and their red to peach body with elemental pits actually releases helium gas. They also have teeth-like objects for hooking or grabbing prey. Phreatiwrma has poor vision because its seven eyes, which are covered by skin like caecilians' are.


Phreatiwrma opens their pits releases reddish orange helium gas with nitrogen, this creature unharmed itself during the explosion. Phreatiwrma can bore to dig through the rocks of any igneous to metamorphic rocks by their teeth and strength. Phreatiwrma is a blind animal and can see through vibration in medium scale.


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Phreatiwrma is a territorial species who dares to their own territory, small ones cannot be attacked and run away from larger ones.

Distribution and Habitat

In contrast to Yellowstone National Park, Phreatiwrma was situated in the Elinor Cordillera, a region of Sawintir that was home to a live volcano and caldera. Through non-igneous rocks like sandstone or common stones, Phreatiwrma cannot be restrained.


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“ A large living worm of hell from Mount Ellinor Cordillera, there was no worm found in the volcano. ”

Jonathan Pagasa (2021)

Foreign Languages

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