Primordial Malzeno

Vampyrodraco caelomiles

Primordial Malzeno

“ The lord has once again settled in his rightful place.

To bring down the hammer of justice on the servants who betrayed him.

With swift attacks, he smites the wicked.

Hark, the cries of his traitors herald his return. ”

– Fiorayne

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Family: Vampyrodraconidae

Genius: Vampyrodraco

Species: Vampyrodraco caelomiles

Descendant: ???

Named by: Paul Grigorescu

Year Published: 2024

Size: 8.5 m tall in height; 8.7 m in length; 245 kg in weight



Other Name(s)/Alias(es): 


Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral/Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous and Hematophagy

Elements: Chaos

Inflicts: Chaosblight, bleeding, lifebreak, leeched, bloodened

Weaknesses: Aether, chaos

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: Endangered (EN) – IUCN Red List

Primordial Malzeno ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Primordial Malzeno (Vampyrodraco caelomiles) or simply as Malzeno, is an Elder Dragon appeared as secondary antagonist, first introduced in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

Malzeno became secondary antagonist in Weather Dragons: Shoahiguan the Genocidal Against Ottoman and Rewritten: Finale.


Coming soon

Physical Appearance

Primordial Malzeno is the original form of Malzeno before developing its symbiosis with the Qurio and boasts considerably superior physical strength and agility, as well as durability granted by its armor. Agents of Shield alerted all nations against this powerful Elder Dragon, like this normal Malzeno.

Primordial Malzeno greatly resembles an Infected Malzeno but has a more sturdy appearance, with most of its body, wings, and head crest being covered in silver and gold plates and blades resembling armor, and the parts of its body that were already gold becoming a darker, richer color. The Qurio is no longer present on its body, with the patch on its chest being replaced by a thicker section of armor plates, and its red wing membranes are now dark blue-purple instead, with its horns also being less twisted.

When infested by the Qurio, Primordial Malzeno will enter a "bloodening" state similar to a regular Malzeno, where its scales will become duller, clusters of Qurio will gather on its arms and chest, and Qurio energy will appear between the prongs of its tail. Further corrosion by the Qurio will cause this to develop into an advanced "bloodrage" state, as indicated by Malzeno's silver armor becoming greatly blackened and its wing membranes being tainted magenta. If Malzeno is injured enough, it can immediately enter the bloodrage state without entering the bloodening first.

Despite its initial resistance to them, Malzeno gradually underwent a morphological change and became highly aggressive, becoming the new host and "master" of the parasites but driving it insane from the Qurio's relentless hunger. However, in the process, it also keeps Gaismagorm dormant by preventing the Qurio from delivering energy to the Archdemon of the Abyss. It has maintained this for 50 years. It was originally known as a variant called Primordial Malzeno. However, it is likely due to a territorial dispute.


It fights more like a knight than the original variant, preferring to employ its physical strength in a versatile and useful manner by using its tail and armored wings in addition to each other for both offense and defense. It can use its wings to stab an individual Qurio out of the air, despite its incredible strength and extreme precision. Primordial Malzeno is so strong that it can even defeat or fend off other strong monsters like Scorned Magnamalo, Velkhana, and Gaismagorm with just its brute strength.

Unlike Malzeno, Primordial Malzeno will refuse to use any Qurio to aid it and will kill any that come near. However, if distracted, the Qurio will attempt to bond with Primordial Malzeno and force it to enter the bloodening state. Despite the symbiosis being forced, Primordial Malzeno's superior physicality allows it to wield the Qurio's power far more effectively, with it using their energy for powerful and violent new attacks. As the infestation progresses, this develops into the Bloodrage state, where Primordial Malzeno becomes significantly more aggressive, its attacks become more devastating, and its speed increases to the point of using the normal variant's "teleportation" multiple times in succession. However, like a normal Malzeno, the Qurio-covered parts on its body become weaker in these states, and dealing enough damage to them will end the state and topple Primordial Malzeno.

Primordial Malzeno will become bloodlust-like if it is close to dying because the Qurio will continue to swarm it and appear to overload it with energy. Primordial Malzeno can attack and teleport almost continuously without pausing in this form, thanks to a significant increase in its aggression, speed, and strength. In contrast to its previous two states, the Bloodlust state will not end until Primordial Malzeno is killed or is successful in purging the Qurio, but it will also cause it to become fatigued more frequently as it fights the symbiosis.


With the exception of dragon or chaos elements, Malzeno is extremely resistant to all elements. When facing Malzeno, Johnny Storm struggled greatly with his attack abilities. Steve Rogers' and T'Challa's vibranium weapons are this species' weaknesses.

Weather Phenomenon


Primordial Malzeno is the original form of Malzeno before developing its symbiosis with the Qurio and boasts considerably superior physical strength and agility, as well as durability granted by its armor. Although it wields its claws and tail as effectively as the normal variant, it primarily attacks by using its flexible bladed wings as a sword and shield, using them to stab, slash, and bash foes while also defending. It boasts better maneuverability than an ordinary Malzeno and is dextrous and precise enough to stab an individual Qurio out of the air with its wing blades.

Primordial Malzeno will normally attempt to fend off the Qurio, but if overwhelmed, they will swarm it and transform it into the Bloodening state, which will develop further into the Bloodrage state if allowed to continue infesting it. In this state, it will continue to use physical blows but will also start using Qurio-based abilities similar to the regular variant, as well as inflicting Bloodblight; both of these are far more violent than usual, especially in the Bloodrage state. In addition to a normal Malzeno's attacks, Primordial Malzeno can launch extremely fast barrages and rains of Qurio energy, create large amounts of shockwaves, fire focused beams of Qurio energy, teleport multiple times in rapid succession, and more. While infested, Primordial Malzeno will still attempt to purge the Qurio from its body and will seemingly attempt to expel them in the form of massive explosions of Qurio energy, although this will often cause it to become fatigued from the struggle. Much like a normal Malzeno, Primordial Malzeno can be knocked out of either the Bloodening or Bloodrage states by attacking the Qurio spots on its body, which also become weak points.

If pushed to its limits, the Qurio will seemingly transform Primordial Malzeno into its final form, the Bloodlust state. In this form, Primordial Malzeno's aggression, speed, and strength are increased by an immeasurable amount, and it becomes capable of attacking nearly continuously without any reprieve. Unlike its previous two states, the Bloodlust state will not end until Primordial Malzeno is slain or successfully manages to purge the Qurio. However, it will also periodically become fatigued from the strain on its body and its struggle against the Qurio symbiosis.


The population of Malzenos started to decline when European and Asian immigrants first arrived in Romania, Moldova, or Elgado. Before settlers came, there were about 40,000 Malzenos residing all over the planet. Due to constant predation from pigs, cats, parrots, hawks, dogs, ferrets, skunks, badgers, tanukis, stoats, and even other Elder Dragons, this dragon has a 5% chance of surviving.

Through mining, logging, and the massacre of Qurios, humans and other races have completely destroyed the natural environments of Infected Malzeno and Primordial Malzeno. For the meat, scales, scutes, blood, and skin, these dragons had previously been hunted by human beings. Romania is home to the species' populations that are most in danger of extinction. Predators that are introduced to an area, such as mustelids, tanukis, raccoons, brushtail possums, brown antechinuses, feral cats, dogs, and pigs, pose the greatest threat.


Unlike Malzeno and most Elder Dragons, Primordial Malzeno is a rather peaceful Elder willing to coexist with humans, to the point where it was once revered as a protector of the Kingdom who would judge evildoers. It is fairly intelligent by extension, as shown by its skillful usage of its limbs and its ability to seemingly understand emotions such as gratitude or hatred.

However, it can still be intensely territorial, and once sufficiently provoked, Primordial Malzeno will not hesitate to retaliate with extreme ferocity and destructive ability, such as in its violent battle with Gaismagorm and the Qurio. Even so, its fighting style is considered elegant and knight-like, but it will become increasingly brutal and underhanded as the Qurio continue to influence it.

Primordial Malzeno is bitter enemies with Gaismagorm and the Qurio for invading its territory, and both hunt down Qurio and resist their control.

Distribution and Habitat

The Citadel is Primordial Malzeno's main territory. It has also been seen in areas such as Shrine Ruins and Lava Caverns. It has even been spotted in the Forlorn Arena.


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Malzeno is extremely sensitive to the force and conjures their own peculiar Romanian creatures, the eyeless winged lampreys known as Qurios. Vlad the Impaler turned into the first vampire and used the Elder Dragon to unleash the dark side of the force on the Ottoman Empire. The House of Romania's German ancestors, notably Helen of Greece and Denmark, a queen who was almost killed by Malzeno, injured this dragon. Due to parasitism and other unnatural events that occurred when natural science was hotly debated, some of those people developed vampire traits.

The Agents of Shield members alerted this animal against all as the most threatened creature in terms of being Gothic and malicious. Ileana of Romania was abducted by Malzeno and considered by biologists to be in the Princess and Dragon theme, like all Elder Dragons. The original Malzeno was pure before Qurios from the Archdemon of Abyss tainted it. Without Qurios, this common form was present in the Balkans, North Africa, and even Tibet.

Due to their superior strength, many mutants and metahumans have failed to eradicate this species. However, vibranium is the best option because it not only treats wounds but also causes blood from Elder Dragons to react violently with vibranium. The only Elder Dragon that vibranium can weaken is this one. The Malzeno are said to have used their wings and tails as swords and shields or lances, and Dante from Devil May Cry used a vibranium sword to defeat them. The Elder Dragon's blood prevented Vergil, Dante's older brother, from successfully controlling the animal with the help of his demonic abilities.

Since he was a young child living in Romania with his parents, Phillip J. Coulson has come into contact with the Primordial Malzeno. Coulson discovered this species for the second time, with Dante using both demon powers to kill it and both brothers stabbing the Elder Dragon with vibranium knives, causing it to flee and become weak from the chemical composition of vibranium. The Avengers and X-Men team claim that Malzeno is friendlier when Coulson establishes a friendship with him. Due to Dante and Coulson, Vergil walked away from the conversation.

Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages

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