Horatian Titeapitcha

Pseudopitechus ascunsianensis

Horatian Titeapitcha

The money-grubbing therapsid shoots his feces over the protests without any reason.

Mary Jeanna Darling

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Family: Pseudopitechidae

Genus: Pseudopitechus

Species: Pseudopitechus ascunsianensis

Subspecies: Pseudopitechus ascunsianensis ascunsianensis

Descendant: ???

Named by: John Marie Cope

Year Published: 2678

Size: 3.5 m in length; 300 kg (660 lb) in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Curious

Threat Level: ★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Rock, combat, dark

Inflicts: Farted; Elemental Resistance Down

Weaknesses: Fire, electric, combat, metal, fae

Casualties: n/a

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Horatian Titeapitcha (Pseudopitechus ascunsianensis) is a fictional species of primate-like therapsid upcoming in Worldcraft: The Center.


Titeapitcha is a corrupted English word in 21st century for "titi", a kind of New World monkey, and in Ancient Greek: πίθηκος (píthēkos) for "monkey" or "ape".

Physical Appearance

Titeapitchas are squirrel monkey-like synapsids as a result of convergent evolution with dense and smooth hair, a long tail, are not prehensile, and even plantigrade legs.

Horatian Titeapitcha is a direct descendant of lead-colored titeapitcha; once, an ancestor was either white with chestnut or silver fur and resembles both Audella Poreshta and Horatian from Sawintiran origin. It evolves into silver on top and chestnut on the bottom.


Horatian Titeapitcha can throw a stench of their own or that of other animals, including humans, which causes farting. However, in their groups, troops led by their alpha male want to fire stench in their buttons; unlike their relatives, the Titeapitcha can throw any object, like snowballs only; the Eastern Titeapitcha throws rocks; the Purple Titeapitcha throws poison apples or other fruits.


Like all Titeapitcha, they have the same ecological niche as monkeys, but animals live in the two worlds in the biggest challenge. Titeapitchas predominantly prefer dense forests near water or rivers, and there are good swimmers. They easily jump from branch to branch and swing using the vines or llanas near the trees.

They reside in family groups of two to seven animals, which are made up of the parents and their young. Titieapitchas seldom fight, preferring to use loud voices and aggressive movements to drive out intruders and protect their territory. The group's ability to work together depends on how well they communicate and groom each other. Usually found in pairs, titieapitchas sit or sleep with their tails intertwined.


When it comes to people and other family members of this species, titieapitchas are territorial.

Distribution and Habitat

Horatian Titeapitcha, an endemic species of the Horatio continent, including Audella Poreshta pine forest, also lives in the cities on Planet Reinachos.


An Edaphosaurus has a low base health, therefore it is simple to kill one before you can knock it out. Use low damage knockout techniques while attempting to tame this animal.


The trainer of monkey pets was signed by Archie Buenaventura at Nueva Esmeralda of Reinachos, now Eastern District of Ascunsia Kingdom, in 3017 AD. Nobody else will know Sunnie Starlen was alone after the Unification of Templars and Assassins on the Pascua Delos Desierto continent.

Sunnie and Prince Arturo were found in a Koyamaki tree, in this montane forest. Arturo, engaged to Sunnie or Lumina, was lost in the Kauri forest of Horathicla. In that place, the former princesses were the Starlen sisters. This monkey synapses towards her, using feces. Arturo blocked his large bark of wood to deflect poops away from monkeys. Fortunately, Sunnie and Arturo fell in love accidentally.

Before Isabella and Arianna arrived, Hernandez Jollanp was thrown by poop from Horatian Titeapitcha, unlucky much to his fortune, by the Horathicla subspecies. To find Sunnie and her friends, the Titeapitchas are roasting in the woods towards him. He ran away from throwing feces again before Falaqalku struck them.

Known Individuals


Foreign Languages

Coming soon
