Infernal Radachalog

Negrovermos rex pyrodominum

Infernal Radachalog

“ A living legend said it was off-limits. The Agartha hell-born animal's bad behavior stems from their family's death in a single horrible extermination, which made them stronger than their normal counterpart. Is it a better story than the real ones? The old tongue of the elves from another world calls them genocidal dragons.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Squamata

Suborder: Eurodraconia

Family: Palaeodraconidae

Genus: Negrovermos

Species: Negrovermos rex

Subspecies: Negrovermos rex pyrodominum

Descendant: Radachalog

Generic Name: Fire Lord of King Black Worm (in Latin and Greek)

Name by: ???

Year Published: ???



Other Names/Aliases: 


Time Period: Pleistocene–Holocene (Chibanian–Meghalayan) - 300,000 BCE–present

Size: 36.65 meters tall in height (1442.9134 inches), 450,31 kilograms (99.36 lbs) in weight, 67.93 meters (feet) in length, 45.53 meters length in wingspan

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous 🥩🥓🔥🎆

Elements: Fire (Orange), earth, arcane, chaos

Inflicts: Fireblight (Orange), rockblight, arcaneblight, chaosblight, scourged, bombed, atomed (enraged)

Weaknesses: Water, fae, aether, chaos




Based On: 

Conservation Status: Critically Endangered (CR) – IUCN Red List

Infernal Radachalog (Negrovermos rex pyrodominum) is one of the fictional species of Radachalog introduced in the Weather Dragons series. Called by Pleasance Pierre Bagras, Lizardo Bagras's wife coined this creature, and who evolved it was rejecting Cherenkov radiation. This creature is neither a variant nor a rare species, classified as a subspecies.

Infernal Radachalog poses more of a threat to ranged survivors than melee survivors, due to most of its attacks being ranged.


Radachalog because of this name was by Old Elvish: "rada" (Futuristic Version: "grakta") meaning "great", "tshal" (Futuristic Version: "ichak") meaning "black", "aralog" (Futuristic Version: "farallogh") meaning "vanisher" because it came from the Indo-European languages since ancient times before the extinction of Neanderthals by macrofamily languages named Borean languages.

Physical Appearance

Infernal Radachalog is a demon; those shells, wings, spines, and scales have become a reddish-crimson color after generations of exposure to the volcano and other hotspots. One of its four horns is extremely overgrown, even the spines, in comparison to the rest.


Infernal Radachalog can manipulate both earthquakes, mazuku, lahar, and volcanic eruptions with water, fire, air, chaos, and earth. One of its most powerful abilities is summoning meteors that shower all around it, either by shooting the fireball into a divided meteorite or by evoking the real meteor showers from outer space. There is in fact a pattern to Infernal Radachalog's meteors; they will normally fall in one of several patterns around it.



Shooting it with the ballista, cannons, catapults, sonic weapons, or any other projectile when it is flying can cause it to fall. Poison is the main weakness of Radachalog, as is the lack of natural selection. The face or head is the weakest part of Radachalog, also shared with Fatalis from Monster Hunter.

Weather Phenomenon


In worlds like Reinachos and Earth, the Radachalog reigns supreme as the top predator; if they get their vengeance, everything becomes their prey. In their shared ecological niche known as "Princess and Dragon," Radachalog can abduct princesses, noblewomen, duchesses, and other beauty women or young ladies, much like Elder Dragons like Snallygaster and Gochdraig. This is related to the fact that most elder dragons have been reported to abduct princesses by biologists. Far from eliminating the known tree of life that most species kidnap the princesses, Elder Dragon is a collection of autonomous species in the same category, though some of them are hoarding treasure.

Radachalog, in its elder stage, is more potent and uses pollution as its primary weapon to breathe atomic containment if it manages to destroy everyone on this site. The only known dragon species that has Cherenkov radiation. The sharp sound produced by faster-than-sound movement, as caused by a sonic boom, destroys all life and the environment.


This animal is extremely aggressive and violent, even by Radachalog standards. Extremely aggressive and violent, Infernal Radachalog's rage is nearly everlasting. A Infernal Radachalog's rage is nearly everlasting and destroying in brethren of no hope and peace in demise.


Scary, monstrous, resourceful, intimidate, overpower, manipulative, murderous, blasphemous, fierce, foxy, gothic, perfectionist, genocidal, intelligent, gluttony, selfless, selfish, shadowy, overlooked, dangerous, persuasive, open-minded, powerful, vindictive, slothful, gentle, classy, protective, scandalous, abusive, wrathful, cruel, territorial, ruthless, deadly, wide-eyed

Distribution and Habitat

Infernal Radachalog was located for the first time in France to Spain as migratory species, their ordinary habitat was disputed. Infernal Radachalog was an endemic species in Hawaii as indigenous species but the Americans telling this animal disputed. Origin of Infernal Radachalog is now Iceland or Japan but suggests that this animal was from Agartha, Muspelhelm, and Avalon respectively in very hot environments like volcanoes. Rarely found in Mohorovičić discontinuity and beyond the deep ocean.


Infernal Radachalog cannot be tamed due to being impossible to tame and very aggressive.


2023 AD

This creature spread Chernobyl radiation throughout Ukraine and Russia, as well as in Avalon, a fictional kingdom in the Enchancia Kingdom that was threatened by a dragon that breathed Cherenkov radiation. Avalonian elves called this creature. This curse brought on by Radachalog that Prince Hugo was not immune to Cherenkov radiation, along with her sister Amber, was the reason why Sofia the First, also known as Sofia Balthazar, and Cedric the Sorcerer are both naturally immune to Cherenkov radiation.

The Enchancia Kingdom incident was reported by Lithuanian senator and priestess Aldona Rupuzhe, the hybrid Earthling-Agarthan descendants of the Agarthan wanderer sworn to retaliation and renegade Enchancia, and now Lithuania is being warned by Quetzalcoatl, Chang'e, Hades, Persephone, Olorun, and Chione. Cruella de Vil and her son Carlos de Vil want to investigate Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Belarusians, Russians, and Moldovans. After Dian Bimbirys, the Lithuanian and Latvian descendants of the soldier who killed Radachalog in antiquity, that was essentially the only solution. Joszef Horvath, Heloise Szekely, and their friends and allies want to overthrow the senator and the dragon, who are responsible for the rampant repetition of the radiation process and climate change.

July 2024 AD

Gabriello the Lightbrighter is Radachalog, the dragon whose parents abandoned him because of his relationship with God. After World War II, until 2024 AD, Constantin Sanatescu discovered this animal in Ukraine. Sanatescu describes how this dragon attacked Agarthans and their ties to the kingdom of Enchancia, resulting in the incident that occurred in Sofia's country of origin.

Cedric the Sorcerer and Sofia the First were the only survivors immune to Cherenkov radiation, while her love interest Prince Hugo and her sister Princess Amber were not immune but became ill as a result of exposure to radiation produced by Infernal Radachalog, a subspecies of Radachalog that had been unknown for a long time until Joszef Horvath and Heloise Szekely discovered it with new allies: Cruella de Vil's mother and son, Carlos de Vil.

Due to the Infernal Radachalog's rivalry with Redscale, which resulted in both of them breeding with Redscale's unnamed sister against the rules of Radachalog and the forces of nature led by Goddess Gaea, Gabriello and Redscale developed racial hatred for one another. Residents of Enchancia wept, and Gabriello vowed vengeance against himself and his life for causing Sofia and Cedric to collapse. The God who bestows him with the newest seraphim falls into the purest radiation against the red radiation.

Until Old Radiation, the true godlike Elder Dragon named Duiva (Avalonian for "God the First" or "Almighty Deity") stopped them from fighting each other and killed Aldona Rup. Enchancia and Disney characters lived in peace thanks to 21st-century heroes like Joszef and Heloise and her friends and allies from Agarthan's warfare. Redscale represented Satan, and Gabriello represented Yeshua.

Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents Individuals


" A large vermilion fucking Elder Dragon!!! "

- Keller Bagras


Main Theme Music

Foreign Languages