Copper Alicanto
“ A cuprous finch from Chile, as small as a sparrow, wants to guard coppers. Thus, the bird is not just a little cute; it is also ferocious and gains attack from the storm. ”
– Chang'e
Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Clade: Dinosauria
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Fringillidae
Genius: Orycteuphonia
Species: Orycteuphonia cuprum
Descendant: euphonias
Named by: ???
Year Published: 1997
Size: 28 cm in length; wingspan estimate to 32 cm in length; 30 cm tall in height; 40 grams in weight
Lifespan: 15 to 20 years
Reptiles (Archosaurs)
Birds (Finches)
Copper Finch
Pantheon: Chilean
Time Period: Holocene
Alignment: Passive
Threat Level: ★★
Diet: Omnivorous; extremotroph 🥩🪲🌿🥉
Elements: Air, metal, light
Inflicts: Metalblight, airblight, lighted, stun
Weaknesses: Earth, fire, electric, combat, dark
Casualties: ???
Based On: itself
Conservation Status: Vulnerable (VU) – IUCN Red List
Copper Alicanto or Copper Oxidized Alicanto (Orycteuphonia cuprum) is the one of the metallic finches introduced in Worldcraft: Trio Origins and in Weather Dragons: Siehnam vs Against the Odds.
Copper Alicantos are one of the fictional species of finches along with respectively metals: gold and silver.
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Physical Appearance
Alicantos are simple sparrow-like finches covered in various metals, with metallic scales and feathers throughout the body and metallic eyes. The beak of the Copper Alicanto is identical to that of a Huia bird, and when oxidized, its brownish-red-covered bioluminescent material turns greenish-cyan. We begin to oxidize around the age of three and have the potential to turn greenish, but the copper eye patches that are present stop this process, serving the same purpose as wax and tears.
Due to its phosphorescence, an alicanto does not cast a shadow. Copper Alicanto shoots oxidized copper in saliva, deals poison using their sharp copper-coated talons, and also flashes their own body with metallic feathers, causing blindness and poison.
Only a small number of birds, known as alicantos, eat ores, metals, and foils made of copper, silver, or gold that, when digested, harm the immune system and lead to illness. Unknown metal-eating bacteria in their stomachs aided their digestive system and helped them expel the poison.
The Alicanto consumes too much metal, turning metallic and glossy and becoming more temperate than males, depending on its breed and the elements that are present. The body's vitality, connective tissues, and blood vessels weaken if the Alicanto consumes the incorrect metal, such as gold, copper, or silver, and it vomits.
Weather Phenomenon
Sun Halo
Those that eat gold shine like the sun, while those that eat silver shine like the moon.
Alicanto cannot fly; the gold they eat weighs them down too much. Instead, they run with their wings spread. A hungry Alicanto can run quickly, but one that has gorged itself can barely move at all. Alicanto's diet consists of inside its chest special organs used for regulating body temperature. This body will rapidly heat up when it digests it for the special organ.
Copper alicanto produces a powerful magnetic force that attracts metals and minerals to itself. The shell particles on the feathers are silver or gold, depending on what the bird eats. It's also unknown if it has any predators.
Alicantos are timid and docile creatures when a miner wants to share with Alicanto a metal as permission, or if they don't, can flash themselves to lead their pursuers to a cliff to death, as well as a kind of death bait.
Alicantos are found in Chile as an endemic species according to Mapuches.
Movement Pattern: Not a Migrant
Individual Type: Solo
Population Trend: Decreasing
Population: 450,000
Locomotion: Airborne
Habitat: All
Extant (Resident): Chile
Feeding Copper Alicanto with copper flakes. However, there are no nutritional or health benefits associated with its consumption for humans, but some creatures can.
Project Pashneia, a scientific initiative by the Terran branch of the Gods to create any creatures—animals, monsters, or humans—in terms of themselves, resulted in the production of Silver and Copper Alicantos.
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Foreign Languages
French: Alicanto de cuivr
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