Mint Pikewing

Lancescapteryx tiqojarhica

Mint Pikewing

“ With a single long, pointy chin, this little gentleman thrusts faster than any other critter in Berbania or Hirawhassa. The lone Hirawhassan native, a mischievous figure on their remote land, is constantly floating. ”

– Guide for Berbania Endemic Life


Domain: Berbanuryota

Kingdom: Berbanozoota

Phylum: Hiravachordata

Infraphylum: Berbanaves

Class: Volantopisces

Order: Piscipinnia

Family: Lancescaptergidae

Genius: Lancescapteryx

Species: Lancescapteryx tiqojarhica

Descendant: ???

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 56.3 centimeters tall in height; 4.5 meters in length; 100 kilograms in weight



Pantheon: Berbanian/Hirawhassan

Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: n/a

Inflicts: Bleeding

Weaknesses: Ice, electric, sound, dark, arcane

Casualties: ???

Based On: 

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC) – IUCN Red List

Mint Pikewing (Lancescapteryx tiqojarhica) is the fictional species of extraterrestrial introduced in Worldcraft: The Actress and the Sky.


From each of two English words pike and wing, it was similar to hummingbird and sailfish on mid-air by flapping their four wings.

Physical Appearance

Mint Pikewing's appearance was smaller and a shape of ichthyosaur, with two large flippers and two short flippers for flight. Pikewing had a short fin and three stabilizers for fast flying. Mint Pikewing have long sharp chin, can piercing through wood. The sets of bioluminescent marks on torso, flippers and a tip in the chin. Mint Pikewing's body colors were light green, blue-green, dark green with white to orange gardients on there flippers. The color scheme of Mint Pikewing's chin was greyish white.


Mint Pikewing was a very fast speed because their called by Dairks alternative to call them "Falcons of Berbania World" due to same speed as peregrine falcon. Mint Pikewing uses their very long sharper chin deadlier than sniper up to 350 kph with beating the four wings much like hummingbirds and falcons altogether. This bioluminescent marking on their tip of the chin was very hallucinating. Mint Pikewing can flying with their wings without tiring up to 23 hours a day because tired, and sleeps for 6 hours for rest.


Mint Pikewing was a low in the food chain, then it prey upon by a large aliens in Berbania. Mint Pikewing have possess their large flippers to carrying their own body to flight, can backwards like hummingbirds.

Mint Pikewing was a predator, they hunt small animals in chaparral using the best known for its diving speed during flight, can be same speed as peregrine falcon. Using the chin, looks like a flattened oval in cross section and it has incredibly sharp edges to impales.


Even though Mint Pikewing is an aggressive alien, it is not. The Mint Pikewings, which are passive, eluded larger size with remarkable speed.

Distribution and Habitat

Mint Pikewings are native species in Tiqojarha at Planet Berbania, mostly near the chaparral but is a controversial, mostly in the cliffs.


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