
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream. ”

Background and Character Information

Full Name: Marie Aurora of France y Sonnie

Other Names: 

Born: early 14th century

Species: Earthling Human

Nationality: French

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Occupation: Princess

Language Spoken: French, Spanish, English, German, Luxembourgish, Ilocano, Monegasque, Russian, Serbian, Korean, Norwegian, others

Alignment: Good

Paraphernalia: her own Magic wand

Powers and Abilities: Nature-fae-aether magic


Relative(s): King Stefan (father); Queen Leah (mother)

Affiliate(s): others

Likes: Romance, strolling in the forest, singing, dancing, animals, plants, daydreaming, drawing, croquet, cooperation, friendship, multinational, environment, folk dance, pop music

Dislikes: Being treated like a child, arranged marriages, forced marriage, divorce, not seeing Phillip, tragedy, war, extinction, discrimination, Elder Dragons and dinosaurs (briefly), hatred, sadness, forlorn

Inspiration: Sleeping Beauty

Princess Aurora of France (also called is Briar Rose; French: Aurore) is a titular protagonist that appear in Disney's Sleeping Beauty.


From the word Aurora, from the Romance languages means dawn.

Physical Appearance

Aurora is a supremely beautiful young woman, who was magically blessed with waist-length, wavy, golden hair like sunshine, violet eyes, and lips that shame the red rose. She has a tall, slender figure and her skin is fair and flawless. However, her face is less rounded and more angular and refined, giving her an appearance of maturity rather than youth despite being only sixteen. Ultimately her beauty causes her to easily flirt and love any mixed person like Archie Buenaventura, a governor-general and future cousin.


As her princess self, she wears a pink or blue long dress with a petal overskirt, a ruffled white petticoat, and long white-triangular fur sleeves, pink or blue gridle, a golden tiara, white tights and blue or pink shoes or sandals. This dress was set in the 14th century ago.


Unlike Belle, Princess Aurora was given a new magic wand from Merryweather to use, and Aurora was able to wield its magical power that changed everything in order to change the ecology and alter the ecosystem, as well as the happiness of the people.

Despite Aurora and Philip having been enchanted by Maleficent, both them are cursed by good bioenergy to made Philip agile and Aurora have given her the strength from the nature.


Aurora is a kind, elegant, graceful, angelic, loving, and gentle person as well as a hopelessly romantic one. At first, she is seen as a slightly shy, playful and carefree young woman as a result of being sheltered for most of her life. Despite her innocence and apparent dependence on others' actions and opinions, Aurora isn't as passive or helpless as she may seem at first sight, even for past or future. Despite Aurora's adolescence, treat her like a little child, which gives a hint that Aurora, in fact, is prone to independence and not willing to rely purely on somebody's opinion like Varian or Prince Naveen.

Aurora is shown to have greatly matured and become far more self-assured, proactive and independent and responsible, as well as confident in her opinions and abilities like far cousin, Varian. Aurora was very overwhelmed by Archie as actually in love with her pure heart and beauty. Aurora wants to steal Archie from Belle, Isabella and Nicolette as officially only Disney princess for Berbania, Reinachos, Jotunheim and Earth respectively and why Belle became unofficial Disney princess by a jealousy from Adam the Beast.


Swan Princess's Story

coming soon.
