Mission of Siblings

“ Don't Dare My Country's Name. ”


Worldcraft: Mission of Siblings

Ang Huling Tao sa Mundo: Unang Kuwento

Written by: Ognimdo2002

Release Date: Jul 10, 2019

Based on: itself

Genre: Science fantasy, dark fantasy, speculative evolution, horror, war, romance, comedy, action, tragedy, adventure, mystery, drama, historical, epic

Age Advisory: 12+

Worldcraft: Mission of Siblings is the first-ever story made by Ognimdo2002, the British-Ilocano-American science-fantasy drama and action. The first release of Worldcraft coexist with Princess Belle in pre-Nicolette period.


Jericho Morrison from the United States of America, formerly Arizona, fled and wants to work in the United Kingdom because he is a member of Morrison Family, lastly descended from Windsor.

He met couple Rafael James Eversworth and Diane Keller Eversworth née Andrews to want to settle Jericho here. He told the surveillance system in the restored Scottish Highlands that was abandoned in 2097 A.D. During this time, the Excalibur is an ancient weapon that was owned by King Arthur who drew this sword, either himself or his descendants want to become a ruler of the Earth. Meanwhile, he was at his friend's house and wanted to party after the presentation.

Jericho: My gosh, I want to stay because I don't know what is happening.

Rafael: Why are you lonely again?

Jericho: No, just I want to make happy because you and us became a one we are family

Rafael: Very well, Jerry

Diane: I hope that he find a true love

Jericho: What? no, no, no, I can't

Rafael: But, oh my time is it your job is in the Scottish Highlands and want to prepared it tomorrow

Jericho: Oops

Diane: About the restoration of Highlands?

Rafael: Yes dear, me and Jerry in Highlands tomorrow

Diane: Okay dear, make them soon.

One day out to Oxford, London, England, Jericho and Rafael went to Scotland for the unknown discovered.

Forest Ranger James: Help

Gray Wolf: *grunts and bitten*

Rafael: Hey, get out of here!

Jericho: Raf, I have bad something

Rafael: What Jerry?

Jericho: 10 wolves, because it was more predatory than canines?

Rafael: Ah!!!

Jericho: Get out, please!

Gray Wolf: *grunts*

Rafael: Where's my gun

Jericho: Please, stop!

Gray Wolf: *running panic by mysterious figure*

Rafael: Hey what happened, the wolves are afraid?

Jericho: I don't know, how?

Forest Ranger James: Ahc!!!

Jericho: Oh no, you brought to the hospital for better

Forest Ranger James: No, the medic station is here to my recover

Rafael: What happen to the wolves

Jericho: I don't know, somebody is here but in fact the wolves scared me?

Rafael: Well, Jericho you are so heroic.

???: *humming song*

Jericho: What is that?!

Rafael: Jerry

Jericho: Stay here okay, someone is here?

???: *flirts*

When in Loch Ness, the forest was covered in Loch Ness by a Caledonian forest because it was a regrowth phenomenon, where the brown bears; lynxes; wolves; beavers; and the others became peaceful. Jericho once encountered something. Rafael finds Jericho separately in the Caledonian forest.

Rafael: Jerry?

Jericho: Hey, miss..

Rafael: Jericho..., Ah damn it the thick fog

Jericho: Ahhh!

???: Jericho...

Jericho was slipped and now unconscious by the falling small cliff, when Jericho is in coma. A human named Emily Hyerija, the last known of fairies that was saved by Jericho who brought her at night from Scotland to Oxfordshire, England. That Jericho is unconscious, Emily brought in his home in Oxfordshire to heal and Emily wants to sleep with him. Meanwhile in the morning... 🤣

Jericho: Who are you?

Emily: Tha mi duilich, oir is toil leam thu.

Jericho: That freak, help...

Emily: No you are what kind is that, you are Arthur's descendants are alive and even Lancelot's descendants will be reborn from the legend, those two friends are frenemies, that you birthed me.

Jericho: Oh....

After the two days without the Eversworth couple, both are seduced. Jericho was awake and left Emily without her but she was awake.

Jericho: Leave me alone, what seduced me?

Emily: Hello, don't you think to say thank you?

Jericho: Thank you for what?

Emily: I like you, because I don't like any bad males, but a good male is you, *cries*

Jericho: Stop crying, miss... and what's your name?

Emily: My name is Emily Hyerija, I'm a fairy, but I'm a human because of curse

Jericho: Wait, what's curse

Emily: tha an deireadh a ’tighinn!

Jericho: Wait, what's the meaning?

Emily: The end is coming from now

Jericho: No, no, no, this is a story and is a fiction and that's it

Emily: Jerry?

Jericho: Yes?

Emily: I want to marry you?

Rafael: Hello everyone, huh your wife

Diane: Congrats to you Jericho?

Jericho: *scratches his head* I happening but she was love to me

Emily: Wow, Jericho you make our own family

Jericho: Okay and...

Emily: *Kiss*

Diane: Ah, so sweet

Jericho decided that Emily wanted to marry her, and he called his friends and others to invite the wedding for the new couple. Jericho married Emily in a grand wedding because of Queen Carolina IV.

Jericho and Emily: Chan eil an saoghal a ’tighinn gu crìch!

Queen Carolina IV: Bow to their couple!

British people: For the couple it is never the end!

All: Cheers!

Rafael: Congrats bro! You are so very handsome man

Diane: Raf, do you know that your blessings is from our God

Queen Carolina IV: That's right, you and others will see that the world will never end and there is a story for me, from Ostara's notes? Arthur Pendragon is a king who defeats Lady Nimue, she kidnaps Isolde and actually, Merlin; Lancelot; and others including Guinevere join forces against Nimue involved in this incident at Cornwall. Nimue summons a red dragon to kill him. Merlin summons the hailstorm, Lancelot blocks his shield to block the fire, but the tail is sharper than sword and destroys, but the shield heats up.  Guinevere and Lancelot holding hands to shoot their unknown magic to knock out a dragon. Isolde is freed by Arthur, and Tristan hugs her for their savior. Arthur uses Excalibur to seize and decapitate Nimue; she was thrown into Iceland by Vikings who also allied it. But Arthur and Lancelot made friends before the formation of House of Windsor and House of Bourbon.

King Edward VIII: Wait? Where does Bourbon exist?

The Buenaventura Family are also descended from possibly Bourbon Family that is long lost blue blood. Garcia Liza Miercoles Sheyiora is pregnant and banished from karma by nature because of divorce of Yosef Ignacio Peterson Buenaventura (great-grandson of the Bourbon family, and Sir Lancelot's great-great-grandchild).

Yosef: Garcia, please let me explain

Garcia: Please, let me go

Linda: Hey, what are you doing here!

Jaime: Bro, please you leave by your wife

Pierre: Bro, are you serious?

Yosef: Shut up bros, I want to talk her, and give me a chance

Garcia: Please, get out of here! Because I want to virgin

*Door closes*

Yosef: That freak, she hates him, Lord please forgive her

Linda: How damn your sins my dear

Garcia: Mama, I want to abort this child

Linda: What, no is a karma you make a sins

Garcia: No, that's why I virgin

Linda: You are so mad, thats a sinful, between you and your husband are never kill a sacramental, that's a Jewish tradition and Christian

Clarissa: Hello, my name is Clarissa, Yosef's old classmate and bestfriend because am I a royal?

Yosef: I have done this, I'm a Catholic or a princess' descendant?

Clarissa: possibly?

Emily: *murmurs him* Yosef Buenaventura, the Queen Guinevere and Lancelot's descendant you want for your son is a prince.

Yosef: Ah, headache! The prophecy is right, the end is coming when the children are from royal blue at 15 years old.

At the House of Jasmine, he finds Clarissa to marry in Cornwall instead and he believes that Clarissa was a naturalized citizen of Ireland, Yosef was American. Yosef begs her for his life and decides to marry Clarissa instead of Gracia. In their wedding filled with English, Indians, Filipinos, French, Spaniards, Welsh, and Cornish people invited; Clarissa and Yosef still continued to marry but Gracia was enraged to stop the wedding. Clarissa summons Cornish rex cats and gray wolves to intimidate Gracia but she cries away. Clarissa and Yosef continued to marry and conceive.

July 4, 2992, Archie Buenaventura was born with his real mother, but he finds a father that leaves without him. Archie was born Catholicism from Lady Clarissa and Sir Yosef as real biological parents.

Yosef: My son, you are my protecting everything

Clarissa: My son, you are my protecting everything

Gracia: Shame sake!

July 3, 2997, Isabella Morrison was born with her family.

In 3010 AD, during the Holocene  era, Isabella and Archie met for the first time in their school days at first grade.

Archie: You are you?

Isabella: Isabella

Archie: I'm Archie

Isabella: Oh, you such a good friend

Archie: Oh thanks my fair girl

Isabella: What do you say?

Archie: You are friends and I can't flirt you

Isabella: Why?

Archie: So what?

Isabella: Me, I want to help you

Archie: Really?

Isabella: Why not, yes

Archie hugs Isabella for their first love.

In Late-3010, Holocene era, the Comieos are extraterrestrial-like deities arrived from the home planet was full of pollution, warfare, and their survivability but the planet is now under their species endangered.

Thoriyemer: Sir, the asteroid belt were blocked

Catacalos: Comieos, destroy some meteoroid here now.

Comiean Pilot: Majesty, the asteroid belt never stops because there are so many.

Catacalos: Do it now!

Thoriyemer: Avoid the asteroids!

*Spaceship hitted by asteroid*

Thoriyemer: Wait? The Earth makes the Earth surprised by the invasion. Never a Legacy of the Roman Empire conquers the universe.

Our planet Earth makes humans and other surviving animals and monsters become endangered species by Comieos siege.

Except the survivors Jericho, Garcia, Archie, and Isabella but Emily stayed on her planet to protect, making an attempt to escape successful but Emily was captured by Comieos and she was captured.

Emily: Jericho and Garcia, you and your children brought to the spaceship now.

Jericho: Emily!

Garcia: Come on, don't to drama

Isabella: mama!

Comiean Soldier: Vowath!

Rafael: How dare you to damn disturbance

Jericho: Raf!

Rafael: Go, go to your spaceship.

Garcia: Sorry for you, Yosef *cries*

Four Survivors exile the Earth, into the wormhole located in Planet Saturn, the wormhole enters the spaceship to the unknown destination.  

Jericho: Hold on! 🤝

Garcia: I vomit 🤢🤮

Archie: Yuck 😰

Four survivors pass out to the unknown location of Ursa Major. The unknown planet was landed successfully out of radius in an unknown country. Jericho, Garcia, Isabella, and Archie are landed successfully for the first time on an unknown planet.

Jericho adopted Isabella by Queen Clarissa Rijheshoth, a beautiful last Rijheshoth family in the Kingdom State of Inorthia. Garcia wants to adopt Archie to courageous William Auwharosh, a lonely king of the Kingdom of Thirenha. After their parents are going to outer space trapped forever to never see it before Comieos encounter yet. But Clarissa swapped Isabella to William, she chose Archie and later Nicolette for caring in 13 years.

William: Don't worry Isabella, you are here in their care. You are my princess

Isabella: Really

William: Yes, you are so beautiful like me and that no one can save the kingdom.

Meanwhile in the House of Auwharosh at Thirenha…

Clarissa: Archie, you such a handsome boy and you make a new prince and a new governor general.

Archie: Really, my father and mother told me that I'm a prince?

Clarissa: Be sure you can make sure everyone comes to a new savior.

Nicolette: Hello your highness, may I stay here for Archie

Clarissa: Of course dear, many things of allabout the life for this time, called Worldcraft.

In the planet Berbania or Berbaños/Berbanía or Berbanie by French people and Spaniards by 3011 AD, Holocene era.

In the Kingdom of Dinojerulla, the Thongamerai royal family are doing an another problem because all citizens are feared by by terrorist group only help to claimed as republic, the king named Lawrence Thongamerai and their mother was Joanne Jorelavo was long gone to searching her in South Kihangor. Also have two children: Leonardo and Santiago are choosing to choose their children into either queen or king. While Nicolette is in caring on Clarissa as Queen of Inorthia and current ruler.

Protesters: Protest the king! Overthrow for punishment!

Leonardo: Thowaksh! Why did my father not trust him?

Santiago: Please citizens, never my father as a betrayal? Who and why?

Protesters: Never!

Santiago: Thowaksheu!, *pistol fires to the sky*; I say enough to never be mad again why my family still makes my family lineage gone for good ah?

Katherine: My sons were right, no one who makes a big mistake, why is my family like a detainee? No, it was impossible and no way those ourselves and who is mistaken, ah?

Santiago: What the...?

Santiago: Father!

Lawrence: Oh why Santiago?

Leonardo: Look!

Lawrence: What?! *pierced by sniper bullet*

Santiago, Nicolette, Leonardo: Father!

Nigrostra: *roars and flied to Thongameray Family*

Unlucky Lawrence was hitted by a sniper guy in fact was a one of the persons of interest but an animal hear a sniper fires and start to attacks him and he was killed by a Nigrostra, the dark element black dragon at their castle, the dragon unharmed to their royal family and leave without trace, the police notice that this animal kills a criminal.

In the Empire of Ghesario where the Djoreshun or called by English surname is the Georgeson family by Dairkian language. The lovely majesty is an empress named Katherine Jorelavo from her Jorelavo Family and her husband admiral David Tom Rashawolja Djoreshun. After the birth of three children like Dinojerulla: .Sebastian, Stephanie, and Jeremiah.

Advisory: Hail to the new reign, Katherine and David

Sebastian: My dad is the best!

Stephanie: Mommy, my most beautiful in my life

Katherine: Thank you my children, ever since and where is Jeremiah

Jeremiah: Sorry, I'm late for the coronation eh?

Sebastian: Brother!

Jeremiah: My bro, my sis too

Stephanie: Ah, sorry for that eh? Jophas!?

David's mother was Miriam Djoreshun, she was a former Countess. Another bad luck for Djoreshun and Jorelavo because of 12:00 AM, under attack by aggressive temper Drakolossia that is not Draco, that's Vulcan. This Drakolossia used tectonic plates to destroy not only the citadel from Jorelavo but also her castle and her cities and towns near Mount Anderson, the fictional volcano where there are only a few terrestrial volcanoes like Mount Ararat of Armenia. Wreaking havoc and Ghesarian citizens want to evacuate from Vulcan's vengeance.

Vulcan: *roars*

Katherine: What's happening!

Miriam: Help me!

David: Mama!

Miriam was killed by falling object, however David was fallen and abducted by winged devils in cracked lands, Katherine was so despairing to give pain for revenge by Fransis' corruption,

David: Ah, Vulcan!

Katherine: David!

David: Tell your children and says to me as a farewell to me

Katherine: Why David why?!

David: Sorry, I love you!! *falling into the demons as abducts him*

Katherine: No!

Katherine: "Idhora norae eru' wherdy qeabha i'majī shody"

Ghesarian translation: "Those who don't know tragedy is crisis"

Vulcan: *talks to Katherine* "I will never kill this beautiful damned queen here!, Nevermind your husband as a devil now for the new damnation!" *laugh*

Katherine: No!!

Devil Soldier: Arrest you.. *shooted by a bow and arrow*

Stephanie: Damn you, you kill my mother, never respect her ah?

Sebastian: Are you ok mama and where's Jeremiah?

Jeremiah: I'm parachuting, guys help me out!

Katherine: Dear!

Ghesarian Advisory: What happen to you all

Katherine: Make fine, and my husband was lost *cries*

After 13 years they grow into the most beautiful and handsome and lovely but fiercest species on the Planet Earth. In the coronation royal organization and Dirthsan Administrative Organization, the fictional event invites all countries like Republicans and royal families. From Inorthia: Rijheshoth and Ferasothar, Dinojerulla: Thongameray, Thirenha: Auwharosh, Qezhonia: Kellowa, Serfothaqia: Nigongrala, Ahlaria: Vinjawholl, Ylossanu: Hillanos, Ghesario: Djoreshun and Jorelavo, Uhongrita: Agastos, and Zowhringe: Dhwaqthok also about ogre clans like Horace Ghorshak and named Frederik Thomas Oghanrok and Fransisco Oghanrok during their feuding the baron or chieftain in their own race.

Spokesperson Paschal: Please stand up, for the speaks our presidents and their royal family

Clarissa: I'm Clarissa Rijheshoth, the current queen of Inorthia, I'm not sure what I'm in their position, never negative so please, everyone for me and us.

After the speech for their organization. The ballroom dance with their leaders has started.

William: Excuse me

Clarissa: Who are you?

William: I'm William Auwharosh, do you want a partner?

Clarissa: Nope, but yes actually.

Isabella: Hello?

Archie: Hello… you are so beautiful

Isabella: Thank you, and you meet before in elementary right?

Archie: Yes Isa, I know that and-

Nicolette: Hello there, want to talk him for funning jokes.

Isabella: Seriously?

Nicolette: Really, I swear. Oh, my brothers!

Leonardo and Santiago: Lette!

Nicolette: Everyone to meet you, where's my cousins.

Leonardo: But I don't have any relationship of any people here, because I cannot resist it.

Santiago: Why?

Sebastian: Hello everyone, so sad Leon, but it's okay for find your new girlfriend right?

Leonardo: Yeah, but thank you Baste.

Sebastian: You are my best cousin for my entire life.

Isabella: I think, I cannot resist him.

Sebastian: Oh my.

Isabella and Archie also dance, while Leonardo tells Stephanie for Andrew, alos Sebastian Dioreshun fell in love with Elizabeth Whellovang Ferasothar wants to talk, even Santiago Thongamerai likes Elena Hillanos to dance too. Nicolette watching three of them in pair.

Santiago: You want to dance with me as a partner?

Elena: Sure, what's your name?

Santiago: Duke Santiago Thongameray, of Dinojerulla Kingdom

Elena: Elena Hillanos, the countess of Ylossanu

Santiago: So, like cha-cha or tango

A poodle: *barks and feels to their dance*

Santiago: Hey, that's your poodle?

Elena: Yeah, my poodle gifted by my family

Santiago: Oh, very well

Elena: Thanks 😊, *kissed him*

Joshua: 😂 bitch!

Santiago: Stop explicit to me and Elena

A poodle: *angry barks to Joshua*

Joshua: Sorry for you guys? 😂😐

Francine: Let's go Joshua

Santiago: Bye-bye your losers

Elena: Shut up

Santiago: Sorry 😐

Andrew Vinjawholl and Andrea Vinjawholl want to dance with Joshua Augusto and Francine Mithsalo. But Andrew chooses Stephanie instead.

Andrew: My lady Steffy.

Stephanie: Drew, what's going on?

Andrew: I know Steffy because of the relationship. What's on point?

Stephanie: Hmmm, I guess choco.

Andrea: Chocolate Stephanie?

Stephanie: I have chocolate bar, but is vanilla.

Andrew: Thank you my love-

Stephanie: Don't kiss me but-

Andrew: *starts to kiss to Stephanie*

Andrea: Ewww.

Frederik: What's up everyone.

Peoples: Ogre!

Frederik: Hey, stop me like a racist and c'mon hurt my race that's discrimination.

Clarissa: Hello Frederik, nice to meet you.

Frederik: Hehehehe, of course because I'm friendly at all.

Peoples: *gossips*

Clarissa: Everyone, Frederik is newly invited non-human ogre and he's friendly and protective chieftain for Dirthsaho.

Peoples: *applauses and cheering*

Meanwhile Frederik or Frederick in Dairkian was a new Chieftain and Count of Inorthia Kingdom had a bad dream about his brother's possession to continue possibly attacking Inorthia and Ghesario from demons as well as Igniobus.

Frederik: My brother! No way-… I want to see my brother and him. What happened to him? No message in his cellphone, gosh dammit. You animal!

Also replies: What's that? Envelope from hell?, 666? Hmm?

“ Dear brother, I never to no avail, so you are in father's position ah? You animal! You damn! You are the crappiest brother I have ever seen before!

So please, are you here and no friends or police where I live here? In Mount Anderson at Anderson Cordillera, in Ghesario Kingdom 🌋.

— Fransisko Oghanrok, the Demon King ”

Frederik: What the…?

Maid Sussy: What happened to you master?

Frederik: Nothing, damn volcano where he lives

Sussy: Miss Morrison, where the tragedy started?

Isabella: Where?

Nicolette: What's that sis?

Isabella: I will call father first, do you follow me?

Nicolette: I tell Archie's first.

After the ballroom dance and presentation, Santiago found Elena considering the Countess and Senator of Ylossanu Federal Republic ordered by Santiago to where the location that is the hideout of Mount Anderson is a dormant volcano is considered as one of the Fransis' hideout. The good news for the Dirthsan Alliance Administration, Sussy Hierro, a maid who is a servant and agent of Princess Isabella Morrison.

Sussy: Your Highness!

Isabella: What happened?

Andrew: Wait the minute? Are you sure where Frederik goes?

Sussy: In the volcano!?

Archie: Volcano?

Sussy: Yeah, the volcano is in the Ghesario Kingdom!

Leonardo: What's happening here?

Santiago: Hold to the second guys, what's going on?

Andrea: Do you know the volcano located, the GPS?

Sussy: no yet!🤦‍♀️

Stephanie: Mount Anderson, our country's terrestrial volcano!

Jeremiah: Holy cow?! Where Vulcan and possibly new leader live here? How to do that? Yevzhaw! ("Damn" in Ghesarian language)

Sebastian: 😳 No! My father is still alive!

Isabella: Guys! I never say that, the mission is still assigned to me and us! This is important, do missions still fail?

All, except Archie: no!!

Archie: She's right, we never estimated the cost for their Dioreshun's country for vengeance, this is a siege time!

Nicolette: Wait, what's siege.

Isabella: What? 😰 Siege? Very impossible and my demons and stegosaurus are armed.

Archie: Don't worry my girlfriend, make our God will protect us. So are you going to the Volcano regions of Ghesario!

All: Yeah!

Isabella: So, I want to permit my mother to go to the checkpoint.

Prince Andrew and his sister Andrea from royal family of Viniawholl from Ahlaria found by Elena to where the demons via flying surveillance drones to be discovered the prepared the armies of demons and devils as well as African bush elephants that are endangered species used as tank, secondly the Igniobus as living jet planes. Finally the stegosaurus is used to kill the whole in their thagomizer.

Andrew: Oh my cows!?

Andrea: What's that, stegosaurus and demons, just fantasy stories, and no scientific proof because of Ostara, she damns all lifeforms with her Mother Gaia, what nature status is that?

Commander Pruflas: Daemones es? Memento est nobis, lets accipies Ghesario usque ad regnum?

Gusion: I understand!

Commander Pruflas: What a trigger ape is that?

Gusion: Bro? Me and you are friends and let's get it mad at me ah?

Commander Pruflas: Please, don't animal to me please, the elephants; demons; devils; dragons; and a stegosaurs for siege in Ghesario Kingdom.

Jasper: Really, or I want to force marriage to Carmen!

Pruflas: Stop Jasper please! I begged you

Jasper: So, I'm a secretary of demons

Gusion: What? I'm a duke, what the duck?

Pruflas and Jasper: shame? 😒😒

Gusion: Sorry 😐?

Stegosaurus: *roars*

Pruflas: Get out of my way, the formation will interrupted.

Gusion: Jasper, let's go to Volcano, Make Pruflas as an animal? Nuisance!

Sussy: Master!

Isabella: An ogre?

Sussy: Yeah, but he didn't stop him because he wanted to be important?

The demon named Jasper Sambilongie and Gusion Malcolat are brothers in the army of Demonic Alliance Dirthsan Administrative (DADM) to exile at Mount Anderson into the outside of the boreal forest. Jasper looks forward to ahead in the boreal forests as dead people and other dead animals are attacked by a large snake with a mist. Gusion saw that he encountered some slither in the shadow.

Gusion: Jasper, watch out!

Rachelle: No one who enters my territory or my habitat?

Jasper: You nuisance!

Rachelle: Shut up!

Jasper: I'm cold!

Gusion: Sorry for you Madame Inmangdima, my charcoal pencil will be ember and ignite my pencil into a dart.

Gusion replies again: *Use the Dishonest Breaker* "Break the limits!"

Rachelle replies him: *Use the Phantom Strike* "I'm the heiress of the serpents!"

Both are drawn, but the Dirthsan Titanios attacks her as gate crasher!

Rachelle: *screams* Ah!

Gusion: What a deluge?

Titanios: *rapes her*

Jasper: Ah scandal!

Gusion: Let's get out of here in taiga. Your highness, please don't kill me please?!

Isabella and Katherine: No?

Francine: What the duck?

Archie: Hide into the bushes! Isabella c'mon to me!

Isabella: What are the animals fighting?

Lizannie: Yeah Isa, Where the animals are fighting, perhaps since animals have superhuman strength and honor to their citizens; towns; rurals; and kingdoms, known as the Guardian.

Isabella and Archie: Guardian?

Lizannie: Guardians are one of the animals or monsters that are honored by their royal family, presidency, and even the gods and goddesses. There involves a turf war and competition between a guardian and a dragon. No longer be a dragon that didn't abduct a noblewoman or princess. Their results of the professors' behavior is a "Princess and Dragon" theme, an Elder Dragon. This type of guardian that are great and typical dragons that are known to ecophagy, abducts princess or noblewoman, or an environmental depletion, even genocidal of humanity; extraterrestrials; and even creatures in their magical powers and more intelligent than humans and crows or ravens.

Isabella: Animal!

Gusion: Let me hide for me your highness?

Isabella: Sure

Archie: Really, the demon is always evil!

Gusion: No, me and Jasper are good demons! But an appreciation for your couple

Archie and Isabella: What! 😧

Gusion: Hehehe.😏

Jasper uses prehensile tail to hit Gusion's head

Gusion: Ouch Jasps!

Jasper: Oops, sorry 😐

The two guardians flee from the great red dragon.

Lizannie: Drakolossia

Isabella: This said that the dragon is large?

Lizannie: Yeah, the Drakolossia controls the volcanic activity, so don't judgment of this species

Jeremiah: How the species can

Draco: Who's that?

Lizannie: I'm a princess, so please let me know if you want to join us or not?

Draco: My father hates me, he is arrogant and selfish, so I hate this animal.

Isabella: Why?

Draco: Such beautiful, and the last thing she sees for the first time, my prophecy is true. Your highness, my favorite Princess Isabella Morrison…

Archie: I'm a Buenaventura, I'm a prince and a governor general of Thirenha and Qezhonia

Draco: Both beautiful and handsome, mean sexy and strong, the power and the help

Rachelle: Don't kill me a dragon please?

Draco: Never kills a guardian like you!

Also replies Rachelle: Really Draco?

Draco: Why not, this is your decision.

The white snake attacks both brothers and is in danger. Leonardo and Stephanie were attacked by a White Snake in fact Rachelle Imadingma it was long gone.

Roc: *screams by raping*

Dirthsan Titanios: *grunts and roars*

Archie: I say stop *his watch formed into a sword, wields ready*

Archie: *Uses the Fusion Sweep, screams* "Run out for a life"

Both are attacked in an epic battle. First time battling with a prince and a dinosaur.

Nicolette: So what's next?

Isabella: What?

Nicolette: Sorry? 😅

Draco: Stop!

Both guardians cease. The guardians are joined by Isabella Morrison under her beautiful appearance.

Stephanie: Wow Isa, your three guardians are caring for them up?

Isabella: Nope, just for my under their control.

Stephanie: *slaps her face* 🤦‍♀️, Nevermind and want to joined them for my Mother's birthday.

Isabella: Good heavens.

Nicolette: Once in a blue moon for your mother, as their message. ☺️

Isabella and Stephanie: Shut up Lette!

Nicolette: Sorry Isa and Stephanie. 😐

However, another duel attack on the Great Tern and the Dirthsan Titanios attack the white snake in retreat when Isabella and Archie arrive and chase them, but they are all tamed by Isabella Morrison. The Dirthsan Alliance Administration ahead to Mount Anderson but…

Stephanie: Help me!

Sebastian: Stef!

Jeremiah: Sis!

Leonardo: No way!

Winged Demon: hehehehe!

Sebastian: Animal!

Lizannie: Mount Anderson is near.

Leonardo: *fires his grappling hook to the feet of a dragon* got you!

Stephanie was abducted by Igniobus from the winged demons, Leonardo used a grappling hook to hook this dragon as he lifted up to the dragon. Sebastian and Jeremiah are worried about his sister.

Leonardo: Hold on, Bastian!

Sebastian: I save to you sis

Andrew: Wait for me!

Leonardo calmed the Igniobus but it ignored and fell into the nest, Stephanie bit the Igniobus and she dropped off and she tasted fried chicken with dirt.

Stephanie: Ah! *screams*

Andrew: Watch out!

Igniobus: *roars*

Leonardo: Hey red dragon! I have egg for you

Igniobus: *scares* 😰😠

Leonardo: My god, help!

Sebastian: Get over here! *Jumps and he ride*

Igniobus: *roars*

Stephanie: Brother!

Sebastian: How damn your reptile didn't get a response to your highness, Isabella Morrison!

Igniobus: *jolted and fall, but it flies through the sky*

Sebastian: Help me out, I'm the best prince who rides the dragon!

Andrew: Wow!

Sebastian: Let's ride with my dragon

Igniobus: *follows him as their owner*

But both are in the top of the Anderson Caldera, but Stephanie; Sebastian; Leonardo; and Andrew rode the Igniobus dragon, but their babies and his wife, considered this dragon was a male, never be christened again and flee. At 12:00 A.M, the Ghesario Demon siege attacked the whole nation.

Newscaster: Breaking news, the whole Ghesario Kingdom is attacked by the demons with stegosaurus… *screams and scares*

Demons: Hehehehe! 😈

Fransis as new diablo. But Fransisko confronts his brother Frederik for peace.

Fransisko: What are doing here, get out of here please

Frederik: Brother, please make you peace and friendly

Fransisko: No

Vulcan: I said to your brother, get out and you will kill.

Frederik: *wields his Gemstone Sword* No, your made first to fight, for the first time

Fransisko: Are you kidding me?

Frederik: Yeah, you never change your mind, you battle between me and you in fencing and sword fight?

Fransisko: Fine, where's my hammer! This is for my position for my father and not you.

Frederik and Fransisko: Ah!!

Both of them are fighting between the sword and the hammer.

The demons are killed by Dirthsan Alliance Administration, The Hillanos family summons attack helicopters with their laser beam and water element/fire element bullets, the fighter jets from Ahlaria kills the most Igniobus dragons in their water element missiles. The tanks from Serfothaqia kills demon rider that rides the stegosaurus and elephants. Among others, Katherine uses her scimitar to seize all demons in half. Her sister Joanne join forces. She was entered in Anderson Volcano, in lava tube entrance, the demons are killed by Jasper and Gusion in their magical powers. Frederik was blunted by his hammer, so Fransisko charge to Katherine and he was pierced by Katherine's sword that made out of adamantium to unobtainium.

Katherine: You abduct my husband! This is my revenge!

Fransisko: Ah!!

Katherine: For my nationality, my citizens, my culture, my family, and even my everything! You species became extinct!

Frederik: Stop highness!

He ran away from Katherine's revenge.

Katherine: ¡Esta es mi venganza! *exhausted*

Frederik: 🤦‍♂️ *exhaled*

David was freeing from Gusion. He attempts to escape by Gusion and Jasper, the demon guards attack that David escape; Jasper protects David, Carmen, and Gusion using his fatal knife-chakram with chaos element to kill all demons that ricochet and wounded Pruflas, Jasper battling with Pruflas as their results of friendship over.

Frederik tells Fransis to want the truth about the electively ogre as Count, that because of jealousy that older brother will elect and be promoted as his Count.

Fransis refuses him and takes in the start during the battle, except to confront Vulcan as their vengeance. Isabella and Archie enough to fight the brothers from jealousy. Vulcan attacks the whole area, Isabella and Archie are protected by Draco to never harm the humankind race from extinction.

He hates ending, Vulcan dares Fransis to start killing him. In mage type: Elizabeth, Elena, Isabella, Joshua, and Francine while the Melee users: Archie, Jeremiah, Andrew, and Andrea as well as Marksmen: Stephanie, Santiago, and Sebastian attack in multiple against the two: Pruflas and Vulcan.

Fransis is now allied with Dirthsan Alliance to take the dragon. But Katherine is shocked that David transforms into the demon form with his flamed claymore to attack both Commander Pruflas and Vulcan. Now the terrorists, protesters, poachers, and others join Dirthsan Alliance to attacks Vulcan in distracted; while Pruflas was arrested successfully by Elena and Carmen.

Make Drakolossia uses "Dragon's Sorrowful Vengeance" scorched the whole area, Isabella and Archie make plans to erupt the volcano. It erupts again later David and Fransis sacrifice to save life from danger and his brother in grief over Vulcan. Fransis attacks Vulcan while in a volcano eruption.

All Dirthsan Alliance escape from eruption while Isabella and Archie retreat with guardians, demons, devils, stegosaurs, igniobus dragons, and others escape from eruption. Both consumed by eruption while Draco as well as Gusion and David are alive when escape in this seriously erupted.

Frederik: Brother! No!?!? 😓

Draco: Goodbye all of three in the underworld

David: Don't worry everyone, I'm still alive

Ghesarian citizens: Emperor! Long live our emperor!

Make the demons and devils conditional surrender under Ghesario, now allied by Katherine as their master. Isabella and Archie were successful and kissing as well as Elizabeth to Sebastian, Leonardo to Stephanie, Francine to Andrew, Santiago to Elena, Andrea to Joshua; except for Nicolette and Jeremiah.

The Dirthsao Countries are peaceful again thanks to the two Earthling humans in the world. By the way, The Djoreshun or Georgeson family restored but her husband is alive by eruption, since he gained a immortality by Fransis' powers and that, Jasper and Gusion to thankful for save Katherine by her husband as main heroes of Ghesario even give the responsibility of alliance for any races on the Berbania.

The demons and ogres consider the new heroes of Ghesario.

David is now sitting still be never because of their tragedy, Emperor David II of Ghesario and the new title "Demon Emperor".

David: Hirllapos, chivas ignas bassa zuiller, San Xavier quallepas ighoe (in Middle Ghesarian, "Regarding my lord, never bestow my enemies as their sorrow, Saint Javier will protected us for our lives"

Jeremiah: Bow to our Emperor

Ghesarian Citizens: (*applause*)

When Rachelle was wandering the whole Dirthsao even we needed protective service.

Rachelle: I never kill the ogres!

Given the name of Roc is Stephen, was christened by Isabella Morrison, and Draco is considered the real hero the Elder Dragon in their Berbania.

Jonas Jikkartos, the former rich businessman and now one of the Clarissa's alliance for formation of Dirthsan Alliance Administration under her promotion.

Jonas: Your Highness, your organization will be ready

Clarissa: Thank you for appreciating my daughter, those my missions for us and others still never fails, understand!

Jonas: I understand

Clarissa: Good work for you

Jonas: Thanks your highness

And now, the royal people will be saying to us and their lessons.

Father Jorge: Ut benedicat tibi et Salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi

Clarissa: Praise God bless you all!

Felipe: Be kindest and respectful

William: No judgmental, no forlorn

David: I shalt not jealous is a sentence of punish

Joanne: Never the world estimated

Katherine: Seizure the problem, solving my humble

Frederik: For everyone, the world never stops for the universe

Gusion: For Isabella and Archie!

Draco, Titanios, and Stephen the Roc: *roars*

All: Long live the Governor General and the Princess!

Meanwhile in the funeral at San Pablo, Inorthian Kingdom. The demons, ogres, and others will respect the honors of their late soldiers and Frederik's brother that he consumed by lava explosion of Vulcan the Drakolossia. As the new hero of Fransisko Oghanrok the Volgros, declaration of their species is extinct by warfare quarrel by Man vs Nature event.

Frederik: Oh hello.

Felicia: My brother, meet with my husband Fredy

Horace: Oh, so sweet

Frederik: This is it, I'm the husband of his sister!

Jasper: Long live the new wedding!

Nero the Black rhinoceros: *licks Jasper*

Jasper: Yuck, Nero stop it, find your owner will be caring for her

The Ogres like Horace Ghorshak want to meet his sister Felicia Ghorshak was married to Frederik Oghanrok, and in one week that's another adventure in unknown new uncharted lands. 

Rebooted (2023)

Coming soon.




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