
Baryonyx walkeri

Baryonyx walkeri

“ I believe this dinosaur, the Baryonyx, lived in shallows and near wetland. It possibly fed on fish, which given its surroundings, would follow. One would hope its preferred diet hasn't changed in the intervening hundred million years. ”

Dr. Kajal Dua

Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Theropoda

Family: Spinosauridae

Genius: Baryonyx

Species: Baryonyx walkeri

Descendant: spinosaurid

Named by: Alan Jack Charig and Angela Cheryl Milner

Year Published: 1986

Size: 7.5 – 10 m in length; 8 feet (2.4 m) tall in height; 1,200 – 1,700 kg

Lifespan: 10–40+ years




Time Period: 145 million years ago - 125 million years ago (Berriasian - Barremian)

Alignment: Bad

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Water, Combat

Inflicts: Watered, darkened, gnashed, bleeding

Weaknesses: Electric, leaf, air

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

The Angleclaw or Sobakurm (Baryonyx walkeri) is the extinct species of spinosaur found from England to nearby countries in Northern and Western Europe during Cretaceous period, closest relative of Spinosaurus from North Africa.


The generic name derives from Ancient Greek; βαρύς (barys) means "heavy" or "strong", and ὄνυξ (onyx) means "claw" or "talon". The specific name honors walkeri, for discovering the specimen from amateur fossil collector William J. Walker.

The word Sobakurm is the combination of the words between Sobek and wyrm.

Physical Appearance

Baryonyx was small spinosaur related to Spinosaurus and Suchomimus, and it had cone-shaped teeth instead of the typical meat-eating dinosaurs' blade-shaped teeth. Its nose was long and narrow. Its hands and feet had three digits, and it had a long tail and lean, average-sized arms. One of Baryonyx's forelimb's fingers possessed a large thumb claw for grabbing prey. These features are specially adapted to the animal's diet of fish and other water-dwellers.


How each of them is affected by the Baryonyx's tail spin attack, which can inflict a 10 second stun effect to Humans as well as some other creatures, including the Baryonyx itself, excluding Warak Ngendog or Qilin who were immune to stun spin attacks.

Baryonyx is also immune to water element attacks, as well as drowning due to larger lungs that apply to the amount of oxygen. Water-imbued weapons are very useless.

Baryonyx on land poses as much of a threat as any of the larger carnivores, but it is deadly in the water. Its tail spin will stun lock the player, rendering them unable to surface for air or draw their weapons to defend themselves. Death by drowning is almost certain if it catches you underwater. 


The Baryonyx isn't any more powerful than creatures on land, therefore it's feasible to just let a mount take the punishment while the rider takes down the enemy.


Baryonyx was piscivorous (fish-eating), speculating that it crouched on a riverbank and used its claw to gaff fish out of the water (similar to the modern grizzly bear). Some spinosaurids from Niger were similar to those of the modern gharial and suggested a behavior similar to herons or storks.

In actuality, the original Baryonyx specimen from Surrey, England, lends support to both hypotheses. Paleontologists discovered partially digested bones from a young Iguanodon as well as the scales of huge fish inside the stomach of this dinosaur. This is a compelling argument in favor of Baryonyx consuming both fish and dinosaurs. Excellent in swimming, baryonyx has even been observed dozing off underwater. The dinosaur may stay underwater while at rest for up to 20 minutes before coming to the surface to breathe.

The Baryonyx is usually seen along shore lines. It is a highly aggressive predator, and will pursue its prey to death.


Given that fish is its primary food source, it prefers to reside close to bodies of water. It is believed that although it is a very skilled swimmer and occasionally has to venture into the water to acquire its prey, it can also use its strong claws to capture prey on land as well as in the water.

Any close survivors, mounts, or wild animals will be targeted by Baryonyx, whether they are on land or in the sea. Although not the quickest swimmer, this creature is nevertheless a threat.

Distribution and Habitat

Specimens later discovered in other parts of the United Kingdom and Iberia have the swamplands, marshes and other coastal areas like rivers or lakes.


Baryonyx was tamed by tranquilizing when the top of the objects like trees or other structures are saved from Baryonyxs. If you have the gnashed-negate armor or talisman, including the underwater potion or talisman is approved to avoid drowning while fighting with Baryonyx.

During tranquilizing, feeding while unconscious with meat or fish meat and guarded by your menageries or tames to avoid any steal killing. Then you climb up on the back of a spinosaurid once it has landed. If you give a fish or piece of flesh to a spinosaurid, it will take off, but don't worry, you won't fall. The third person is now in view. After the initial feeding, pause for a brief period before feeding it again.

Alternatively, to tame a spinosaurid, survivors must grab one of its eggs. The kids must be fed any kind of milk after hatching from these eggs, which can be obtained from a variety of sources. The fact that the survivor is always within 10 radii of the hatching egg causes all spinosaurids to become domesticated as soon as they emerge from an egg. The spinosaurid can be educated using a whip, worms, animal flesh, fish wrapped in seaweed, or fish eggs if it hasn't already been.


Baryonyx incident of 1867

Rose Maylie, the aunt of Oliver Twist saw the incident with the unknown theropod before discovery from Alice Liddell. However, many people from Great Britain, the commonwealth and foreigners from other countries are killed by a crocodilian dragon lurking in England. She wrote the paper about this creature that she didn’t attack by Baryonyx and left after the incident. According to her, there was another war between Wonderland and England by the Agarthans of Agartha and she and others followed to the 21st century by Alicia Merry, a modern Alice from the 21st century.

Known Individuals

Foreign Languages
