Israeli Behemoth

Gigantodemonus israelica

Israeli Behemoth

A large and humongous ire slams its tail and crushes the heavyweight of this paradoxical primeval monster. resembles the shape of soil and rocks as a first judgment.  ”


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Clade: Synapsida

Clade: Cynodontia

Order: Israelosauria

Family: Gigantodemonidae

Genius: Gigantodemonus

Species: Gigantodemonus israelica

Descendant: cynodont

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 10.5 meters tall in height; 78.5 meters in length; 700,000 kilograms in weight



Pantheon: Israeli

Time Period: Permian–Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★

Diet: Omnivorous

Elements: Rock

Inflicts: Rockblight, stumped, stunned, sundered

Weaknesses: Water, leaf, ice, metal, combat

Casualties: unknown

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Israeli Behemoth or simply Behemoth (Gigantodemonus israelica), is a new character introduced in Worldcraft: The Center of the Ocean as the main third antagonistic antihero.

Israeli Behemoth is Horatio's earth element, causing tremors and desertification if distracted. Blown up with two tusks to crush into a half stroke. Same name as Jews, same of the name, not the Bahamut fish (dragon) in Arab mythology.


The Hebrew word behemoth has the same form as the plural of the Hebrew noun בהמה behemah meaning 'beast', some theorize that the word might originate from an Egyptian word of the form pꜣ jḥ mw "the water-ox" meaning "hippopotamus".


Only summoned by totem in Mount Descartes on the Horatio continent, the largest and tallest mountains on the Reinachos planet, surpassed Wuchowsen's defeat.

Physical Appearance

Israeli Behemoths are essentially hulking humongous synapsids with mahogany bodies and cream-colored underbellies. They have numerous keratinous peach-colored small spikes on their necks, backs, and tails, resembling Rathian. They have comparatively small limbs with dark brown hands and feet and long tails. On their heads, they have two oxen-shaped horns near the ear and two larger tusks near the ear temporal opening slightly. Their mouths have small teeth, with several larger teeth on the outside of their mouths.


Israeli Behemoth summons earthquakes, rather than slamming their feet or punching with hands-shaped rock formations, and commands sandstorms via the cerebrum and mind. Due to its large size, it easily crushed its enemies. Slapping their tail with spikes causes blunted or sundered armor. Because he is elemental, Behemoth heals earth or soil under the spirit for healing. Extra defense absorbs the earth element to make the "Armor of God" more resistant than others.


Weather Phenomenon

Sandstorms and earthquakes are the cause of Israeli Behemoth under the subject between ecological niche and the ecological balance of the faith.


The Israeli Behemoth played a very crucial role in the event in the Fertile Crescent. Even maintain an environment or people who want to curse. Like many other guardians, the Israeli Behemoth has been around since ancient times and has been documented throughout history. Yahweh is hatred of the other chaos-monster, Leviathan, and according to later Jewish tradition, both would become food for the righteous at the end of time, along with Behemoth, Ziz, and Caddy as well.

Israeli Behemoth's strength reaches its peak on the summer solstice of every solar year (around June 21). At this time of year, Israeli Behemoth lets out a loud roar that makes all animals tremble with fear. It is believed to feed on minerals and ore because it is earthly; however, because little is known about it, a lot about its ecology is still insufficient to contain them with Wuchowsen and Caddy, even some sea serpents. From its enormous size, Israeli Behemoth has few creatures to fear, but it has been reported that it seems to fear some kind of powerful monster because it is running away from a Mothsol and twins of fire of Seraphim: the red and blue dragons Y Ddraig Goch or a single Eldritch Terror; the Dragon Gods and Akkorokamui.


Israeli Behemoths are extremely docile, even when facing multiple foes, but it seems the giant isn't particularly aggressive. They appear to care little about survivors, as they mainly ignore them.

Distribution and Habitat

It is endemic to all regions in Israel, and migrated to Palenstine. Reinachos: eastern portions of Horatio and western portions of Pascua Delos Desierto; originated on Earth known as Land of the God, Israel. According to the legend, the unconquerable male land-monster, living in an invisible desert east of the Garden of Eden between Iraq and Armenia.


Israeli behemoths can't be tamed because of their strong connection with God.

Rather than a baby feeding with forbidden fruit, an illegal kind of unknown fruit can instantly tame an Israeli behemoth. Never required the totem for tamed Israeli Behemoth.


Bereshit 300,000–70,000 BCE

Numerous Jews, American scientists, and Japanese researchers discovered that Diictodon was the ancestor of the behemoth. These smaller synapsids, which originated in the Permo-Triassic, are now found from China to South Africa. In ancient times, Israel and Palestine primarily revolved around the rivalry and conflict between two ancient secret tribes of Israel: the Judah, who represented freedom and the ancestors of Israelis, and the Reuben, who represented order and the ancestors of Palestinians. Gods, elves, fairies, and angels bred Israeli Behemoths, descendants of live Diictodons, to generate a big, strong, and obedient workforce. The forced evolution that produced all other species on planet Earth today

A beast from the biblical Book of Job, it is a form of the primeval gigantic beast, mixed lizard, and buffalo created by Eostre at the beginning of creation; she is paired with the other animals in Israel; according to later Jewish tradition, both would become food for the righteous at the end of the Judah-Reuben War. Its limbs, which are like iron bars, cannot pass through these bronze tubes of bones. God's first creation is the beast; whoever created him is invited to approach with his sword, which is useless against the beast's armor. Since he plays with all the large animals, the mountains provide food for him.

As many tribes are aware, some Egyptians gave the name Behemoth to the tribes of Judah; he consumes salt and rocks in addition to grass like an ox and has strength in his loins and power in the muscles of his belly of righteousness and agony. His tail becomes as stiff as a cedar as a result of this lethal blunt, and the earth trembles thanks to the tightening of the sinews in his thighs.

Israeli Behemoths are the surviving members of the Enn’s creations for Enneads, also known as Precursors or Terran Deities, an ancient humaniod species that existed before humans and who created both humans and other animals so that they could coexist peacefully in Sawintir and on planet Earth. The Enneads established the Enn Remnants to rule over them in order to prevent humans, members of other races, and animals from rebelling against them. The term "Terran deities" refers to ancient aliens who are the last in a line of benevolent Eldritch Terrors' reincarnations. Enn did come from space; however, after settling on Earth and evolving over time into human-like and godlike hominids,

Known Individuals

Known Individuals

Past and Present Incidents Individuals

The Recollections of Queen Arianna Individuals



paper drawing

transparent render

white background render

Chronological Appears


Two Lights

Equation the Series


Weather Dragons

No Way to Seaway

Independent Series

Foreign Languages
