
Vulcanoiguanops pyrophagus


Meh, an explosive fat lizard.


Scientific Taxonomy & Character Information

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Clade: Dinosauria

Clade: Saurischia

Order: Guivernia

Suborder: Sauroscyllonia

Superfamily: Lacerocanidae

Family: Lacerocanidae

Genius: Vulcanoiguanops

Species: Vulcanoiguanops pyrophagus

Descendant: thorny wyvern

Named by: ???

Year Published: ???

Size: 17.8 m in length; 15.67 m tall in height; 260 kg in weight




Time Period: Holocene

Alignment: Neutral

Threat Level: ★★★★★★★★

Diet: Carnivorous

Elements: Fire, rock

Inflicts: Burned, poison, paralysis

Weaknesses: Water, ice

Casualties: ???

Based On: itself

Conservation Status: 

Dodogama ® - This species is a registered trademark of Capcom Co., and it is used by Earth Responsibly and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure spinoff as permission.

Dodogama (Vulcanoiguanops pyrophagus) is fictional species of saurischian wyvern and a Fanged Wyvern first introduced in Monster Hunter: World.

Physical Appearance

Dodogama's body style is identical to that of its relative, the Great Jagras; it is covered in orange and blue stripes, with tan gray glove and stocking patterns on each limb. Its enormous lower jaw, which has five grayish-black projections on it, was once used to store rocks in its mouth. When these rocks get volatile, the rocks inside the mouth glow orange.


Dodogama is known to defend itself using the rocks it consumes. When these rocks are combined with its saliva, they become explosive in nature, becoming a powerful explosive projectile that it can spit at predators and other aggressors. However, damaging its jaw enough after it has eaten can cause the rocks within its mouth to prematurely explode, briefly weakening the monster. It is also capable of using a charge attack that generates blast-inflicting sparks.

Dodogama has a furnace-like mouth. Its mouth generates greater heat than most other normal creatures when the minerals it has consumed are mixed with its saliva. Dodogama has a big belly because it lacks any organs to regulate its body temperature. The lower jaws of Dodogama account for almost thirty percent of the monster's mass. Dodogama's jaws are perfect for collecting minerals while it's stationary or moving because they can withstand tremendous heat and even shield it from powerful explosions. Dodogama need strong limbs and a broad neck to maintain itself, as seen by the size and weight of its head.

Dodogama would approach enemies and attempt to scare them away by spitting explosive rocks out of its mouth. With these rocks in its jaws, Dodogama uses them to scare off would-be predators. Usually, after fighting a threat a few times, Dodogama will leave. Queen Arianna and her heirs claim that the Dodogama's ultimate skill, called "Wyvernblast Destruction," is stronger than the Hunter's Light Bowgun's ultimate skill, "Wyvernblast Counter," which shoots a potent bullet that can inflict significant damage on monsters and cause a large explosion. The "Wyvernblast Destruction" shoots a strong fire at rocks, resulting in a massive explosion that can do significant damage to anyone nearby. It behaves much like a cannonball.

Weather Phenomenon

Coming soon


A medium-sized fanged wyvern, a flightless saurischian found in the Elder's Recess, Dodogama is an unusual member of the class whose exact origins are unclear. It's considered to be closely related to the Jagras and other Thief Dog Wyverns from its physical similarities, but it has many genetic differences.

Dodogama is believed to be a member of an extinct species that formerly existed throughout the planet before going extinct over time. Its ancestors most likely broke away from the Jagras family a long time ago. Dodogama appears to be among the surviving representatives of this species.

Another possibility is that an extinct Jagras family member had changed and adapted to the surroundings of the Elder's Recess. It will be challenging to identify Dodogama's true relatives in the absence of fossil evidence, but many are eager to learn more about this monster.

Dodogama is a fanged wyvern that feeds on minerals, notably crystals found in the Elder's Recess, unlike the other fanged wyverns that are carnivorous in nature. Its digestive tract and salivary glands are full with extremophiles, which break down minerals and sulfur to produce explosive rocks. Like other fanged wyverns, the Dodogama hunts small animals and some fruits when its dietary requirement is low.

Dodogama's mouth is like a furnace. When the minerals it has eaten are combined with its saliva, its mouth produces a large amount of heat, more than most normal organisms. Dodogama doesn't have any organs to maintain its body temperature, so it has a large belly. By dragging its large gut on the ground, Dodogama can release excess heat out of its body into its environment to keep itself cool and swallow its minerals without having to spit out any. It needs to constantly move to maintain its body temperature.

Dodogama's bottom jaws make up about 30% percent of the monster's weight. Used for scooping up minerals while stationary or on the move, Dodogama's jaws are extremely heat resistant and can protect it from intense explosions. From the size and weight of its head, Dodogama needs strong limbs and a thick neck to support itself.

The inside of Dodogama's mouth has stretchy skin that allows it to store many explosive rocks inside its mouth. The more rocks inside its mouth, the softer and more exposed its jaws become. Dodogama will confront threats and spit explosive rocks from its mouth at them to try to scare them off. While these rocks are inside of its mouth, it uses them for intimidation against potential predators, and Dodogama will usually flee after attacking a threat a few times.

Due to its diet of minerals, Dodogama is solitary in nature. However, a female Dodogama isn't completely solitary. Every few years, female Dodogama will go to rocky shores to lay eggs, usually 3–4 of them, near volcanic craters. These eggs are surprisingly large. It takes the eggs about one month to hatch, and the hatchlings will use their powerful jaws to break through their eggshell. Once they hatch, the young Dodogama will stay within their mother's territory for several months before leaving her as they get over.

Dodogama is a typically peaceful creature, but when it sees another big monster, it turns hostile. There are many strong monsters in the Elder's Recess, including Elder Dragons, yet Dodogama is not easily alarmed by its enemies. Dodogama, the mother, will chew up and regurgitate minerals to feed her offspring while they are living with her. The guild wishes to prevent the extinction of these creatures since Dodogama is probably one of the remaining members of an ancient family.

To maintain the survival of this species, tremendous care must be taken in all four realms—Earth, Reinachos, Sawintir or Everrealm, and the world of Monster Hunter—as even the tiniest environmental changes can have a significant impact on these creatures. Dodogama may eventually emerge as the "Flagship Monster of the Elder's Recess" and the keystone species.


Dodogama is a fairly docile monster, only fighting survivors if they attack it first or if it is already fighting another large creature. Dodogama, the mother, will chew up and regurgitate minerals to feed her offspring while they are living with her. The Templar Order, the Order of Assassins, and the Conservationist Hunters of Hunter's Guild intended to save these animals from extinction since Dodogama is probably one of the last members of an ancient family.

Distribution and Habitat

Dodogama was found in rocky to lava terrain areas in Elder's Recess, where the diet was rock, ash, sulfur, salt, moss, and crystals.


Dodogama can be captured and tamed as a pet. Its favorite food is sulfur.


Dodogama is a little-studied and little-understood but extremely significant species on Planet Earth. It is the source of numerous records possessed by the three ancient Adamic factions—the Templar Order, the Order of Assassins, and the Conservationist Hunters. Dodogama is known for defending itself with the pebbles it consumes. When combined with its saliva, these stones take on an explosive nature that allows it to spit them as a powerful missile at predators and assailants.

The ancestral home of George Washington was burned, and Charles Lee became concerned that his right flank would be vulnerable and moved with Lafayette's detachment to secure it, but the supplies were quickly burned by a wyvern. One of his best friends must've died in an accident, but Ratonhnhaké:ton was lucky to have survived Dodogama and was unable to defeat this creature, and he defended his daughter Io:nhiòte from Dodogama’s destruction. In the Kingdom of Andalasia, or Andalusia in Spain, Dodogama kills and incinerates the parents of Giselle and Prince Edward, while Teostra subsequently kills and burns the parents of Narissa.

According to Queen Arianna and her descendants, the Dodogama's ultimate skill resembles Hunter's Light Bowgun's ultimate skill, dubbed "Wyvernblast Destruction," but is stronger than "Wyvernblast Counter," which fires a powerful bullet that causes a large explosion and can deal great damage to monsters. The "Wyvernblast Destruction" fires a powerful fire at rocks that causes a large explosion that acts like a cannonball and can deal great damage to all.

This species has always been a killer from birth, even if the Dodogama turns evil and malicious due to numerous attacks and killings by Deviljho, Rathalos, Rathian, Lavasioth, Espinas, Kushala Daora, Teostra, and Safi'jiiva. Because of their persecution, need for territory and food, and desire to drive out people like Narissa, Giselle, Edward, George Washington, Charles Lee, Ratonhnhaké:ton, and others, the Dodogama are the bad Fanged Wyvern and less violent.

Known Individuals



" A monster that devours rock as its primary diet. The crystals it devours mix with its saliva to produce explosive minerals that it can spit at its enemies. "

- Monster Hunter World

Foreign Languages
